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33 Funny Words About Money That Make You Laugh Out Loud, But Also Full of Meaning

33 Funny Words About Money That Make You Laugh Out Loud, But Also Full of Meaning Illustration (credit: freepik) - It cannot be denied, at this time money has become one of the most important things in life. Not without reason, because with money people can fulfill their daily needs. To earn money, someone must work hard. That is why money is very synonymous with hard work. However, who would have thought that money can also be seen from a humorous perspective, like in funny words about money.

Yes, money is indeed synonymous with important and serious things, such as needs, interests, business, and so on. So it's no wonder that there is always a discussion about money in daily life. Among the many important discussions, money is also often the subject of jokes or humor.

Jokes about money, among others, can be found in funny words about money. However, funny words about money often still have hidden meanings. What are they like?

Here are some funny words about money, quoted from and




1. Funny Words about Money that Make You Laugh

As the name suggests, funny words about money are written in a humorous language. Therefore, anyone who reads it will feel entertained and laugh. However, usually discussions about money are serious matters, and often make someone feel stressed. Here are some funny words about money that can make you laugh.

1. "Various diseases medicine is the red medicine with the two fathers, Soekarno-Hatta."

2. "If you put a banana and money in front of a monkey, the monkey will definitely choose the banana. It doesn't know that money can buy more bananas. Luckily I'm not a monkey."

3. "Money is not everything, there are still credit cards and others."

4. "Independence is when Soekarno and Hatta march neatly inside the wallet. If it's Pattimura marching, it means there is still a struggle."

5. "It hurts when you want to give two thousand parking money, but unconsciously give twenty thousand." Why are the colors and shapes the same. "

6. "Money can't buy happiness but having money makes you happier than not having it."

7. "On the old date, look at the blue label on the mineral water packaging, it looks like fifty thousand."

8. "Money indeed does not guarantee happiness, but not having more money is even more uncertain."

9. "Humans can plan, but it is the balance and money that determine."

10. "Time is money, which means if your friend is invited to go out it doesn't mean anything anymore if you don't have money."

11. "A sheet of money is not everything, there are still credit cards and others."






2. Short Funny Words about Money that Make You Burst into Laughter

To make you laugh, funny words don't need to be delivered in a convoluted way. Just with a short sentence, funny words about money can be very entertaining and make you burst into laughter. Here are some short funny words about money that can make you laugh out loud.

1. "Money is like an ex, just passing by."

2. "Life shouldn't be too stylish, but have a lot of money."

3. "Wallet only contains ID card and driver's license. Seems like something is missing."

4. "Money is the most easily evaporating solid object."

5. "Do you need fresh funds? SAME."

6. "Still struggling with Pattimura, not bad."

7. "Scary to see the contents of the wallet with Pattimura holding a machete."

8. "Even crumpled thousand rupiahs are still a dish, why aren't you popular."

9. "Money doesn't go with you to the afterlife, but if there's none, it feels like dying."

10. "The fragrance of perfume is much more fragrant than the smell of new money."

11. "Besides thinking about how to get money, I also think about how to get you."






3. Words about Funny Money Full of Meaning

Funny words about money not only entertain and make you laugh. Some funny wise words about money also have hidden meanings. In other words, these funny words can also be a reflection material. Here are some funny words about money full of meaning.

1. "Take an example of a bank employee, he has a lot of money, but he is not arrogant. He knows that everything is just a trust. Well, of course, it's not his money."

2. "What's the point of having a lot of money but an uncomfortable job, it's better to find a comfortable job even if the money is also a lot."

3. "Can only be silent, when the heroes in the wallet run away."

4. "Now working in an office is not the main criterion, but the one with a lot of money."

5. "When you don't have money, don't despair and die, just look at 24 karat gold."

6. "The best and easiest way to make people remember you is to borrow their money."

7. "Don't underestimate small change, because it always helps you in difficult times."

8. "We don't know a person's character until we deal with money matters with them."

9. "When someone tries to distance themselves from you, don't let them until they pay off their debts."

10. "A friend is someone who is willing to lend you money but doesn't want to be paid."

11. "What's the point of having a lot of money but an uncomfortable job, it's better to find a comfortable job even if the money is also a lot."

Those are among the 33 funny words about money. Hopefully useful, entertaining, and inspiring!





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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