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65 Promises That Must Be Fulfilled, Really Touching and Wise Satire

65 Promises That Must Be Fulfilled, Really Touching and Wise Satire Words of broken promises (credit: - Anyone can make promises but sometimes it's difficult to keep them. If you have experienced a false promise that has not been fulfilled by someone, it certainly makes you upset and disappointed. Some promises broken words that must be kept can represent the feelings when someone close to you breaks their promise.

When making a promise, of course, there is the ability to keep it. However, certain conditions make someone break their promise. Whether it's a promise to meet, a promise to bring something, sweet promises, and so on, you may have experienced it. It's undeniable that you feel upset or even angry, especially if someone doesn't give a reason and continues to break their promise.

Yes, anyone would be upset if someone has promised but doesn't keep it. Especially if you have been waiting for a long time and suddenly they break their promise. If you cannot express your feelings when someone close breaks a promise, a number of words of broken promises can be the right choice.

In addition, words of broken promises can be a very effective sarcasm for someone to realize their mistakes. The following words of broken promises that must be kept below can be a reference for you. Here are words of broken promises that must be kept, compiled by from various sources.




1. Wise Words of Broken Promises as Satire

As mentioned earlier, words of broken promises can be a sarcasm for someone who has made a promise but not kept it. So with these wise words of broken promises, it can make them more self-aware. Here are words of broken promises that you can use as a reference to express your feelings.

1. The value of a promise lies not in words, but in actions.

2. Behind an apology lies a promise to be better and not repeat the same mistakes.

3. Wise people always keep their promises, but the wisest are those who are cautious before making promises.

4. It's useless to make promises if you have never fulfilled any of them.

5. Promises and words are not important, what is far more valuable is actions in keeping them.

6.A person can be respected for keeping one promise, not when they dare to make a thousand promises.

7.Sometimes after someone fails to keep their promise, apologies mean nothing.

8.We cannot guarantee a promise will be fulfilled, we can only strive to fulfill that promise.

9.Winners make commitments; losers make promises.

10.A promise is a debt. Debts must be paid. Fulfill your promises before they are demanded by the Almighty. - Emma Grace

11.Do not make promises when you are happy, do not respond with words when you are sad, and do not make decisions when you are angry.

12.Humans are not different in making promises, what is different is how they fulfill them.

13.Only liars are too easy to make promises.

14.The one who loves you will not easily give promises, because they do not want to break them, they want you to trust.

15.You build trust with high hard work. Every time you break a promise, you create a crack in that trust.

16. It is better to try not to promise than to try to find excuses for unfulfilled promises.

17. The most annoying thing about a promise is making someone wait and expect. - Fiersa Besari

18. Only a cup of coffee serves sweetness, not promises from sweet lips - Dewi Lestari




2. Meaningful Words of Broken Promises

Meaningful words of broken promises can represent your feelings when someone breaks their promise. Here are meaningful words of broken promises. These words can be a reference for someone to not repeat the same mistake of making false and sweet promises.

19. The hardest promise for you to fulfill is keeping all the promises you have made.

20. Keep trying is an elegant form of making promises.

21. Fulfill your promises, as every promise will be held accountable - (Surah Al-Isra:34)

22. The signs of a hypocrite are three: when they speak lies, when they break promises, and when they betray trust. - (Hadith) Bukhari & Muslim)

23.Never promise if it's difficult to fulfill. Because no matter how small the promise is, it must be fulfilled without exception.

24.Anger is not a good basis for making decisions. Happiness is not a good basis for making promises.

25.Today's promise will be different tomorrow, let alone years later. - Khrisna Pabichara

26.It takes commitment to make plans, not just promises and hopes. - Peter Drucker

27. Humans are indeed liars. People will definitely break their promises. - Rick Riordion

28.A promise means nothing if you can't fulfill it. Instead of promising, it's better to show it with real actions.

29.Why does sea water taste salty? Because only false promises are sweet.

30.Many people fail even though they have big plans because they fail to keep their small promises.

31. Promise is everything, so once a promise is broken, apology seems meaningless.

32.A promise can give strength when spoken to the right person, at the right time, and for the right reasons.

33.Even if you successfully explain why you couldn't keep a promise, it always brings about something bad.

34.There is not much difference between big promises and small promises. When both are not fulfilled, they have the potential to cause great loss.

35.What is the meaning of a promise without proof, this is the philosophy where the meaning of a promise without evidence. - ModeratThor




3. Words of Broken Promises about Love

Often there are sweet promises spoken by partners that make someone enchanted. However, sometimes these promises are only on the lips and eventually cause pain. Some broken promises about love below may have been experienced by you. Here are the broken promises about love and feelings.

36.A true and noble man with a knightly spirit is a man who keeps his promises, guards his words, and becomes a protector for those around him.

37.When love has penetrated the soul, it is capable of disabling logic so that even the most false cheesy promises will be believed.

38.Do not make promises that you cannot keep. Do not say love if it's not sincere from the heart. Because eventually someone will hurt you. - AdiMS

39. A promise becomes meaningless if the promise is not fulfilled, and one heart will be hurt if the person you love only gives empty promises. - Dmirantisari

40. A true man is not the one who makes many promises but dares to approach the guardian.

41. The one who loves you will not easily make promises, because they do not want to break them, they want you to trust them.

42. When you love, there is no need to make many promises. Just prove your love through actions.

43. Loyalty is proof. Not just sweet promises that we always say to them.

44. Instead of making promises to each other, it is better to pray for each other.

45. True love is Talk Less, Do More. Not many promises, but directly propose and build a family.

46. Women have a higher risk of suffering from diabetes because they often hear sweet promises.

47. No contact promises, but you're stalking them. It's all the same lie. - Cassandra Massardi

48. Love is a broken promise. - Steve Martin

49. Falling in love doesn't come with a promise. If it wants to come, it will come as it pleases. - Mia Arsjad

50. We are destined to be a promise that will be denied. - Christian Simamora

51. After he's gone, you are not incapable of forgetting him. You can only forget the promises and memories with him. - Boy Candra

52. Human promises ultimately have no meaning. - Jessica Huwae




4. Promises Broken Words That Must Be Kept

If you can't keep a promise, then don't make one. Because the risk may be felt, for example, someone becomes less trusting. A number of broken promises that must be fulfilled can be an inspiration to be careful in making promises.

53. Promises, big promises, are the soul of an advertisement. - Samuel Johnson

54. If I have made a promise to you, I owe you punctuality, I have no right to waste your time if I do it myself.

55. When you make a promise, keep it.

56. I never promise anything because I have a bad habit of keeping my promises. - Jules Renard

57. A promise must not be broken. - Alexander Hamilton

58. There is nothing certain in this life, my child. Except the promise of death.

59. Not everyone can keep their promises. But intentionally breaking a promise is called betrayal. A person who betrays is a hypocrite.

60. Speak with your heart, so that you are careful not to hurt or break your promises.

61. Never trust someone who only talks but never acts. Because they easily break promises as easily as they make them.

62. If something feels beautiful at first, it's called a promise. If it remains beautiful until the end, it's called proof. - Amanda Adriani

63. There is no special title for someone who has the most promises and tries hard to keep them.

64. Don't just learn to fulfill promises. But also learn how to say 'no' when someone asks you to promise.

65. Promises that are made will become a boomerang that attacks the perpetrator if not fulfilled.

Well, those are 65 words of broken promises that touch and full of learning. Some of the broken promises above can represent your feelings when you find someone breaking their promise to you.






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