Kapanlagi.com - In addition to injuries from brushing too hard, the cause of bleeding gums can occur due to other triggering factors. This condition is generally not realized by many people and sometimes causes pain accompanied by blood coming out of the gums. However, do not underestimate it, bleeding gums can be a sign of certain health disorders that need to be aware of as early as possible.
If you have ever encountered blood when brushing your teeth, this condition is generally caused by brushing your teeth too hard or using a toothbrush with bristles that are too rough. However, there are several causes of bleeding gums that occur not only triggered by brushing activities. As is known, gums are part of the teeth and mouth that play a role in protecting the jawbone and tooth roots.
Generally, the gums are pink and consist of soft tissue. Maintaining dental and oral health can be done by regularly cleaning teeth to prevent bacteria and leftover food. However, often a number of problems cannot be avoided, one of which is bleeding gums.
Bleeding gums due to brushing activities can usually trigger the onset of canker sores on the gums. However, there is another reason that needs to be considered when experiencing bleeding gums. This is because the cause of bleeding gums can be a sign of certain health problems, one of which is gingivitis.
As for the causes of bleeding gums, you can find out through the following reviews. Here are the causes of bleeding gums and their triggers that have been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Gingivitis

Causes of Bleeding Gums (credit: freepik.com)
The first cause of bleeding gums can be experienced due to gingivitis. Gingivitis is inflammation that occurs in the gums, especially the gingival tissue. This condition can cause various symptoms including swollen gums, bad breath, pain when chewing food, and easily bleeding gums.
Bleeding gums from gingivitis can occur when brushing teeth due to rough bristles. As reported by deltadentalwa.com, gingivitis occurs when plaque sticks to the gum line, which becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. This is what triggers infection in the gums, causing bleeding and increased sensitivity.
2. Medical Conditions

Causes of Bleeding Gums (credit: freepik.com)
Another cause of bleeding gums is due to medical conditions. This is because certain types of medication can cause various side effects, one of which is bleeding gums. According to colgate.com, blood thinning medications are known to cause bleeding.
However, further examination through a health check-up is needed to determine the cause of bleeding gums. In addition, consultation and examination with a doctor are necessary to address bleeding gums caused by the side effects of certain medications.
3. Vitamin Deficiency
Another cause of bleeding gums is due to a deficiency of certain vitamins in the body. The vitamins referred to here are vitamin K and vitamin C. Both types of vitamins offer various health benefits, including for the gums and mouth. According to halodoc.com, both types of vitamins can help with blood clotting.
It is not surprising that both vitamin C and vitamin K are needed by the body to prevent bleeding gums. You can find these vitamins in various healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. In addition, other important nutrients for dental and oral health, such as vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium, should also be considered.
4. New Toothbrush

Causes of bleeding gums (credit: freepik.com)
Maintaining dental and oral health can be done by regularly cleaning using a toothbrush. Generally, a toothbrush needs to be replaced every three to four months. Especially if the condition of the toothbrush, such as the bristles, has started to deteriorate and is no longer suitable for use.
As a result, replacing the toothbrush is a decision that can be chosen to maintain dental and oral health. Unfortunately, a new toothbrush can sometimes cause bleeding gums. This is caused by the still stiff and hard bristles. To prevent this, you can switch to using softer bristles to protect your gums.
5. Lack of Dental and Oral Hygiene

Causes of bleeding gums (credit: freepik.com)
The cause of bleeding gums can also be experienced due to a lack of dental and oral hygiene. If the condition of dental and oral health is not well maintained, it can trigger the growth of bacteria and germs. One of them is the accumulation of plaque on the gums, which can lead to gingivitis.
Therefore, maintaining dental and oral hygiene needs to be considered to prevent dental and oral problems. Brushing your teeth twice a day regularly is enough to help maintain dental and oral health from bacteria and germs.
6. Stress

Causes of bleeding gums (credit: freepik.com)
It is not widely known that the cause of bleeding gums can also be caused by stress. According to deltadentalwa.com, stress can trigger bleeding gums because it affects the immune system. In this case, stress is known to cause inflammation in blood vessels.
This condition also affects dental and oral health. Because when bleeding gums occur, it can slow down the healing process of the gums due to a weak immune system. Therefore, avoiding stress as much as possible is necessary to prevent various dental and oral health problems.
7. Hemophilia

Causes of bleeding gums (credit: freepik.com)
The cause of bleeding gums can also be a sign of certain health problems such as hemophilia. Hemophilia is a health disorder that occurs due to blood disorders. This can cause symptoms of bleeding gums including other bleeding. Consultation and further examination may be considered to prevent disorders caused by hemophilia.
8. Smoking Activity
The cause of bleeding gums can be triggered by smoking activity. As it is known, the substances in cigarettes can cause various health problems, including in the mouth and teeth. According to deltadentalwa.com, smoking can increase the risk of oral health problems such as sensitive gums that cause bleeding gums. Consultation with a doctor can be considered to address dental and oral problems that occur due to smoking.
9. Pregnancy Gingivitis

Causes of bleeding gums (credit: freepik.com)
The cause of bleeding gums can be triggered by pregnancy gingivitis. According to deltadentalwa.com, pregnancy gingivitis occurs due to an increase in hormones. Hormonal increases during pregnancy can cause increased blood flow to the gums, making them more sensitive to plaque and bacteria. Some symptoms may also arise, including pain and bleeding gums. However, pregnancy-related gingivitis can heal after childbirth.
So those are the 9 causes of bleeding gums and their triggers that need to be noted. Consultation and examination with a doctor are necessary to address bleeding gum problems and determine the exact cause.
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