Kapanlagi.com - How to shape the abdominal muscles are widely sought after by people in order to get the desired six-pack abs. Both men and women indeed avoid a potbelly with a buildup of fat that often ruins their appearance. That is why various efforts are made to shape the abdominal muscles. Not only good for physical appearance, shaping the abdominal muscles also has benefits for obtaining a healthy body.
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Having a muscular abdomen, and even up to six-pack abs, apparently does not require complicated methods. The following movements are already very popular for their benefits as the most effective way to shape the abdominal muscles with quick and easy results, even for beginners. The most important thing is to do it consistently in order to quickly achieve the desired shape of the abdominal muscles. Curious? Let's directly see the complete review below.
1. Raised Leg Crunch

(credit: youtube/livestrongwoman)
Raised Leg Crunch is a variation of sit-ups that you can do to build the lower abdominal muscles. In addition, the flow of blood to the lower abdomen can be smoother after performing this exercise.
To do this exercise, position your body on the floor and lift your legs evenly upwards. Then, position your legs upwards with the help of your feet. Lift your head and shoulders upwards while inhaling. Exhale and repeat several times. You can do this exercise regularly in the morning.
2. Plank
Plank is one of the easy and quick ways to shape the abdominal muscles. This practical exercise can be done in just 5 minutes, but regularly. Usually, the plank movement is done by positioning the body with both hands and knees resting on the floor to stretch the spine. Align the shoulders right above the hand support and stretch the spine by lifting the head. Hold this position for 1 minute. By doing this movement, the muscles around the abdomen will tighten and gradually the abdominal muscles will become toned.
3. Star Plank

(credit: freepik)
Not only plank, you can also do other variations like star plank. As the name suggests, this movement shapes the body like a star or the letter X. The benefits of star plank exercise itself are to shape the abdominal muscles, waist, and arms.
Although basically, star plank movement is not easy, for beginners you can hold this position for 30 seconds in the first training. Once you get used to it, you can increase the training duration.
4. Sit Up
Sit up is one of the exercises that is suitable for you to practice to quickly shape your abdominal muscles. The way to do sit-ups is relatively easy, you just need to lie down and place your hands behind or beside your head, while you can bend your legs.
Then lift your upper body as strong as possible. Make sure your legs don't lift up too, then lower it down. Do this movement several times to increase the strength of your upper abdominal muscles.
5. Flutter Kick

(credit: youtube/scotthermanfitness)
Flutter kick is an exercise that is easy to do anywhere to shape your abdominal muscles. The way to do flutter kicks is by lifting your legs alternately. First, lie straight on a mat.
After that, place both palms under your buttocks and lift your legs up to 10 cm. Repeat this step alternately between the right and left legs. If you feel tired in your legs, lower them for a while and lift them again when you feel relaxed.
6. Crossover Crunch
Next, you can shape your abdominal muscles by performing the crossover crunch movement. The way to do this movement is by lying on your back. After that, bend your left leg with the sole of your foot still on the floor. Cross your right leg over your left leg. Your left hand should be beside your head and your right hand beside your body.
Move your left elbow towards your right knee. Inhale while lying down and exhale while contracting your abdomen. Repeat with the opposite position. By doing this movement regularly, you will quickly achieve the desired shape of your abdomen.
7. Reverse Crunch
Reverse crunch can help shape your abdominal muscles to the maximum. You can easily do this movement at home. The way to do it is by lying on a mat, then bend your knees as if you were going to do a sit-up and lift both legs up until your hips also rise. Make sure your hands are beside your body to maintain balance.
Those are a series of the most effective ways to shape your abdominal muscles. In addition to the above methods, you can balance it by increasing protein intake, consuming enough water and getting adequate rest, and doing it consistently. Good luck and hope it's beneficial.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.