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7 Best Stock Investment Books Recommendations for Beginners, Must Read!

7 Best Stock Investment Books Recommendations for Beginners, Must Read! Stock Investment Book Recommendations (Credit: - Nowadays, investment seems to be a trend that is growing in society. Many people are tempted by the promise of big profits, but do not have adequate knowledge about it. Therefore, it is important for you to find recommendations for stock investment books for beginners.

Don't let you follow the wrong concept in carrying out serious activities like this. Finding recommendations for stock investment books is also easy to find nowadays.

Increasing knowledge about investment is necessary so that you don't suffer losses in the future. Well, instead of being curious, let's directly look at some recommendations for stock investment books for beginners below.



1. Finding the Best Stock Investment Formula - Ryan Filbert and Adi Prasetya

When you need recommendations for stock investment books, it doesn't hurt to choose Formula Mencari Investasi Saham Terbaik (Finding the Best Stock Investment Formula). Generally, there are many ways to analyze stocks. However, as a beginner, it is understandable if all the methods seem difficult to you.

When it comes to profits, the size is relative. Now, for those of you who are still beginners in this field, please understand the formula for determining the best investment through this book written by Ryan Filbert and Adi Prasetya.



2. #Yukbelajarsaham for Beginners - Beginner Stock Investor Community (ISP)

As the title suggests, #YukBelajarSaham for Beginners (Let's Learn Stocks for Beginners) is a recommended book for stock investment that is suitable for you. This book contains a lot of practical knowledge. So, the content of this book is suitable for anyone to read, whether they are already interested or completely unfamiliar with stocks.

When reading this book, you will find strong reasons why you should learn about stock investment. In addition, there is also an explanation about the procedure for attending the General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPS). With that, you will understand how corporate actions can affect stock prices and the choice to become an investor or trader.



3. Common Mistakes of Beginner Stock Investors - Raymond Budiman

Next, there is a recommended stock investment book for beginners that is worth reading. The book titled Common Mistakes of Beginner Stock Investors is suitable for those of you who are still confused about the steps to take.

Especially if you have made some mistakes before. Realizing these mistakes can be one step to improve your abilities. In fact, beginner stock investors tend to make the same mistakes over time. With this book, you can learn a summary of these mistakes so that you can avoid falling into the same pitfalls.



4. Stock Investment ala Swing Trader Worldwide - Ryan Filbert Wijaya

Still from Ryan Filbert, there is a recommended stock investment book for beginners titled Stock Investment ala Swing Trader Worldwide. To become a great trader, of course, you need to understand the concept fundamentally, in detail, and comprehensively. Of course, this explanation also needs to be presented simply.

Therefore, this book presents explanations about several important things, such as the basic introduction to the capital market in Indonesia, technical analysis that has been used by many people in the world, daily journals of transactions in stocks, and so on.



5. Secret Techniques for Technical Stock Analysis - Fadjar Sidiq Hidayatullah

For beginners, you need to find the right recommendation for stock investment books. Trading is often likened to two sides of a coin. One side can provide quick profits, but on the other side, it can bring significant losses. Therefore, you need to understand some important things in this regard.

This book contains basic guidelines for beginners who are new to the stock market. The material presented is suitable for both stock investors and traders who want to maximize profits by utilizing technical stock analysis. There is also motivation and inspiration from successful traders around the world. Interested in reading it?



6. Fundamental Analysis (Trading and Stock Investment) - Alexander Hery

Fundamental Analysis (Stock Trading and Investment) is also one of the recommended stock investment books for beginners that you should read. Especially if you intend to become a long-term investor. Of course, you need to understand the level of profit growth, assets, capital, debt, and valuation (estimating the intrinsic value of the company or stock).

This is mandatory to be learned and this book is here to help investors analyze the company's financial statements. The simple discussion in this book also makes it easy to understand.

7. Yuk Nabung Saham: Welcome, Indonesian Investors! - Nicky Hogan

There is one more recommended stock investment book that you need to read. The book titled Yuk Nabung Saham: Welcome, Indonesian Investors! will correct some misconceptions that have been wrong all this time. These misconceptions are related to capital market products, such as stocks and mutual funds, which are often said to be expensive and only owned by the rich.

So, KLovers, are these some recommended stock investment books for beginners that you must read.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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