Integration is the Blending of Diverse Society, Also Learn the Types and Supporting Factors
Integration is an important and interesting social process to learn about. Therefore, read the following discussion about integration. - Have you ever heard of ingrown nails? Ingrown nails are infections around the nail caused by the nail growing too deep into the skin. As a result, the finger becomes swollen and painful. In severe cases, ingrown nails can cause infection and pus discharge. When someone has an ingrown nail, the skin around the ingrown nail will turn red and feel painful. Therefore, knowing how to treat ingrown nails is very important.
Generally, the cause of ingrown nails is due to the habit of cutting nails too short, causing the nails to grow inward. Other causes include wearing tight shoes or injuring the finger by hitting something. If ingrown nails are not treated immediately, the necessary step is to undergo surgery. So, before it's too late, it's a good idea to treat ingrown nails naturally as follows.
Treating Ingrown Nails (credit: freepik)
The first way to treat ingrown nails is by using tea tree oil. The flavonoid content in tea tree oil acts as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antibacterial. By using tea tree oil, it can help alleviate infections caused by fungus that grows on the nail. This fungus is what causes ingrown nail infections.
The method of applying tea tree oil to treat ingrown nails is very easy. Simply place a few drops of tea tree oil on a cotton pad and wrap it around the ingrown nail. Repeat this process two to three times until the ingrown nail is completely gone.
Apple cider vinegar can be used as a natural antiseptic because it contains antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. This antiseptic is able to eliminate bacteria that cause ingrown nails. In fact, some researchers also recommend its use for ingrown nails. The method of treating ingrown nails with apple cider vinegar is very simple. You just need to prepare a cotton ball and some apple cider vinegar. Dip the cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it to the infected or ingrown nail area.
Soaking with warm water (credit: freepik)
Furthermore, one way to treat ingrown toenails that you can do is by using a solution of warm salt water. This is because warm salt water can reduce swelling, relieve pain, and soften hardened skin around the affected toe. In fact, salt is also beneficial in draining pus from the ingrown toenail. Here's how you can do it: simply prepare a bowl filled with warm salt water. Soak the ingrown toenail for 15-20 minutes. After that, dry it using a clean towel.
Baking soda is one of the proven effective ways to treat ingrown toenails. This is because baking soda can reduce the growth of bacteria that cause ingrown toenails. Treating ingrown toenails with baking soda is relatively easy as this ingredient is readily available. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with a few drops of water. Apply it to the infected and ingrown nail. For optimal results, do this two to three times a day.
Aloe vera (credit: freepik)
Aloe vera is not only famous for its benefits for hair health, but it turns out that aloe vera is also one way to treat ingrown toenails. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties in aloe vera make this plant effective in treating ingrown toenails. The way to treat ingrown toenails using aloe vera is by utilizing its gel. After that, apply it to the ingrown area and cover it with a bandage. The results will be visible after 24 hours.
Turmeric is one of the spices that can treat ingrown toenails. The anti-inflammatory properties in turmeric can reduce inflammation and pain in ingrown toenails. The way to apply turmeric is by grating it first. After that, heat it with fire and directly apply it to the affected area. Make sure the area to be applied is cleaned. To speed up the recovery of ingrown toenails, do this step twice a day.
Treating Ingrown Toenails (credit: freepik)
Furthermore, the way to treat ingrown toenails is by using gauze and cotton. This method can help shift the nail so that it does not grow inward. The way to do it is to prepare a small piece of cotton or gauze. After that, place the gauze or cotton under the nail so that the nail grows back in the right direction. This simple method can reduce pressure on the skin affected by ingrown toenails.
Thread turns out to be one of the ways you can try to treat ingrown toenails. The function of the thread itself will help inhibit bacterial growth. The thread can also separate the nail from the skin to facilitate the cutting of the ingrown part. The way to do it is to prepare flavorless dental floss. After that, apply it to the nail and skin to cut the nail-causing part. The pus will be easily removed slowly. However, immediately consult a doctor when the ingrown toenail infection worsens.
Those are a series of natural ways to treat ingrown toenails that you can try. Hopefully, it is useful.
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