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12 Benefits of Boiled Eggs and Essential Nutrients You Must Know

12 Benefits of Boiled Eggs and Essential Nutrients You Must Know Boiled egg benefits (credit: Freepik) - Eggs are one of the animal protein sources that are often consumed. There are many delicious and healthy ways to process eggs. One of them is boiled eggs, and of course, the benefits of boiled eggs are very good for the body's health, no wonder boiled eggs are often made as healthy food for those who are dieting.

Eggs themselves have many healthy nutritional contents. In eggs, there are contents such as calories, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, potassium, carbohydrates, and protein. In addition, eggs also contain contents such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin C, iron, vitamin B6, and magnesium.

With such a large amount of contents, it is no wonder that eggs can make the body healthier, especially boiled eggs. They have many benefits in nourishing the body. In egg processing, there are also different contents, such as the nutritional contents of fried eggs and boiled eggs.

What are the benefits of boiled eggs for the body? Reported from various sources, here are 8 benefits of boiled eggs and their nutritional content for health that you must know. Let's check it out KLovers.



1. Nutrition of Boiled Eggs

Before knowing the benefits of boiled eggs, it is good for you to know the nutritional content in boiled eggs. And here are some nutritional contents in one boiled egg:

Calories: 77

Carbohydrates: 0.6 grams

Fat: 5.3 grams

Saturated fat: 1.6 grams

Cholesterol: 212 mg

Protein: 6.3 grams

Vitamin A: 6%

Vitamin B2: 15%

Vitamin B12: 9%

Vitamin B5: 7%

Phosphorus: 86 mg

Selenium: 15.4 mcg

From the above list of nutrients, we can see that boiled eggs only provide 77 calories, 5 grams of fat, and a very small amount of carbohydrates. In addition, boiled eggs contain amino acids, which are a source of complete protein. The nutrients in eggs are found in the yolk, while the egg white contains protein that is very good for health.



2. Good for the Heart

The first benefit of boiled eggs is that they are good for heart health. Many people say that egg yolks contain a lot of cholesterol that can increase the risk of heart disease. However, several studies have shown that there is no link between egg consumption and heart disease or stroke.

Even a study published in the British Journal of Medicine showed that consuming one egg per day does not increase the risk of heart disease or stroke in healthy individuals. So, it's not true, KLovers, that eggs can cause heart disease.

However, for those of you who have diabetes or high cholesterol, it is advisable not to consume egg yolks excessively. In the Nurses Health Study and Health Professionals research, the risk of heart disease increased in those who had diabetes, both men and women.



3. Good for Brain Health

Then, the next benefit of boiled eggs is that it can help improve brain function. In fact, eggs can make your brain work well, KLovers. Yes, in order for the brain to function properly, the nerve cells in the brain need a compound called choline as a building and supporting substance.

Even a study has proven that 90% of people lack this compound. To meet the daily needs, you can include boiled eggs in your daily menu. Because in one boiled egg, there is 100 grams of choline. And that content is enough to meet your daily needs.



4. Increasing Muscle Mass

Many men want to build their muscles by consuming boiled eggs every day. And of course, this has been scientifically proven, KLovers. That's because eggs contain amino acids, which are compounds that make up proteins. This content is needed for all forms of cell development that occur in the body, both for structural and functional purposes.

The protein content in boiled eggs can also increase muscle mass and help muscle function. One large boiled egg contains 6 grams of protein, which consists of essential amino acids in the amount needed by the body. So by regularly consuming boiled eggs, you can increase your muscle mass.



5. Maintaining Eye Health

Not only vegetables can maintain eye health, but animal protein such as eggs can also maintain eye health, KLovers. One of the functions of vision is held by nerve cells in an area called the retina.

This part of the eye is very vulnerable to exposure to free radicals and aging factors that cause damage or degeneration in this area. So that it disrupts a person's vision function. But don't worry KLovers, you can inhibit the aging process using eggs.

That's because eggs contain the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. Both of these substances have been scientifically proven to help repair retinal damage. In addition, these antioxidants can also help reduce the risk of cataracts and protect overall eye function. Even the vitamin A content in eggs can maintain visual acuity and protect the eyes from damage.



