Kapanlagi.com - Keloids are scar tissue that forms after a wound heals and becomes hardened and dark in color. Keloids themselves can be larger than the original wound. Although not a chronic disease, the presence of keloids certainly affects appearance. You need to know that keloids are caused by several factors such as burns, piercing scars, surgical scars, scratches from other objects, and claw wounds. The inner skin, shoulders, upper arms, earlobes, and cheeks are the most susceptible to keloids.
Keloids can appear on a person's body because they have a keloid trait or gene in their body. In addition, a deep wound also poses a risk of keloid formation. Skin with keloids usually does not cause pain. However, some people feel sensations of pain, itching, and burning. There are many ways to remove keloids that you can do. What are they? Instead of being curious, check out the following review.
1. Performing Surgery

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One way to instantly remove keloids is by undergoing surgery. The surgery involves cutting the keloid that appears on your skin. However, even after the keloid is removed through surgery, there is still a possibility that it may reappear. That's why doctors usually combine surgery with other treatments such as radiation.
2. Laser
Another way to treat keloids on your body is by using laser. Laser can help flatten the keloids and fade their dark color. The laser therapy used is pulsed dye laser. Treating keloids with laser is quite expensive and may require multiple sessions to heal.
3. Steroid Injections

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Removing keloids using steroid injections is one effective method that you can try. Performing steroid injections yourself will be more effective if you also undergo laser treatment. However, you should not randomly administer steroid injections. You still need to consult with a doctor first so that the treatment process you undergo can be effective and provide maximum results.
4. Interferon
Keloid treatment can also be done by injecting interferon. Interferon is a natural protein produced by your immune system to fight viruses and bacteria. Interferon is believed to reduce keloids in your body. Interferon treatment is still under research to determine if the results it provides are permanent or not.
5. Radiation
Radiation becomes a way to remove keloids that is also effective to do. One can start radiation treatment immediately after keloid surgery, the next day, or a week later as a way to remove keloids. Radiation can also be used alone to reduce the size of keloids. However, the results tend to be better when used after keloid surgery.
6. Red Onion
In addition to using the above methods, you can remove keloids naturally using red onions. The content of quercetin and flavonol in red onions acts as an antioxidant that is believed to disguise keloids.
The way to use red onions to remove keloids is by cutting the red onions into small pieces and then squeezing them to extract the juice. Use the juice of red onions on the keloids and let it dry before rinsing. You can do this method three to four times a day.
7. Garlic

In addition to shallots, garlic can also be used as a way to remove keloids. This is because this kitchen spice can prevent the entry of certain types of enzymes into the wound area. That means the accumulation of skin tissue that forms keloids can be avoided. The way to use garlic is by crushing three cloves of garlic. After that, apply it to the keloid area for 15 minutes. Stop using this natural ingredient if your skin feels burned or irritated.
8. Honey

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The benefits of honey as a natural way to remove keloids are undeniable. This anti-inflammatory content is quite effective in dealing with skin problems, including keloids, without causing side effects. The way to do it is by applying honey to the skin with keloids. Do this method at least twice a day.
9. Lemon Juice
The next natural way to remove keloids is by utilizing lemon juice. Lemon juice is believed to be able to treat keloids on the body due to its high vitamin C content and antioxidants that can reduce the size of keloids on the body. To use it, apply lemon juice to the wound and leave it for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. To make keloids disappear quickly, you can apply this method regularly.
Those are some ways to remove keloids that you can try. If you are using medical methods, it is advisable to always consult with a doctor first. Hope it is useful.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.