Kapanlagi.com - Hearing the word cancer often raises concerns. Because cancer is a high-risk disease that can occur in anyone. The occurrence of cancer, which is quite common, worries women as it attacks the reproductive organ, namely the uterus. Causes of cancer in the uterus can occur due to various triggering factors accompanied by common symptoms.
Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the female reproductive area, namely the uterus, characterized by the appearance of tumors. These tumors grow in the uterus, which is the reproductive organ for fetal development. The growth of abnormal tumor cells is known to trigger the occurrence of cancer, which has an impact on reproductive health.
Indeed, the occurrence of cervical cancer can have an impact on reproductive organs such as abnormal bleeding or pregnancy disorders. According to healthline.com, although the exact cause of cervical cancer is not yet known, experts believe that changes in estrogen and progesterone levels in the body have a significant influence on its occurrence.
In addition, several risk factors for cervical cancer can also contribute to the development of cancer, both medical conditions and specific factors. The causes of cervical cancer and its symptoms that women need to be aware of are listed below. The following are the causes of cervical cancer that have been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Hormonal Changes

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The first cause of cervical cancer can be experienced due to hormonal changes in the body. In this case, a woman may experience hormonal changes in several conditions such as menstruation, menopause, obesity, or certain medical conditions. According to mayoclinic.org, an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone hormones can increase the risk of cervical cancer.
Because an increase in the amount of estrogen hormone in the body can trigger cervical cancer in women. Further examination is needed to determine the exact cause of cervical cancer experienced.
2. Menstruation Starting Earlier

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Menstruation is a normal condition experienced by every woman as a sign of entering puberty. Menstruation usually starts at the age of 12, marked by the discharge of blood from the vagina due to the shedding of the uterine lining. According to mayoclinic.org, if menstruation occurs before the age of 12, it is known to increase the risk of uterine cancer. In addition, experiencing late menopause can also increase the risk of uterine cancer.
3. Experiencing PCOS
Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS is also associated with the risk of uterine cancer. As known, PCOS is a disorder of female hormones that affects their fertility. In this case, PCOS is known to increase the risk of uterine cancer. According to healthline.com, the imbalance between high estrogen levels and low progesterone levels is believed to be a risk factor for increased uterine cancer. However, further examination is needed to determine the exact relationship with uterine cancer. Nevertheless, individuals with PCOS need to be aware of the risk factors for uterine cancer.
4. Never Been Pregnant

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The cause of uterine cancer can also occur due to the factor of never being pregnant. The risk of uterine cancer is higher in women who have never been pregnant compared to those who have been pregnant. Pregnancy affects the occurrence of uterine cancer because during that time, a woman usually experiences hormonal changes, namely estrogen and progesterone. According to healthline.com, when a woman has never been pregnant or even never been pregnant, this condition can increase the risk of uterine cancer due to an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone hormones.
5. Age Factor
Age factor has a significant influence on the cause of uterine cancer in women. As a woman ages, it is known that the risk of uterine cancer also increases. According to mayoclinic.org, the incidence of uterine cancer will increase after menopause. In addition, during menopause, the body's functions usually decrease, including those related to reproductive organs. This is something that women need to be aware of after entering menopause.
6. Obesity

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The next cause of uterine cancer is due to overweight factors. Overweight is also known as obesity, which has a significant impact on body health. One of the impacts is triggering uterine cancer in women. According to healthline.com, women who are overweight are twice or even three times more likely to develop uterine cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. This happens because of the increase in estrogen hormones caused by fat in the body, which can trigger uterine cancer.
That's why it is important to control body weight to be more ideal and prevent various health disorders, including uterine cancer. Exercise and maintaining a healthy diet can be an easy way to control excess weight.
7. Medical Conditions

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Certain medical conditions, such as hormone therapy, are known to be causes of uterine cancer. According to mayoclinic.org, the use of certain medications also has side effects on the risk of uterine cancer. For example, the use of hormone therapy drug tamoxifen for breast cancer can be a risk factor for uterine cancer. Consultation with a doctor is necessary if experiencing uterine cancer symptoms due to medical conditions or side effects of certain medications.
8. Diabetes
Diabetes is a health disorder that occurs when the blood sugar levels in the body increase. This condition can cause various symptoms such as blurred vision, weakness, dry mouth, and itching. In certain conditions, diabetes can even lead to complications such as uterine cancer.
According to healthline.com, this can be triggered by the fact that type 2 diabetes often occurs in individuals who are overweight, which also increases the risk of uterine cancer. This condition is the strong reason for the relationship between diabetes and an increased risk of uterine cancer. However, further examination is needed to determine the exact cause.
9. History of Cancer

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A history of cancer such as colorectal cancer is also known to be a cause of uterine cancer. In addition, a family history factor also contributes to the occurrence of uterine cancer. For example, as reported by mayoclinic.org, Lynch syndrome is known to increase the risk of colorectal cancer and other cancers such as uterine cancer.
This is caused by genetic mutations that occur due to a family history. Consultation and further examination are necessary to determine the level of cancer risk that the body may have if there is a family history of Lynch syndrome.
10. Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

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Several symptoms of cervical cancer can occur in sufferers as follows:
Bleeding from the vagina after menopause.
Bleeding that occurs during menstruation.
Pelvic pain.
Lower abdominal pain.
Discharge mixed with blood.
Pain during intercourse.
Those are the 9 causes of cervical cancer and its symptoms that women need to be aware of. Further consultation and examination are needed to determine the exact cause of cervical cancer that may be present in the body.
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