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79 Hurt and Disappointed Words, Becoming a Touching Heartache Remedy

79 Hurt and Disappointed Words, Becoming a Touching Heartache Remedy Hurt words (credit: - There are various triggers for a hurt and disappointed heart. For example, being hurt by a partner, friend, or family member who sometimes makes your heart ache. When hurt, feelings become sad and disappointed, causing tightness in the chest. Several words of hurt can represent your feelings if you experience such conditions.

A hurt heart can occur due to someone's actions, words, or behavior that can hurt your feelings. It is undeniable that feeling hurt and disappointed can cause you to distance yourself from someone who has hurt you in order to protect your heart. However, there are quite a few of them who cannot express their feelings when they are hurt and only keep their feelings inside.

This condition is certainly not the best way to release the pain in your heart. However, you can express those feelings through words of hurt and disappointment as a consolation. Several hurtful and disappointed words below can be your reference when you are in that position.

Meanwhile, these hurtful words can make you feel relieved by expressing emotions and returning to a happy life. This is a process that cannot be separated from everyone, but they also deserve happiness. Here are some hurtful words summarized by from various sources.







1. Hurt Words in the Heart

Being hurt makes you feel pain in your heart that can trigger an unharmonious relationship. This condition can occur because of the behavior or words of the closest people who may unintentionally hurt your feelings. However, you cannot express it and can only keep it inside. The hurtful words below can be a reference to express the feeling of being hurt by your loved ones.

1. Let the one who is hurt enjoy their time. Let the happy ones forget that they will be hurt again in the future. And in the midst of it all, be grateful. - Fiersa Besari

2. Do not waste your time on someone who keeps hurting you, when there is someone out there waiting to make you happy. - Nazril Irham

3. The worst loss you have ever experienced is the greatest gift you can have. - Byron Katie

4. I am not angry because you lied to me, I am disappointed because from now on I cannot trust you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

5. Be grateful, even though you suffer. - Jordan Peterson

6. To heal a wound, you must stop scratching it. - Paulo Coelho

7. Many things that cause pain will bring pleasure if you see the benefits. - Baltasar Gracian

8. If you ignore a deep wound, it will get infected. Just like psychological wounds. You have to take care of the wound to heal it. - Neil Strauss

9. We are more often afraid than hurt, and we suffer more from imagination than reality. - Seneca

10. The greatest sorrow is the one we cause ourselves. - Sophocles

11. Failure hurts, but it passes quickly. Regret hurts forever. - Shane Parrish

12. Stop running from the pain. Pain is there to teach you something. - Justin Kan

13. Pain is not too painful if you stop avoiding it. - Mel Robbins

14. Through your difficult experiences, you will become stronger, wiser, and more compassionate towards those who are struggling. - Haemin Sunim

15. 99 of your problems are created by yourself because you take life too seriously. - Osho

16. You know how much I love you, and you know how deeply I was hurt before. - Boy Candra

17. Those who said love dies also leave.

18. Tears are how the eyes speak when the mouth is silenced, unable to explain how broken this heart is.

19. And they will soon forget that I am just a mortal human: flesh and bone, capable of bruising and getting hurt. - Gayle Forman

20. A girl who is heartbroken is like a wounded tiger. - Christian Simamora







2. Wise Hurt Words

Wise words of hurt sometimes can provide valuable life lessons for you. Wise words of hurt can be a way to find a way out and free the long-held wounds. Therefore, some wise words of hurt below can be a reference to keep the heart strong in facing all the trials when hurt.

21. An ex is a teacher who teaches the beauty of being hurt, who transforms a cocoon into a butterfly. - Kang Maman

22. A wise woman is like a swan on water. Graceful yet still working. Stay strong even when hurt. - Mario Teguh

23. What if the worst thing that happens to you turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to you? - Joe Dispenza

24. Suffering is part of our training program to become wise. - Ram Dass

25. No one and nothing can free you except your own understanding. - Ajahn Chah

26. If there is no suffering, humans will not know their limits, will not know themselves. - Leo Tolstoy

27. God allows us to experience the lowest points in life to teach us lessons that cannot be learned in any other way. - C.S.Lewis

28. Don't let your wounds change you into someone who is not yourself. - Paulo Coelho

29. Learn from your past, but don't be controlled by it. - Mel Robbins

30.You cannot suffer from the past or the future because they do not exist. What you suffer from is your memory and imagination. - Jaggi Vasudev

31.Learn to accept discomfort and uncertainty. This will eliminate most of the suffering you imagine. - Neil Strauss

32.Because of your difficult experiences, you will become stronger, wiser, and more compassionate towards those who are struggling. - Haemin Sunim

33.Life is a long preparation for waiting for things that will never happen. - WB Yeats

34. It is true that a wise saying says, it is better to have many enemies who are real, than to have one friend whom we have trusted all this time turns out to be an enemy in disguise.

35.It is pointless to water a plant that is already dead, let go, their feelings towards you are already dead.

