Kapanlagi.com - Humans are created as social beings who need each other. Therefore, everyone needs to live in harmony with each other in society. Living in harmony will create a harmonious environment and free from conflict. In addition, there are still many benefits of living in harmony that can be felt by the community.
Living peacefully and harmoniously is certainly the dream of everyone. Harmony can be achieved if every member of the community can respect and honor each other. The habit of helping each other and practicing gotong royong (mutual cooperation) also plays an important role in maintaining a peaceful and calm atmosphere.
Living in harmony can also create a safe and comfortable environment. Not only that, there are still many benefits of living in harmony that can be obtained by the community. What are they?
Summarized from various sources, here is a review of the benefits of living in harmony.
1. Experiencing a More Peaceful Life

(credit: flickr)
One of the benefits of living harmoniously that can be felt by society is a peaceful and calm life. This is because a harmonious community will live side by side harmoniously. They can respect and appreciate each other. This will certainly have a positive impact on a healthy and supportive environment.Â
2. Easier Life Because of Mutual Assistance

(credit: flickr)
In a harmonious community, life will feel easier. This is because people are accustomed to helping each other. They realize that humans are social beings who need each other. So, when one person experiences difficulties, others will come to offer assistance.
In addition, Indonesia is also known for its culture of mutual cooperation. This indicates that mutual assistance has been a habit of Indonesian society since ancient times. It is proven that mutual cooperation not only makes various tasks easier, but also helps maintain harmony among the community.
3. Creating a Safe Environment
Living in harmony not only makes us feel comfortable. A community that lives in harmony also tends to be safer. The habit of living harmoniously will create harmonious relationships among community members. They develop a sense of ownership and responsibility to take care of each other.
In addition, the attitude of respecting and honoring each other also makes the environment more comfortable. Therefore, a harmonious environment tends to be safer and more comfortable to live in together.
4. Prosperous Community
Another benefit of living harmoniously is that it can make the community more prosperous. How can this happen? As mentioned earlier, a harmonious community will have harmonious relationships. The community is not hesitant to ask for help and offer assistance to each other.
Indirectly, this will make it easier for the community's needs, both material and non-material, to be fulfilled. In other words, the goal of creating a prosperous community becomes easier to achieve.
5. Strong Brotherhood

(credit: flickr)
Harmonious relationships will also create a sense of mutual need and ownership in society. This will create a strong bond among community members. In fact, the bond is so strong that some members of the community have relationships like siblings. People not only help each other, but also love and support each other.
It is not uncommon for the strong relationships in the community to lead to integration, resulting in a new identity as a unified entity. On a larger scale, this will also impact national unity.
6. Avoiding Conflict
As mentioned several times before, one of the benefits of living in harmony is avoiding conflict. This is because the community values and respects each other, minimizing personal or group clashes or conflicts.
In addition, the strong sense of ownership and brotherhood also creates a safe and comfortable environment. An environment that is protected from conflicts triggered by external factors.
7. Creating a Tolerant Society
The attitude of mutual respect and honor in society brings many benefits. One of them is the creation of a tolerant community, which highly appreciates differences. In fact, in a harmonious society, differences are no longer seen as a problem.
On the contrary, a tolerant society will see differences or diversity as a blessing that should be grateful for. By doing so, harmony in society will be better maintained.
Those are some of the reviews regarding the benefits of living in harmony in the community. Hopefully, it is useful and can increase knowledge. Also, it can be a motivation to participate in maintaining harmony in the living environment.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.