Kapanlagi.com - The life of a country always adheres to the ideology it adopts. Because ideology is an idea, concept, or view of a nation that is realized in rules or laws. In practice, there are various ideologies used by various countries, such as communism, liberalism, capitalism, socialism, and Pancasila. Communism is one ideology that is quite widely adopted today.
Each ideology has its own ideas. For example, the Pancasila ideology adopted by Indonesia, which contains noble values such as divinity, humanity, unity, deliberation, and justice. Communism is an ideology that is anti-capitalism. This ideology places the interests of the state above individual interests.
What is a more in-depth explanation of capitalism ideology? Check out the following discussion that has been summarized from various sources.
1. Definition of Communism

(credit: freepik)
In the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of the word communist is 'follower of communist ideology'. Meanwhile, in KBBI, communism is defined as a doctrine or ideology taught by Karl Marx. This doctrine advocates for replacing individual ownership with state ownership.
Communist ideology is often seen as the opposite of capitalism and liberalism. The main goal of this ideology is to form a social-political program under state control. In this way, the state has full control over capital and ownership rights to the means of production of every individual or citizen. The aim is to achieve equal prosperity.
Communist ideology persists in countries with communist parties. Countries that adhere to communist ideology also implement a representative democracy system. Officials are elected from existing communist parties. However, this democracy does not automatically grant people the freedom to aspire. Aspirations of the people outside of the communist party membership will be limited.
2. Differences between Communist Ideology and Other Ideologies
The ideology embraced by a nation will reflect the nation's perspective on the world and various aspects of life. This is also true for communist ideology. In terms of economic life, communist ideology is very different from socialism, liberalism, and capitalism.
Liberalism is an ideology that adheres to a political doctrine that places individual freedom as the central political issue. The government is expected to exist to protect the rights of every individual from being harmed by others. However, on the other hand, the government can also become a threat to freedom.
Socialism is an ideology that calls for individuals to not live or work individually, but rather to live cooperatively. In addition, everything produced is considered a social product, so anyone who contributes to the production process has the right to a share. This view of socialist ideology is contrary to capitalism.
Meanwhile, communist ideology is an ideology that is opposed to capitalism and liberalism. Understanding communism as anti-capitalism through the communist party system seizing power, by opposing individual ownership rights and the accumulation of capital.
Meanwhile, communist ideology is an ideology that is opposed to capitalism and liberalism. Understanding communism as anti-capitalism through the communist party system seizing power, by opposing individual ownership rights and the accumulation of capital.
3. Countries that Follow Communist Ideology

(credit: freepik)
Until now, communism is an ideology that still persists and is implemented by at least five countries in the world. These countries that follow communist ideology are often referred to as communist countries. The five communist countries are China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam. However, not all countries have become pure communist countries, some of these countries are still experiencing a transition from socialism.
In addition to the five countries mentioned above, in 1922 a communist country named the Soviet Union was established. This large country consisted of six communist countries, namely Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and the Transcaucasian Federation. However, in 1936, the Federation became Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia. Then in 1991, when it was dissolved, the Soviet Union consisted of 15 countries.
In 1955, the Soviet Union created the Warsaw Pact with other communist military allies such as Albania, Bulgaria, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. However, in the end, the Soviet Union collapsed. This also had an impact on the number of countries that transitioned from communism to a transitional form. Some of these transitioning countries include Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Congo, Ethiopia, Mongolia, Mozambique, Somalia, South Yemen, and Yugoslavia.
4. Communist Manifesto
During the French Revolution, modern communist ideology developed through the book "Communist Manifesto". The book, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, was published in 1848. The Communist Manifesto highlights the French Revolution as a turning point. This is because, during this event, the merchant class was in the process of consolidating control over the "means of production", and reversing the feudal power structure, leading to the modern capitalist era.
This revolution replaced the class struggle of the Middle Ages, which pitted the nobility against the slaves, but in the modern era pitted the bourgeois capitalist owners against the "proletariat," the working class who sell their labor for wages.
In the Communist Manifesto and subsequent works, Marx, Engels, and their followers advocate (and predict as historically inevitable) a global proletarian revolution, which will lead to the era of socialism, and then communism.
As the final stage of the class struggle, everyone will live in social balance, without the shadows of class differences, family structures, religion, or property ownership. In addition, the state will also "melt away". The economy will function according to the popular Marxist slogan, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."
That is a review of communism as one of the ideologies that exist today. Hopefully, it is beneficial and can broaden your horizons.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.