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Resume is a Summary of Information, Understand the Types and Learn How to Make It

Resume is a Summary of Information, Understand the Types and Learn How to Make It Illustration (credit: freepik) - When searching for a job, there are several documents that need to be prepared. These documents become requirements that must be fulfilled when applying for a job. One of the documents that is often required is a resume. In general, a resume is a document that contains a summary.

During school, we may have known a resume as one of the techniques in making summaries. However, the understanding of a resume in the world of work and education is slightly different. In the working world, a resume is a summary of someone's experience or life history.

There are many people who cannot differentiate between a resume and a curriculum vitae or CV. However, they are actually different. So, what are the differences? To find out, read the following explanation about a resume being a brief life history that has been summarized from various sources.

1. Understanding Resume

As mentioned earlier, a resume is a summary or synopsis of information. Back in school, making a resume meant creating a summary or synopsis of a subject matter. A resume becomes one of the ways to study or take notes to facilitate understanding of the subject matter.

In the realm of job searching, making a resume also means creating a summary. However, in this case, what is summarized is not the subject matter, but personal information or data. Usually, this personal information also includes personal identity, skills, achievements, educational background, as well as experiences and other important aspects.

Whether in education or employment, a resume should be concise and effective. This means that the conveyed information can still be delivered maximally and easily understood. Because, as explained earlier, the purpose of creating a resume is to summarize information, making it easier to understand.

2. Difference Between Resume and CV

Resume and CV are two different things. Although in reality, both types of documents are often required when applying for a job. In fact, they have some fundamental differences.

The difference between a resume and a CV must be understood. Because an inappropriate document can hinder the job application process. If a resume is a summary of information including identity and other background, then a CV is a list of life history. The fundamental difference between a CV and a resume lies in the format or presentation of information.

As the name suggests, a CV or life history is presented in the form of a long list. The list includes the chronological journey or life experience of a person. Starting from personal identity which includes date of birth, educational level with entry and graduation years, trainings, achievements, and so on.

Meanwhile, a resume is a summary of life history. This means that a resume is made based on a CV or life history of a person. The information contained in a resume is more or less the same as that in a CV. However, a resume is more concise and brief. A resume emphasizes skills, professional experience, achievements, and goals.

In addition, a resume is not presented in a chronological list format. Resumes are often made in short and clear paragraph form. However, the creation of a resume is often tailored to the job or company being applied for.

3. Types of Resumes

Broadly speaking, a resume is a summary of information. Whether in the field of education or the working world, a good resume is one that is concise, compact, and easy to understand. In addition, resumes are generally known to have several types. The following are some types of resumes.

1. Overview
Many people refer to a resume as an overview. It is understandable because an overview is one type of resume. However, it should be understood that not all resumes are classified as overviews. An overview is a type of resume that is created while still considering the original arrangement of information. Therefore, the integrity of the main ideas of the information is maintained.

2. Abstract
Another type of resume is an abstract. This type of resume is commonly found at the beginning of academic works such as theses, dissertations, and journals. The abstract is written briefly and concisely.

3. Stricto Sensu Summary
In addition to overviews and abstracts, there is also a type of resume called a stricto sensu summary. A stricto sensu summary resume is a type of resume that is composed based on the development of one's own words. This means that the resume maker will only take the main ideas. This type of resume is often used in the field of education or schools.

4. How to Create a Resume

Having the skill to create a resume is very important, especially when looking for a job. Additionally, creating a resume will also sharpen your ability to understand and summarize information. To practice creating a resume, follow these steps.

1. Read the entire text of the information that will be used to create the resume. If the resume is for a job application, carefully read the curriculum vitae.

2. Identify the main ideas of each piece of information that will be communicated in the resume.

3. Start organizing the resume.

4. Review the resume, ensure that the writing is correct and precise. Also, make sure no important information is overlooked.

Those are some of the reviews about resumes as a document containing a summary. Hopefully, this is useful and can increase knowledge.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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