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Understanding the Meaning of Tabarakallah and Its Differences from Masyallah, Also Know How to Respond

Understanding the Meaning of Tabarakallah and Its Differences from Masyallah, Also Know How to Respond Illustration (credit: freepik) - The term or phrase "Tabakarallah" is certainly familiar to Muslims. Tabarakallah is often said on various occasions. Therefore, it is only right that the meaning of tabakarallah should be understood by every Muslim. In daily life, tabakarallah is often said to express admiration for something, such as natural phenomena or the like.

Often, people also equate the meaning of masyallah and tabarakallah. However, tabarakallah has a different meaning from masyallah. Although both are used as expressions of admiration, if we examine the use of these two expressions, they are also different.

To better understand the meaning of tabakarallah and its differences from masyallah, let's take a look at the following review which has been summarized from various sources.

1. Meaning of Tabakarallah

As mentioned earlier, the expression tabarakallah is often uttered when someone feels amazed. According to, in the Quran, the meaning of tabarakallah is Most Blessed, Most Holy, and Most High. Therefore, it is not surprising that tabarakallah is frequently spoken as a form of praise for the greatness of Allah SWT.

In addition, some interpretations also mention that tabarakallah is not only limited to expressions of praise or ordinary admiration. More than that, tabarakallah can also be uttered as a prayer. This is because other sources state that tabarakallah also means 'may Allah bless you'. Therefore, apart from feeling amazed, tabarakallah is also often used in daily life to give congratulations and prayers.

2. Benefits of Saying Tabakarallah

As mentioned earlier, tabarakallah is an expression that contains the meaning of both prayer and praise or admiration for Allah SWT. By reading or saying tabarakallah, it can certainly bring many benefits and rewards of goodness.

Saying tabarakallah when feeling amazed by the greatness of the Creator will indirectly bring us closer to Allah SWT. In addition, it will also keep us away from arrogance or pride. By uttering and understanding the meaning of tabarakallah, humans will always feel small and powerless. Thus, it will increase the motivation to have more faith and piety towards Allah SWT.

3. Muslim's Response upon Hearing Tabarakallah

In our daily lives, we are certainly familiar with the expression tabarakallah. The people around us have surely expressed this phrase quite often, whether when feeling amazed or giving prayers and blessings. When hearing a good expression, as good Muslims, we also need to respond or give a good response in return.

Just like when we receive good prayers from others, it becomes our obligation to pray for them as well. As mentioned earlier, tabarakallah can also mean prayer. Therefore, it is only right for us to respond to tabarakallah with a good expression as well. So, how should we respond to the expression tabarakallah?

One way to respond to the expression tabarakallah is by saying, "jazakallah khair". Generally, jazakallah khair means 'May Allah SWT reward you with goodness'. Another option is to answer with "barakallah fii" which means 'May Allah bless you'.

Based on the meaning and significance, both expressions are considered suitable and appropriate to respond to the expression tabarakallah. This is because "tabarakallah", "jazakallah khair", and "barakallah fii" all have the same meaning of praying for Allah SWT's blessings.

4. Difference between Tabarakallah and Masyallah

The meaning and significance of Tabarakallah and Masyallah are often confused. This is because both expressions are frequently used to show admiration. In fact, it is not uncommon for Tabarakallah and Masyallah to be said by Muslims simultaneously at the same time or under the same circumstances.

The meaning of Tabarakallah and Masyallah is known to be praise for the admiration of Allah SWT. Although they have similar meanings, significance, and timing of expression, these two expressions actually have differences. Some of these differences can be found in terms of timing and reasons for utterance.

Tabarakallah is said when Muslims receive something considered as a great blessing or beyond measure from Allah SWT. Generally, this blessing can be in the form of an object or something else that belongs to and is under human control.

On the other hand, Masyallah is said more in reference to what is desired by Allah SWT. Additionally, the term Masyallah can also be mentioned when Muslims feel amazed by the greatness of Allah SWT. The greatness referred to can also be in the form of phenomena, objects, or other things that are beyond his power.

Nevertheless, the expressions tabarakallah and masyallah, whether together or sequentially, are still considered good and permissible to do. Because when these two expressions are juxtaposed, they will have interconnected meanings. Masyaallah will become an expression for what is desired by Allah SWT, while tabarakallah will become an expression to praise or admire Allah SWT completely, with prayers.

Those are some reviews about the meaning of tabarakallah, along with an explanation of its difference from masyallah. Hopefully, it can be useful and add knowledge.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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