Kapanlagi.com - Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the HBV virus. The cause of hepatitis B can come from various triggering factors followed by specific symptoms. Hepatitis B can be classified into two categories, namely chronic and acute. In certain conditions, the risk level of hepatitis B can have serious effects that potentially lead to liver cancer.
Hepatitis is a disease that attacks the liver organ caused by viral infection. There are several groups of hepatitis known to the public, such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C, hepatitis D or hepatitis E. These hepatitis groups all attack the liver organ, but the difference lies in the type of virus that infects.
In this case, hepatitis B occurs due to an infection of the hepatitis B virus, namely HBV, which is known to be the highest risk compared to hepatitis A or hepatitis C. Because in certain conditions, hepatitis B can develop into chronic, which triggers liver damage, including liver cancer. This risk will increase if hepatitis B occurs in infants and children.
Including infectious diseases, the cause of hepatitis B can occur due to several conditions. For more complete information, you can read the following review regarding the causes of hepatitis B and its symptoms that need to be aware of. The following causes of hepatitis B have been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Sexual Contact

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The first cause of hepatitis B can occur through sexual contact with hepatitis B patients. The virus infection can be transmitted through saliva, semen, or blood entering the body of a person without hepatitis B.
According to mayoclinic.org, transmission through sexual contact can occur, for example, by engaging in sexual intercourse without using a condom or protective device with someone infected with hepatitis B. As a result, the body will be at risk of being exposed to hepatitis B virus infection.
2. Using Needles Together

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Another cause of hepatitis B that can also occur is using needles together. In this case, using the same needle without replacing it can trigger someone to be exposed to hepatitis B virus infection from someone who has HBV. This is because the needle can be contaminated with infected blood and enter the body of someone without hepatitis B infection. That is why it is important to sterilize healthcare equipment, including needles, to prevent the transmission of viruses or diseases.
3. Accidentally Pricked by a Needle
According to mayoclinic.org, healthcare workers or individuals working in healthcare with contact with human blood have a higher risk of contracting hepatitis B. They may accidentally be pricked by a needle or come into contact with the blood of someone infected with the hepatitis B virus. It is not surprising that healthcare workers have a higher risk of contracting certain viruses or diseases.
4. Blood Transfusion

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The next cause of hepatitis B can also be triggered by blood transfusion activities. In some countries, regions, or specific locations, further examination related to blood that may contain the hepatitis B virus may not be conducted. As a result, the risk of hepatitis B transmission due to viral infection is vulnerable to occur and be experienced.
5. Transmission from Mother to Child

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Another cause of hepatitis B can be experienced through transmission from mother to child. According to mayoclinic.org, a pregnant mother infected with the hepatitis B virus can transmit the virus to her baby during childbirth. This is the triggering factor for viral infection in infants.
However, vaccination can be done after the baby is born to prevent further risks. However, hepatitis B does not spread through kissing, food or water, shared equipment, or through touch as reported by webmd.com.
6. Being in a High Infection Environment of the Virus
Being in an environment or place that is highly susceptible to hepatitis B or HBV infection also poses a risk of making someone vulnerable to infection. This is because certain areas or regions may experience high occurrences of hepatitis B, such as Africa, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, or Eastern Europe as reported by halodoc.com.
7. Sharing Toothbrush or Razor

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Another cause of hepatitis B can also occur due to sharing toothbrushes or razors. As known, the use of toothbrushes usually leaves behind blood from wounds caused by brushing too hard. The same goes for razors, which may cause injuries and leave blood on the blade. When someone uses the same equipment, especially if they have a history of hepatitis B, there is a possibility of infection occurring.
8. Symptoms of Hepatitis B

(credit: freepik.com)
After knowing some causes of hepatitis B, it is also important to know several symptoms related to this liver disease. The symptoms of hepatitis B can be seen through the following review.
- Experiencing abdominal pain.
- Dark urine.
- Fever.
- Joint pain.
- Loss of appetite.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Skin color changes to yellow, including the eyes.
- Fatigue and weakness.
Those are the 7 causes of Hepatitis B along with their symptoms that need to be aware of. Consultation and examination with a health doctor need to be done to prevent further risk levels.
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