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Understanding Types of Speeches Based on Nature, Purpose, and Delivery

Understanding Types of Speeches Based on Nature, Purpose, and Delivery (credit: pixabay) - A speech is a way to convey an idea or concept to anyone who wants to listen. Generally, a speech is delivered by someone or a speaker about events that need to be discussed. Therefore, delivering a speech should not be done carelessly. Instead, it should be accompanied by well-structured words and expressions, facial expressions, intonation, and body gestures.

Having basic public speaking skills is very important. Whether you like it or not, you will experience speaking in front of the public. Basically, a good speech can leave a positive impression on those who hear it. That's why you also need to know the types of speeches to expand your knowledge. However, before that, you also need to know the function of a speech itself. Instead of being curious, let's directly read the following explanation.

1. Speech Function

With various types of speeches, of course there are a series of speech functions that you need to know. What are they?

-Speech has the function of influencing others to follow your will.

-Making others happy or entertained with the words conveyed.

-Providing information and facilitating communication.

-Facilitating communication.

-Creating a conducive condition where only one person needs to embarrass the speech.


2. Types of Speech Based on Their Nature

Types of speeches based on their nature are further divided into six. To find out more clearly, please refer to the following complete review.

-Speech of Greetings, this type of speech is a speaking or delivering an oration in public that aims to provide an explanation or description of something discussed in a meeting.

-Opening Speech, this type of speech is generally delivered briefly by the event reader or MC.

-Direction Speech, a type of speech that aims to direct a meeting.

-Inauguration Speech, is a speech carried out by an influential person to inaugurate something.

-Accountability Speech, is a speech that contains a report of accountability.

-Report Speech, which is a speech that reports a task or activity.


3. Types of Speech Based on its Purpose

Types of speech based on its purpose can be divided into five. To understand more clearly, please refer to the complete explanation below.

-Informative Speech, is a type of speech that aims to convey information to the public so that the public becomes aware of something. Information can be believed with facts as a means of concretization in its presentation.

-Descriptive Speech, is a type of speech that describes or depicts something with the aim of enabling the public to imagine an object.

-Persuasive Speech, is a type of speech that aims to persuade or convince listeners to do what is conveyed in order to change their choices or attitudes.

-Argumentative Speech, is a type of speech that aims to convince listeners of a particular topic by proving its truth to the public.

-Recreational Speech, is a type of speech that aims to entertain listeners. It is usually found in gatherings, parties, or certain celebrations.


4. Types of Speech Based on Delivery Method

Types of speech based on delivery method are further divided into four. To understand more clearly, please refer to the following complete review.

-Impromptu Speech, impromptu speech is a type of speech delivered suddenly without any prior preparation. This speech is only done in emergency situations or spontaneity where the speaker conveys information based on experience or knowledge. The speaker also does not need to prepare special preparations such as preparing a speech text script and memorizing it.

-Manuscript Speech, is a speech text using a script, where the speaker reads the prepared speech script from beginning to end. It can be said that this type of speech only reads instead of delivering the speech. The advantage of this type of speech is that it can be selected well so that the speaker can deliver it well. Fluency in speaking can be achieved and arranged, as the words have been prepared beforehand. Furthermore, deviations can also be avoided.

- Memorized Speech, is a type of speech by memorizing the script beforehand. In this type of speech, what is important is that you have the ability to memorize the speech text and remember the words in it well. So, if you can memorize it well, then your speech will also be smooth and well-received. However, the disadvantage of this type of speech is usually delivered monotonously, so the possibility of attracting attention is very small.

- Impromptu Speech, this type of speech is known to be very good, especially used by experienced and skilled speakers. When delivering an impromptu speech, the speaker must first prepare the main points and supporting topics. The advantage of an impromptu speech is better communication between the audience and the speaker because the speaker speaks directly to the audience.

Those are a series of speech types that you need to know. Hopefully, it will increase your knowledge.





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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