Kapanlagi.com - Tremor is a condition that occurs when certain parts of the body suddenly tremble without any clear reason. Tremors are commonly experienced in the hands, head, and legs. The causes of tremors generally occur due to disorders in the central nerves that regulate body movements.
Tremors can occur suddenly and can happen at a certain frequency and duration, either once or repeatedly. This can occur due to disorders in the central nervous system that trigger muscle contractions in the body. As a result of these contractions, uncontrollable tremors occur, often without being noticed.
Although tremors can occur in almost any part of the body, they are more commonly experienced in the hands. The trembling movements that occur can be easily recognized when you perform activities such as picking up objects, writing, or eating. According to medicalnewstoday.com, tremors can be categorized into two types: resting tremor and action tremor.
These two categories of tremors occur with different symptoms, either due to stimuli or without stimuli. The causes of tremors can sometimes arise from experiencing certain health disorders that are at risk of causing tremors. For example, related to kidney disease, stroke or Parkinson's.
The causes of tremors and the risk factors can be found in the following reviews. Here are the general causes of tremors and risk factors summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Genetic Factors

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The first cause of tremors can occur due to genetic factors. This happens in essential tremor, which is known to be associated with genetic factors. According to mayoclinic.org, essential tremor is inherited from family history. In this case, if one has a parent with a genetic mutation for essential tremor, it is highly likely to experience a similar condition. Meanwhile, according to ninds.nih.gov, research shows a connection between essential tremor and possible genetic variations on chromosomes 6 and 11.
2. Anxiety Disorder

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The next cause of tremor can occur due to experiencing anxiety disorders. As it is known, feelings of anxiety often arise due to various triggering factors such as fear, anger, emotions, or panic. One of the signs of the body when experiencing anxiety can be easily recognized by trembling hands.
Quoting from hellosehat.com, to alleviate anxiety disorders, it can be done by consuming herbal drinks or using aromatherapy oils that can calm the body. In addition, practicing breathing can also help alleviate anxiety and tremor symptoms.
3. Experiencing Multiple Sclerosis

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Another cause of tremor is experiencing multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is a condition experienced due to nerve disorders in the brain, eyes, and spinal cord. This condition can cause movement disorders, including tremors. In addition to trembling, the movement disorders that arise also include several conditions such as body imbalance or numbness. Consultation and examination can be considered to overcome symptoms that arise due to multiple sclerosis.
4. Stroke

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The next cause of tremors can occur due to experiencing a stroke. According to medicalnewstoday.com, stroke is related to tremors experienced because it causes damage to the neurological system that triggers tremors. Ischemic stroke is a condition that causes a person to experience a blockage of blood flow to the brain. This condition can cause tremors. Further examination is needed to help address stroke accurately and appropriately.
5. Side Effects of Medications
Several medications are known to cause tremors in the body. According to ninds.nih.gov, types of medications such as asthma medications, amphetamines, corticosteroids, and medications for mental disorders are known to cause tremor symptoms in parts of the body.
Therefore, it is recommended to consult with a doctor if experiencing tremors due to the consumption of these medications. This can prevent symptoms that arise from specific medication side effects.
6. Lack of Vitamins and Nutrients

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Meeting the body's vitamin and nutrient needs is important to maintain a balanced health. In this case, if the body's vitamin and nutrient needs are not met, it is possible to make the body vulnerable to various types of health problems.
According to hellosehat.com, tremors can also be caused by a lack of vitamin B1 and magnesium. Because vitamin B1 can help alleviate shaky hands and calm nerves. If these vitamins are not fulfilled, it can trigger tremors. The same goes for other nutrients like magnesium, which is important for the body.
7. Parkinson's Disease
Another cause of tremors to be aware of is Parkinson's disease. According to medicalnewstoday.com, Parkinson's disease usually has tremor symptoms that occur in one or both hands. This condition will increase when the body experiences stress or high levels of emotion. Parkinson's disease itself is a health disorder that causes damage to nerve cells in the brain that affect body movements.
8. Excessive Caffeine

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The caffeine content in certain drinks can also be a cause of tremors. One of them is coffee or tea, which have a strong caffeine content that can trigger tremors. This condition can occur when the body consumes too much caffeine, whether it is found in drinks, food, or even certain medications. Therefore, limiting caffeine consumption is necessary to prevent health disorders that may arise and be experienced by the body.
9. Excessive Alcohol Consumption

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Similar to caffeine, excessive alcohol consumption can also cause tremors. Not only that, alcohol can also cause various health problems such as difficulty sleeping, digestive disorders, and even chronic diseases such as liver and heart diseases.
Regarding tremors, unrestricted alcohol consumption can trigger trembling in the body, also known as tremors. Therefore, limiting alcohol consumption can be done to prevent the disorders that arise.
Those are the 9 causes of tremors and risk factors that need to be aware of. Consultation and examination can be considered to help overcome tremors.
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