6. Improves Fertility

Another benefit of boiled eggs is that it can improve fertility. The vitamin B found in boiled eggs can help in the formation of sex hormones, KLovers. Additionally, the content of folic acid in boiled eggs, also known as vitamin B9, is very good for the development of the fetus.

This is because vitamin B9 helps in the formation of red blood cells and the neural tube of the fetus. The benefits of boiled eggs are very good for improving fertility in women, especially for couples who are trying to conceive.



7. Good for a Diet Menu

Not only for muscle formation, but boiled eggs are also beneficial for a diet menu. It is not uncommon for boiled eggs to be used as a menu for someone who is on a diet, including muscle formation. Eggs themselves have high protein content and low calories, making them a healthy snack during a diet.

An extra-large egg contains 6 grams of protein and 80 calories. The egg white only contains 15 calories per egg. Therefore, a boiled egg is suitable to be enjoyed as a tasty and healthy snack. The egg white is also cholesterol-free and saturated fat-free, making it perfect for those who are on a diet.



8. Improving Bone Health

There are so many nutrients in boiled eggs, making the benefits of boiled eggs believed to improve bone health. Vitamin D is very important for calcium absorption and maintaining bone health. And of course, we can easily find this vitamin D content in boiled eggs.

If the body lacks vitamin D, the risk of osteoporosis and other bone diseases increases. So, besides sunbathing, you can consume healthy foods like boiled eggs regularly.



9. Improving Body Metabolism

Metabolism is indeed very important for the body, with a well-functioning metabolism system, the body will also be healthy. It can even prevent many diseases such as diabetes, liver, and heart diseases. And to improve metabolism in the body, you can use the benefits of boiled eggs.

This is because the choline content in boiled eggs can help the digestion process of fats and prevent fat accumulation in the body. In addition, boiled eggs can also increase adiponectin levels, which can increase metabolism, improve the body's ability to respond to insulin, and facilitate the digestion process of fats.



10. Lowering Triglyceride Levels in the Blood

Not only does boiled eggs increase cholesterol levels, but the benefits of boiled eggs are also very good in lowering triglyceride levels in the body. Triglycerides are one type of fat that is commonly found in the blood, produced by the liver, but mostly derived from food such as meat, cheese, milk, rice, cooking oil, and butter.

When the intake of triglycerides from food exceeds the amount needed by the body, there will be an increase in triglyceride levels in the blood. High triglycerides are suspected to trigger thickening of the blood vessel walls, thus increasing the risk of stroke and heart attack. Therefore, you can overcome this by consuming boiled eggs.

This is because boiled eggs are enriched with omega-3 fatty acids that can lower triglyceride levels in the blood. If the triglyceride levels are high in the blood, it can increase the risk factor for heart disease. By consuming five eggs enriched with omega-3 per week for three weeks, it can reduce triglyceride levels in the blood by 16-18%.



11. Preventing Anemia

Boiled eggs have benefits for blood circulation. In addition, this food can also prevent you from lacking blood or anemia. This is because boiled eggs contain enough iron to meet daily intake.

A lack of iron is marked by frequent headaches, fatigue, and irritability. If you suffer from iron deficiency, eggs can help. In addition, nutritionists claim that 2 eggs contain 2 milligrams of iron for daily intake.



12. Overcoming Cancer

Another benefit of boiled eggs is that they can overcome cancer in the body. Eggs contain antioxidants to counteract free radicals that can cause cancer cell growth. Consuming boiled eggs regularly can help reduce the risk of cancer in the body due to free radicals, and an unhealthy lifestyle.



13. Providing More Energy

And the last benefit of boiled eggs is that they can provide more energy. Eggs are not only a diet menu, but they are also often made as a breakfast. This is because boiled eggs have the benefit of providing more energy to your body.

Boiled eggs contain all the nutrients needed to produce energy. The content of vitamin A, vitamin B12, and selenium in boiled eggs is also a food source to keep the immune system healthy and strong.

Those are the 12 benefits of boiled eggs for body health that are true, and you must know. Although in reality, eggs do not affect high cholesterol for those who are healthy, but for those who have a history of chronic diseases, it is advisable to consult a doctor first, KLovers.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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