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6 Types of Tourism in Indonesia, Along with Examples and Objectives

6 Types of Tourism in Indonesia, Along with Examples and Objectives Tourism in Indonesia (credit: pixabay) - Who doesn't like traveling? Everyone loves traveling, because traveling can be a moment to relieve fatigue or even for quality time. Places tourism that are still favorites and many destinations are natural attractions. But everyone has their own travel references, some like nature tourism, water tourism, or others.

Indonesia is very rich in tourism, especially natural tourism, so it is often a destination for both local residents and foreign tourists to travel. Tourism is a travel activity that is done by traveling around, both planned and unplanned, which can result in extraordinary experiences. There are several types of tourism based on its objectives, such as:


1. Cultural Tourism

Cultural tourism is the first type of tourism. This type of tourism is not inferior to other types of tourism, and is often included in school visits. Cultural tourism is a journey undertaken to broaden one's horizons by visiting or exploring new places that contain culture. This tourism involves learning about the people's conditions, customs, way of life, art, and culture.

With such an agenda, this tourism will have benefits and objectives such as preserving nature, advancing culture, promoting the nation's image, fostering love for the homeland, strengthening self-identity, and fostering friendship between nations. If you are interested in cultural tourism, you can visit museums or regions that still hold their culture tightly.



2. Maritime or Marine Tourism

Marine tourism is a recreational activity that takes place in the sea, beach, island, or its surroundings. This tourism is filled with activities that challenge bravery, tranquility, history, and most importantly, it can make people love nature and the environment more.

Each maritime tourism location indeed has different characteristics and uniqueness. You can find interesting things in each place with different sides. For example, relaxing on the beach while enjoying the gentle breeze and exotic scenery will be the most enjoyable and calming activity.



3. Nature Reserve Tourism

Nature reserve tourism is widely done by nature lovers or those who enjoy photographing various animals or species and diverse fauna. A nature reserve is an area where living creatures, whether plants or animals, live sustainably. Their existence in forest areas is protected by law from the risk of extinction.

For those of you who are interested in this tourism, you can visit Bali, where the developed nature reserve tourism is West Bali National Park and Eka Karya Botanic Garden. The purpose of marine tourism is to protect the ecosystem around the nature reserve to keep it pristine and protected.



4. Convention Tourism

The next type of tourism is convention tourism. Various countries are currently developing convention tourism by providing buildings with meeting rooms for participants, for conferences, consultations, or national and international meetings. For example, the Philippines has the PICC (Philippine International Convention Center) in Manila, or Indonesia has the Balai Sidang Senayan in Jakarta as a venue for large meetings equipped with modern facilities.

The more conventions held in Indonesia, the more foreign exchange the country obtains from these activities. Since convention participants usually stay longer than regular tourists, they naturally incur higher expenses.



5. Agricultural Tourism

Agricultural tourism is the organization of travel to agricultural projects, plantations, nurseries, and so on. This tourism allows tourists to visit and observe for study purposes or simply to enjoy the atmosphere. Agricultural tourism has great potential if managed properly, as Indonesia has a geographical location and climate that are very supportive.

The concept of agricultural tourism emphasizes cooperation between farmers and the government. In this case, the role of the government is very important in supporting the programs that will be implemented and providing funding. In addition, agricultural extension is also important to provide guidance on how to increase productivity while still running the tourism program well.



6. Hunting Tourism

The last type of tourism is hunting tourism. This tourism is commonly done in places that have hunting areas or forests permitted by the government. Hunting tourism is regulated and determined by the government of each country, so hunting is not done arbitrarily. For example, in India, there are areas specifically designated for hunting tigers, rhinos, and so on. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, the government opens hunting tourism in the Java region, such as Garut.

The Garut region has suitable forests for hunting, with wild boars being the main target, especially when their population is high and starts to disturb the locals' crops. The hunted animals are basically wild animals such as wild boars. This is based on the consideration that wild boars are considered pests that harm farmers.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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