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7 Easy and Practical Ways to Create Aesthetic Instagram Feeds, Don't Just Post Random Photos

7 Easy and Practical Ways to Create Aesthetic Instagram Feeds, Don't Just Post Random Photos Illustration (credit: unsplash) - Since the past few years, Instagram has become the most popular social media platform. Many people spend their time accessing Instagram. Not only to express themselves, but many people also make Instagram as a source of income. So it's no wonder that people compete to create cool posts on Instagram. One way to do it is by creating aesthetic Instagram feeds.

Instagram is indeed one of the social media platforms that relies on visual power. That's why almost everyone always chooses the best photos to display on their feeds or profile. In addition, there are still several ways to create aesthetic Instagram feeds that can be done. Curious and want to try it?

Just check out some reviews on how to create aesthetic Instagram feeds below, which have been summarized from various sources.



1. Pay Attention to Layout

To make Instagram feeds more aesthetic, the first thing to consider is the layout of the posts. It means you can't just post any photo. You need to know if a photo will fit or not when placed next to another photo. You can adjust the layout based on color, object shape, theme, and so on.

In addition, there are several tips for arranging the layout of Instagram feeds. Here are some types of layouts that can be applied to your Instagram feeds:

1. Puzzle Feed, which is a type of Instagram feed layout that connects to each other.

2. Tiles Feed, which is a type of Instagram feed layout that is applied with alternating posts, for example, between photos and quotes.

3. Horizontal Lines, which is a type of Instagram feed layout that is applied by creating three horizontal lines of posts for three photos with the same theme.

4. Border, which is a type of Instagram feed layout that uses the same frame or border in every photo. So it can display.




2. Use Specific Themes

Feeds or Instagram profiles can be considered as visual personalities in the online world. Therefore, the second way to create an aesthetic Instagram feed is by using specific themes that represent your personality.

There are many types of themes that can be applied to an Instagram feed, such as grunge, moody, boho, tropical, colorful, minimalist, or white. To apply them, you can use filters that match your chosen theme.



3. Choose Your Posts Carefully

As mentioned earlier, in creating an aesthetic Instagram feed, we can't just post anything. It's better to post photos that are truly the best or at least photos that you really like. It's not just about the photos, but also certain topics that you and others find interesting to discuss.



4. Consistent in Using Filters

Using filters is one way to improve the quality of photos or posts. Currently, Instagram provides many filters that can be used. In fact, Instagram users can also use filters available in photo editing applications. However, when it comes to creating an aesthetic Instagram feed, you should not randomly use filters.

Try to consistently use one type of filter all the time. Using different filters will actually make your feed look crowded and unattractive. It is better to consistently use one filter in each post, according to the theme that has been chosen beforehand.



5. Create a Flowing Feed

Aesthetic Instagram feeds usually have a flowing sequence. This means that you need to rearrange the order of your posts. So, one post and another post can be related to each other. You can also create spacing between photos based on similar color composition, the same object in the photo, and so on.

By creating spacing between similar photos, they create contrast between each post. This will make your overall feed look more balanced and attractive.



6. Consistent in Using Frames

Frames or borders are often used to make objects in photos visible as a whole. So, if you use frames or borders in every photo post, make sure to use frames or borders of the same size. This will determine whether the appearance of the post in your feeds is neat or not.



7. Pay Attention to Photo Quality

The quality of the photos and videos posted will also greatly determine the aesthetic of an Instagram account's feeds. Therefore, the next way to create an aesthetic Instagram feed is to pay attention to the quality of the photos and videos. Make sure to post photos with high quality, both in terms of resolution, contrast, sharpness, and so on.

For that, before posting a photo, you can first do some editing to make the posted photo more perfect. You can use the editing menu available in the preview before posting. In addition, you can also use specialized photo editing applications.

Those are some easy and practical ways to create an aesthetic Instagram feed. Hopefully, they are useful and good luck!




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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