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The Meaning of AKM is Minimum Competency Assessment for Students, Know the Objectives, Competencies, and Forms of Implementation

The Meaning of AKM is Minimum Competency Assessment for Students, Know the Objectives, Competencies, and Forms of Implementation Illustration (credit: unsplash) - Every year, the government always strives to improve the quality of education. This effort is not only done through improvements in facilities and infrastructure, but also by paying attention to the administration system and curriculum of education. The implementation of AKM is one example of efforts to improve the quality of education in terms of administration and curriculum. So, what is the true meaning of AKM?

In general, AKM is known as an abbreviation for Minimum Competency Assessment. At first glance, this term may still sound unfamiliar to most people. Especially for those who are not involved in the field of education. Therefore, there are still few people who know and understand the meaning of AKM and its functions.

However, it is important to know and understand the meaning of AKM, especially for teachers, students, and people working in the education sector. So, to better understand what AKM is, let's take a look at the following review that has been summarized from various sources.

1. Meaning of AKM and its Explanation

As mentioned earlier, the meaning of AKM is an abbreviation for Minimum Competency Assessment. This assessment is part of the National Assessment that started in 2021. The National Assessment is a manifestation of the Minister of Education and Culture's policy to eliminate the National Examination (UN).

Furthermore, as quoted from the website, the National Assessment allows for evaluating students' achievements individually, but also evaluates and maps the education system in terms of input, process, and outcomes. However, AKM is only one element of the National Assessment. In addition to AKM, there are still Character Surveys and Learning Environment Surveys that are also part of the National Assessment.

As quoted from the website, the meaning of AMK is the assessment of fundamental competencies intended for all students, so that they are able to develop their capacities and participate positively in society. The competencies in AMK are achieved through logical-systematic thinking skills, information processing, and reasoning abilities to use concepts or knowledge learned during school.

2. AKM Objectives

As part of a larger program, AKM is not created without objectives. AKM has significant and directed objectives for educational progress. Therefore, besides understanding the meaning of AKM, it is also important to understand the objectives of AKM.

Here are some objectives of AKM, as quoted from the AKM Guidebook and its Implications on Learning, issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

- Assessment helps obtain information related to students' achievements in obtaining expected information.

- AKM helps generate information to improve the quality of teaching and learning.

- AKM results reports can be used to provide information related to students' competency levels.

- AKM results reports can be used by teachers to develop effective learning strategies.

3. AKM Materials

In AKM materials, there are two emphasized competencies, namely literacy skills and numeracy skills. Therefore, to fully understand the meaning of AKM, we also need to know the two competencies it covers.

1. Literacy Competency

Assessment or AKM for literacy competency is conducted with the aim of measuring students' abilities in understanding, using, evaluating, and reflecting on various types of texts.

Furthermore, these abilities are also expected to be applied to solve problems and develop capacities as individuals and global citizens, so that they can ultimately contribute productively to society.

2. Numeracy Competency

AKM for numeracy competency is carried out with the aim of measuring students' abilities in thinking, using mathematical concepts, procedures, facts, and tools. Especially, to solve daily problems relevant to life as individuals, Indonesian citizens, and even global citizens.

4. Form of AKM

AKM is implemented in questions that students can work on. In general, the form of AKM questions varies from multiple choice to long essays. The number of AKM questions also varies depending on the educational level. For example, for grade 5, there are 30 questions for each literacy and numeracy. Meanwhile, grades 8 and 11 will work on 36 questions.

However, of course, the essence of AKM question content is different from general exam questions. In addition, the implementation of AKM questions will also be adjusted to the abilities and understanding of students so as not to burden them like general exams.

In addition, it turns out that the implementation of AKM is not followed by all students. As reported from, AKM will only be followed by students in grades V, VIII, XI and only based on the education unit census. The census is conducted with a sample of students and carried out over two days.

The results of AKM will be reported in four levels based on students' understanding and ability to master literacy and numeracy competencies. The four levels are the categories of special intervention needed, basic category, capable category, and proficient category.

Those are some explanations about the meaning of AKM along with its objectives and implementation forms, which need to be known by students, teachers, and people working in the education sector. Hopefully, it is useful and can increase your knowledge.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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