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7 Most Beautiful Types of Goldfish Suitable for Aquariums

7 Most Beautiful Types of Goldfish Suitable for Aquariums (credit: flicker) - Do you like types of goldfish? Did you know that goldfish is one of the most popular ornamental fish in Indonesia because of its beautiful colors and types? Goldfish was originally cultivated by the Chinese community around 960 to 1729. In addition to being popular, goldfish is easy to breed and has high economic value. Goldfish is loved by the community because of its beautiful colors, adorable movements, and unique body shapes.

In addition, this fish has better body resistance compared to other freshwater ornamental fish. For those of you who are interested in keeping them, you must understand the types of goldfish. Here are the types of goldfish that are suitable for keeping in an aquarium:

1. Comet Goldfish

The first type of goldfish is the comet goldfish, which has a long and wide tail that is white in color and is the oldest and most famous type of goldfish. Most of these fish are yellow with orange accents and have smooth and flat scales. Comets will always move their long and wide tails, as they have a very aggressive nature and are rarely seen still. Comets can grow up to 33 cm in length if cared for properly and are healthy.

2. Lionhead Goldfish

There are many different types of goldfish with various colors and different shapes, such as the lionhead goldfish. This fish is one of the oldest and rarely found in the wild. The lionhead goldfish has the most popular and famous scientific name, Carassius Auratus, among the fish family without dorsal fins.

Among all types of goldfish, lionheads are one of the most vulnerable because they cannot tolerate polluted living environments. This means you must have an aquarium with proper filtration and lighting if you want to keep this type of fish.

3. Oranda Goldfish

Oranda is the most popular goldfish with a cheap price and beautiful colors that captivate everyone who sees it. Oranda's characteristics are easily recognized by its hood, known as 'wen'. Oranda will eat all types of live and dry food, so if you want to keep this type of goldfish, you must prepare food that suits the fish's character, either by making it yourself or buying ready-made feed from pet stores.

4. Pearlscale Goldfish

The next type of goldfish is the pearlscale goldfish, which belongs to the same breed as fancy goldfish. Its round body shape makes it adorable when swimming. In addition, this fish has a bulging belly that shows its neatly covered scales.

Its scales look like pearls because of the protruding center. Like its body size, the lifespan of pearlscale goldfish depends on how well the aquarium it lives in is maintained. The most common lifespan for this fish is 10-15 years, but sometimes it can reach 20 years if properly cared for.

5. Black Moor Goldfish

This fish, which has a body size of about 25 cm, is classified as very easy to care for. Its body color is black, in accordance with its name, and there are several areas that are silver or orange in color. This fish has a unique characteristic, which is its protruding eyeballs that can be cone-shaped or simply round.

Aside from its eyes, black moors are relatively easy to maintain because of their tough nature and their resistance to lower water quality and temperature. For those of you who want to take care of this fish, make sure you pay attention to the contents of the aquarium to protect the fish's eyes from sharp objects that can injure them.

6. Ryukin Goldfish

Ryukin goldfish is a short-bodied fish that is highly favored for its unique appearance. This fish is active, agile, and enjoys observing its surroundings. Ryukin has a physique similar to a fantail, but it has a hump right behind its head. With its short and chubby appearance, the back of the ryukin is often referred to as the 'humpback'. Ryukin is one of the tough types of goldfish and is very easy to care for.

7. Ranchu Goldfish

The last type of goldfish is the ranchu goldfish. Ranchu was first bred in Japan from 1868 to 1912. Initially, this fish did not have a head bump. Generally, this fish has two types, a straight-bodied type and an egg-shaped type. It does not have a dorsal fin, but it has a fantail or a fan-shaped tail and a curved back. When properly cared for, the body of a ranchu can reach a length of 20 cm.

Those are some of the most beautiful types of goldfish that you can keep. Which one is your favorite?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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