36.Sometimes, even though you are hurt, you still don't want to let go, even though it sounds foolish, but you still hope that they will change. - Nazril Irham

37.Our judgment when we are happy and friendly is not the same as our judgment when we are hurt and vulnerable. - Aristotle

38.The only way to find true happiness is by taking the risk of getting hurt. - Betrand Russell







3. Hurt and Disappointed Words

Feeling hurt is also accompanied by disappointment and sadness. However, these conditions make you stronger in facing other problems in the future. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that when your heart is hurt, you really want to express those feelings. The following words of hurt and disappointment can represent your feelings when you are hurt.

39. You can destroy my body, but not my soul. - Paulo Coelho

40. I can endure the pain as long as it has meaning. - Haruki Murakami (1Q84)

41. There will always be suffering. However, we do not have to suffer because of suffering. - Alan Watts

42. Even a wounded rabbit can transform into a lion. - Dian Nafi

43. Being hurt and wounded by words is deeper and harder to heal than being wounded by a sword. - Achi T.M

44. They all choose priorities. Even though they are hurt and hurt each other, in the end, they all choose what is important to them. - Winna Effendi

45. My life is a perfect grave for buried hopes. - LM Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

46. The only thing standing between me and happiness is reality. - Brandon B

47. To the past, stop patting my back. I don't want to look back.

48. The only thing sadder than being hated is being ignored.

49. Blessed is the one who never expects anything. Because they will never feel disappointed.

50. Since our feet stopped, my memories are lost in unspoken verses.

51. It is better to be hurt by honesty than comforted by lies.

52. I'm not disappointed because you lied to me. I'm disappointed because from now on, I can't trust you.

53. There are some painful feelings that will never heal, they can only be tried to be forgotten.

54. If what you expect is someone who always brings you flowers, I'm sorry that I only invite you to knit dream flowers.

55. Thank you for what you did that made me disappointed, this is the wisdom of being friends with you.

56. Never disappoint your friend. Because it is very difficult to regain trust.

57. Don't ask why I'm cold towards you. It's not like that, I just stopped trying and hoping. I'm tired of hoping high and then being disappointed.

58. My heart is already hurt enough without needing the orange juice that is now being poured into my wound. - Alianzalea







4. Hurt Words Because of Betrayal

There is nothing more painful and hurtful than being betrayed by someone close. The person closest to you can be a friend, a companion, a family member, or a partner. In the end, you are hurt because of betrayal. The following hurtful words can also represent the feelings of the heart.

59. Do you know what is the most terrifying thing about betrayal? It is a betrayal that comes from your friend, not your enemy.

60. A friend will not stab their own friend, even from behind.

61. Sometimes, you have to stop caring about someone's situation. Not because you want to ignore them, but because they themselves don't care.

62. The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemy, but from your own friend.

63. The worst kind of wound is betrayal because it means someone is willing to hurt you just to make themselves feel better.

64. A wise person will feel ashamed if their words are better than their actions. - Confucius

65. Someone who smiles too much with you will sometimes frown a lot behind your back. - Michael Bassey Johnson

66. Perhaps being betrayed by someone else won't be as painful as being betrayed by a friend, as being betrayed by a friend is like a parasite living on an orchid stem. It hurts to see others happy.

67.Any mother, good or bad, will still be hurt when her child is criticized. Even if the criticism is not true, and not slander. - Leila S. Chudori

68.If someone is hurt in the east, someone in the west should also feel sorrow. - Najwa Shihab

69.It is easier to deceive someone than to convince them that they have been deceived. - Mark Twain

70.Whether your actions are good or bad, there will always be consequences. Maybe not tomorrow, but later at another time.

71.Life is not about who is real in front of you, it is about who is real behind you.







5. Words Hurt Because of Broken Hearts

Being hurt most often happens in relation to a partner. It could be that the person you desire has caused heartbreak with their behavior or words. However, you can express your hurt feelings through hurtful words. Here are some words of hurt due to heartbreak.

72.A broken-hearted person usually rushes to do something to protect their heart from being hurt even worse. - Christian Simamora

73.Jealousy is the hell of a wounded lover. - John Milton

74.Is it us, longing for each other, but afraid of getting hurt? - Sefryana Khairil

75. Indeed, I will admit, I love you unless I am hurt. - Ovidius

76. I am not hurt enough to be heartbroken. But I feel pain because I am abandoned. It shows that I never meant anything to him. - Indah Hanaco

77. Self-esteem as a man sometimes hurts more when his feelings are disturbed. - Indah Hanaco

78. I met a man who was hurt in love. I met another man who was hurt with hatred. - Bob Dylan

79. If love is pain. Then I willingly let myself be hurt, because I know everything will end beautifully with you. - Asri Tahir

So those are 79 words of hurt and disappointment, as a soothing balm that touches the heart. Some of the above words of hurt can represent your feelings when you are hurt.









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