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9 Common Causes of Stretch Marks on the Body and How to Deal with Them

9 Common Causes of Stretch Marks on the Body and How to Deal with Them Causes of stretch marks (credit: Istockphoto/ - Stretch marks can appear on any part of the body that is marked by lines on the skin. These lines can appear around the thighs, abdomen, hips, or breasts. The cause of stretch marks on the body can be experienced due to several triggering factors that affect the appearance of the skin.

Stretch marks can occur in anyone but are often found in pregnant women. This is the complaint of most women when they are pregnant because of stretch marks on their bodies. This condition is usually experienced in the abdomen area that feels itchy and causes stretch marks. Stretch marks themselves are lines on the skin that can be indented, rough, and uneven.

This condition occurs because the skin suddenly stretches, especially in the dermis. This is what causes someone to experience stretch marks on their body. Over time, stretch marks can change color and leave marks on the skin. The complaint of these lines or creases is generally not painful. However, in some conditions, stretch marks can often lower a person's self-confidence due to the appearance of their skin.

The causes of stretch marks themselves can occur due to various triggering factors, such as overweight, side effects of drugs, and even family history. However, there are various other risk factors that can be experienced by everyone with stretch marks on their body.

For more complete information, here are the causes of stretch marks on the body that can be recognized as early as possible. The causes of stretch marks on the body have been summarized by from various sources.

1. Obesity

The first cause of stretch marks can occur due to obesity. As seen in various cases that have been encountered, obesity can have an impact on health conditions including stretch marks. Because in someone who is overweight, their skin tends to stretch. According to, when there is an imbalance in skin stretching, it can cause tears in the skin tissue and leave marks.

This condition can be experienced by both men and women who can develop stretch marks. That is why controlling body weight is important to prevent certain health problems or complaints, including stretch marks.

2. Puberty

The next cause of stretch marks can occur due to puberty. As known, puberty is a sign of physical and psychological changes that occur in both boys and girls. Generally, puberty occurs in adolescence, which is a normal stage experienced by every child.

Regarding stretch marks, puberty often causes changes in the body that can affect the skin. This is what causes stretch marks to occur due to rapid skin stretching.

3. Medical Conditions

Another cause of stretch marks can be experienced due to certain medical conditions. One of them is the side effects of drug use that can trigger the occurrence of stretch marks. According to, drugs such as prolonged corticosteroids can damage the skin's connective fibers. This is what can trigger the occurrence of stretch marks on the body. Consultation with a doctor is necessary to determine the proper consumption or use of corticosteroid drugs.

4. Certain Types of Sports

The cause of stretch marks on the body can also be caused by certain physical activities. Although exercise is very beneficial for the body's health, doing inappropriate exercise can actually cause health problems, including stretch marks. According to, several types of sports related to muscle size increase can trigger the occurrence of stretch marks.

This condition can occur in areas of the body that are usually the focus during muscle exercises, such as the thighs or arms. Therefore, accuracy is needed in terms of exercise frequency, intake, and using protectors such as skin moisturizers to prevent stretch marks from appearing.

5. Genetics

The cause of stretch marks can also be influenced by genetic factors. As is known, there are various types of specific health disorders that are influenced by genetics, including stretch marks. According to, for example, someone with genetic conditions such as Cushing's syndrome and Marfan syndrome may be at risk of experiencing stretch marks on the skin.

Meanwhile, according to, a family history can also trigger the occurrence of stretch marks on the body. For example, if you have a family history of stretch marks, it is possible to develop a similar condition.

6. Pregnancy

Pregnancy often becomes the most common cause of stretch marks experienced by every woman. Stretch marks due to pregnancy are also known as striae gravidarum. According to, during pregnancy, the skin will stretch, especially in the abdominal area, which can trigger the occurrence of stretch marks. This happens because during pregnancy, the skin becomes more prone to tearing.

Stretch marks can even appear on the skin of the thighs, hips, or lower back. Rapid weight gain can also contribute to the occurrence of stretch marks. It is not surprising that stretch marks are often found in pregnant women.

7. Medical Treatment

Medical treatments can also be a triggering factor for stretch marks. According to, medical treatments such as chemotherapy, long-term antibiotic therapy, contraceptive use, surgery, or neuroleptic treatment can increase the risk of stretch marks. Consultation and examination can be considered to obtain appropriate advice regarding stretch marks due to medical treatments.

8. Weight Loss

In addition to overweight or obesity, stretch marks can also be triggered by sudden weight loss. This condition arises due to sudden changes in the skin that can increase the risk of developing stretch marks. Therefore, controlling body weight to be more ideal is important to maintain overall health.

9. Breast Implant Surgery

According to, the cause of stretch marks can be a risk experienced due to breast implant surgery. As known, breast implant surgery can also cause other complications that trigger various health complaints, including stretch marks. Breast implant surgery can even cause pain, swelling, and bruising in the breasts. This is highly likely to contribute to the occurrence of stretch marks around the breast area.

10. How to Overcome Stretch Marks

After understanding the general causes of stretch marks, it is also important to know how to overcome them. Although stretch marks cannot be completely eliminated, this condition can be reduced by alleviating the symptoms or conditions of stretch marks. The ways to overcome stretch marks include:

- Using creams that contain retinoids and applying them to the area of the skin with stretch marks.

- Consuming healthy foods with high vitamin and mineral content.

- Consuming vitamin A and vitamin C to maintain skin health and elasticity.

- Maintaining an ideal body weight.

Those are the 9 common causes of stretch marks on the body and how to overcome them. Consulting with a doctor can be considered to get proper recommendations regarding stretch marks that occur on the body.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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