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8 Types of Motivation that Can Inspire You to be More Productive!

8 Types of Motivation that Can Inspire You to be More Productive! (credit: freepik) - Motivation is one of the things needed by humans to perform extraordinary tasks. Motivation itself is a drive or reason that becomes the basis for someone to do something in order to achieve certain goals. Motivation can come from within oneself or from others. The presence of motivation allows someone to do something with enthusiasm. Motivation also affects a person's behavior and work performance.

In addition, motivation is often used by someone to motivate friends and family around them to make changes towards the right direction. You should also know that there are several types of motivation that have an influence and motivate someone to do something in their life. What are they? Let's directly see the complete review below.


1. Self-Improvement Motivation

The first type of motivation you need to know is self-improvement motivation. This type of motivation is generally found within oneself. Self-improvement motivation is the ability to fulfill desires, hopes, or goals without being influenced by others. This type of motivation is essential for achieving success in a job.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, human needs are organized into five steps. Before higher-level needs are activated, lower-level needs must be met. In order, the needs are physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization.


2. Achievement Motivation

Next, the type of motivation that you need to know is achievement motivation. Usually, this motivation focuses on goal achievement. Achievement motivation itself will be beneficial in providing dynamic personal motivation and self-respect. Someone who sets achievement motivation will create targets to be achieved. By doing this motivation, a person will be more enthusiastic in achieving the target so that their desires can be fulfilled.


3. Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation is a type of motivation that refers to behavior driven by external rewards such as salary, recognition, praise, grades, fame, and so on. This type of motivation comes from outside the individual, unlike intrinsic motivation which comes from within self-belief. 

One example of extrinsic motivation is when a developer continues to work on routine tasks every day that are unpleasant because of the reason to earn money. Although extrinsic motivation can be beneficial for certain cases, it can cause fatigue or loss of effectiveness over time.


4. Fear Motivation

Fear is actually one type of motivation that you need to know. If you feel afraid of failure, then you must take responsibility for yourself and your loved ones to create motivation to avoid fear. So, do not let the fear within you become a habit that can control you. Therefore, do it in various positive ways.


5. Incentive Motivation

Furthermore, one type of motivation that you can do is incentive motivation. This type of motivation encourages you to get rewards when your work exceeds the average. In short, this motivation is when you work to get bonuses or the work you are currently doing.

Usually, you will often find this type of motivation in the workplace, where superiors provide this motivation so that their employees become more enthusiastic in completing their work.


6. Attitude Motivation

Positive attitude can help you build strong relationships and stay motivated. If you have goals in mind but lack motivation, try to have a positive attitude. This will boost your own motivation. Therefore, always think positive in order to achieve something that may be considered unrealistic by others.


7. Investment Motivation

Furthermore, another important type of motivation that you should know is investment motivation. Investment can be physical, emotional, and financial in a task. For example, if someone wants to become an entrepreneur, they must have total commitment to achieve that goal. To achieve it, hard work is required to fulfill their desires.


8. Social Motivation

Social motivation is a type of motivation that considers their social life as their biggest motivation. Their friends are their best motivators to achieve life goals. Research shows that students tend to be influenced by social motivation to perform tasks to please the people they respect.

Those are some types of motivation that you need to know. You need to know that the biggest motivator is yourself to achieve a goal. Hopefully, it will be beneficial.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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