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56 Touching Love Triangle Words, Representing the Deepest Feelings

56 Touching Love Triangle Words, Representing the Deepest Feelings Love triangle words (credit: - Confronted with a love triangle certainly is not the hope of everyone. Because love triangles usually place a fairly complicated relationship. Moreover, if the love triangle occurs between two people who know each other and even friends. This condition certainly feels very difficult and makes the heart uncomfortable. A number of love words triangle that touches the heart can represent the feelings when faced with such a situation.

Love triangles occur between three people who have feelings for each other. In short, two people love or like the same person at the same time. This love triangle problem is often found in a number of films, novels, or dramas that discuss love triangle relationships.

But in the real world, this condition is certainly not expected to happen to your relationship and partner. However, once again, like a fairly popular term, that love cannot be forced and runs as it is. So this condition may occur between you and a friend who loves the same person.

A number of love words triangle that touch can represent the deepest feelings. In addition, love triangle words can also inspire you to let go of someone you love or even move forward to get their heart.

Some love triangle words below can be your reference. The touching love triangle words have been summarized by from various sources.


1. Love Triangle Words

Like the previous review, love triangle words can represent your feelings when faced with such conditions. Especially if you and your closest friend love the same person, it risks making the friendship relationship less conducive. Love triangle words can be a reference if you are faced with such conditions.

1. Don't hesitate with your choice. Everything intended well will end well.

2. Having choices sometimes makes it difficult for you to decide.

3. No matter how difficult the trials that want to shake our relationship, I still keep you and love you.

4. Although there are many other people who are better, I will not give up to be the best in your life.

5. Give certainty to make the heart feel more calm.

6. No heart wants to be hurt. Discuss it well so that everything is more sincere and calm.

7. Doubts in choosing often come to fill the heart. Choose someone who is serious, not just passing by.

8. A love relationship can only be carried out by two parties, not three or more.

9. In love, a firm attitude is also needed. So that no heart misunderstands.

10. In showing seriousness, struggle and sincerity are needed in giving the best.

11. When you have found true love, do not intend to find it again. Embrace and hold onto them as long as you still have them.

12. Never say love if your heart still keeps another name and secretly fights for it.

13. A love triangle makes me have to let go sincerely, because no heart can sincerely love two at the same time.

14. All efforts will eventually end in certainty.

15. Love is a box, always fair on every side. Jealousy is a triangle, always sharp on every side.

16. Trapped in a love triangle, some people are not only brave enough to end their love story but also end their lives for anyone who ruins their storyline.

17. Doing everything the best is our duty. And making the best decision is the power of God.


2. Unrequited Love Triangle Words

There is nothing wrong with love and liking someone, but in some conditions, love can actually ruin everything if not accompanied by logic. When experiencing a love triangle, some people may feel unrequited love. Because someone they love may like someone else. The following unrequited love triangle words can represent your feelings.

18. I can only be silent, unable to speak much, and I can only hold back, hold back my love, because your love is only for him, never for me.

19. I will be sad when the person I love turns out to love someone else more. But it will be sadder to see the person I love pretending to love me.

20. Even though you have rejected the love I gave, I don't know why this love doesn't want to leave me.

21. If you are not meant to be mine, but allow me to keep loving you.

22. This love of mine is not an ordinary love, it will not fade even if you don't accept this feeling of love.

23. Not all hopes can be obtained and not all love can be reciprocated.

24. Unrequited love is the best experience to give your sincere love to the right person.

25. Don't make someone your top priority while you are only their option. - Mark Twain

26. There are many things we don't want to leave behind in this life, but everything will have an end according to His provisions.

27. It hurts, indeed it hurts, disappointed, indeed disappointed that I feel, but I am the one who chooses to love you.

28. Sometimes all you can do is to endure. No matter how painful it is, because it will hurt more if you lose it.

29. I truly don't want to betray your love, but what can I do when I have fallen in love with him. Maybe I can't be faithful in your heart because my feelings for you and for him are the same.

30. I may still be able to wait for your love, but if I am tired, maybe it's time for me to try to let go and forget you forever.


3. Troubled Love Triangle Words

When experiencing a love triangle, it often creates a feeling of confusion. This feeling envelops the heart when recalling the love relationship that was experienced. Especially if you truly love them, but have to let go for the sake of mutual goodness. The following love triangle words of confusion may be a reference for you.

31.True love doesn't always mean being together, sometimes true love is separated but nothing changes.

32.Although it's not easy, the best answer will come sooner or later.

33.Never cry for someone who hurts you. Smile and say 'thank you' because they have given you the opportunity to find someone better.

34.Forgive me for choosing you, forgive me for falling in love with you first, and forgive me for being infatuated with them in the end.

35.The sky is not always clear, sometimes rain can bring disaster and feelings can often be hurt.

36.When they choose someone new, be grateful. God is showing you a more beautiful path.

37.Reality doesn't always align with hope, but it doesn't mean that we should be overwhelmed by despair.

38.They who can't accept your love, doesn't mean they become a barrier to your future.

39. There comes a time in life when you have to choose to turn the page, write another book, or just close it. - Shannon L Alder

40. Not everything you think is beautiful will end beautifully. The same goes for the opposite.

41. I may still be able to wait for your love's presence, but if I am tired, maybe it's time for me to try to let go and forget you forever.

42. Love also has seasons. Sometimes we are illuminated by its beauty, sometimes we are drenched in its sadness.

43. Even though love ends not as expected, your life must always keep going.

44. Don't blame yourself when there is a third person in your relationship. God always has many ways to make you realize how valuable you are.

45. Why cheat if in reality you can be faithful? If in the end it only ends in disappointment, why didn't you choose them from the beginning.


4. Heartbreaking Love Triangle Words

Triangular love words that make both parties sad and painful when accepting the reality that their idol chooses someone else. Triangular love can also happen when you try to sincerely accept a relationship that may have been wrong. Here are some triangular love words that make you sad.

46. Maybe it's better for me to end all the stories about us, because I can't possibly hurt you and also hurt him.

47. If this feeling is a sin, then let it be, because I can't possibly let go of you and him.

48. It's not that I can't be faithful, but forgive me because I fell in love again, I want him just like I want you.

49. Love that is not united by Allah in this world may be saved by Him to be united in the afterlife. - Mahardhika Zifana

50. Every time your heart breaks, a door opens to a world full of new beginnings, new opportunities. - Patti Roberts

51. Now I can no longer feel love from others because my love is only for you, even though you don't know what I feel.

52. Because of love, nothing can truly stand alone. It should be fought for together. - Boy Candra

53. If this life is indeed a battle, we only know who wins and loses at the end of life. As long as we are still breathing, there is still a chance to win. - Fransisca Todi

54. You don't need to have everything to be happy, because all you need is someone who can make you smile when you're hurt.

55. Love cannot be forced, but be smart in choosing a heart that already has a bond.

56. No one realizes the beauty of love, until you lose it.

That's 56 love triangle words that touch the heart, representing the deepest feelings. Some of the above love triangle words can be a reference for you if you are facing such a condition.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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