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7 Ways to Buy Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Call Packages for As Card

7 Ways to Buy Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Call Packages for As Card Illustration (Credit: Unsplash) - Although there are various applications that can be used for internet-based calls, it turns out that telephones have not been replaced. Therefore, it is reasonable that there are still many people who are looking for information about the ways to buy As card call packages.

In fact, there are many options for buying As card call packages available. You can buy them daily, weekly, or monthly. Each package has its own terms and conditions, and you can choose according to your needs.

The required rates are also cheaper compared to when you don't register your number for the package. So, for those of you who are curious about how to buy As card call packages, let's directly follow the steps in the following explanation.

1. How to Buy Kartu As Daily Call Package

Kartu As provides cheap daily call packages. By knowing the procedure for buying this Kartu As call package, you will only be charged a very low cost. With just Rp1,500, you can get a 30-minute call package from 12 midnight to 4 pm.

If you want to know how, just follow these steps.

- Open the call menu, enter the code *100*500#.

- After that, please select the phone package.

- Another way you can do is by SMS according to the format.

- Open the SMS menu, type WOW (space) Call and send it to 8999.

- To check the remaining call quota, you can use the code *899# in the call menu.


2. How to Buy Kartu As Jagoan Serbu Call Package

Here are the steps to buy the Kartu As Jagoan Serbu call package that you can apply.

- In the call menu, please type *100# or *100*10#.

- You can also register via SMS by typing Serbu (space) Call, then send it to 8999.

- There are several types of call packages that you can use, including:

- Jagoan Serbu Siang Package.

- Jagoan Serbu Malam Package.

- Jagoan Serbu Seharian Package.

- Jagoan Serbu Jumbo Siang Package.

- Jagoan Serbu Jumbo Malam Package.

- To choose a package, you only need to adjust the format.

- For example, for the Jagoan Serbu Siang Package, you only need to follow the SMS format Serbu (space) Siang and send it to 8999.


3. How to Buy Weekly As Card Calling Packages

There are several ways to buy weekly As card calling packages that you can apply, including:

3. JS Jumbo Combo Package

With this package, you will be charged Rp27,000 for one week and it is valid for 24 hours every day. As the name suggests, there are several combo facilities that you can get, including:

- 150 MB internet package

- 900 minutes of calling package to other Telkomsel numbers from 01:00 to 24:00

- Get 10 lucky draw coupons.

4. JS Jumbo All Operator and SMS Package

You need to pay Rp22,500 to be able to make calls for 24 hours a day for one week. In addition, there are many other facilities that you can get, such as:

- Get 10 lucky draw coupons.

- 200 Telkomsel-to-Telkomsel SMS messages.

- 75 minutes of calls to all operators.

- 125 minutes of calls to other Telkomsel numbers.

5. JS Jumbo All Day Package

You will get a package that is valid for one week without time restrictions every day. You can use this package to other users. With a cost of Rp22,950, you can get these facilities by:

- Open the phone menu.

- Type the code *100# and select the JS Jumbo All Day package.

- After successful registration, you can enjoy the convenience.


4. How to Buy Monthly Call Packages for Kartu As

Not only daily or weekly, there is also a way to buy monthly call packages for Kartu As that you can apply. If you have many needs, choosing this package will feel easier. Well, let's just take a look at the steps to register for the monthly Kartu As package below.

6. Regular

By registering for the regular Kartu As package, you will get the following facilities:

- Rp25,000 for Telkomsel users for 50 minutes every month.

- Rp35,000 for Telkomsel users for 50 minutes.

- Rp30,000 for PSTN calls for 50 minutes.

7. Combo

Next, with the monthly Kartu As combo call package. You can register for this package with the code *111*60# in the call menu. Then, you need to pay attention to the following price and conditions:

- Rp50,000 can be used for inter-operator calls every month for 50 minutes and 50 SMS.

- Rp100,000 can be used for inter-operator calls every month for 50 minutes and 50 SMS.

- Rp200,000 can be used for other providers in one month with 200 minutes of calls and 200 SMS.

Well, KLovers, those are some ways to buy Kartu As call packages along with explanations of the facilities obtained. You can choose the package that suits your needs.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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