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7 Examples of Short Speeches for Various Topics

7 Examples of Short Speeches for Various Topics Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Speech is the expression of thoughts in the form of words addressed to many people to convey congratulations, welcome guests, commemorate certain special days, and various other activities. Therefore, speeches are still used in various events until now. It doesn't have to be long, there are also some examples of short speeches that can be used as speeches.

Essentially, speeches are included in the art of monologue in speaking skills. Speeches are two-way, where the speaker must pay attention to the audience even though the speaker dominates the conversation. That is why choosing a short but meaningful speech is often chosen by those who will deliver a speech.

There are four methods of speech. Methods such as impromptu, memorized, scripted, and extemporaneous are commonly used. The speech delivered also does not have to be long and drag on, as long as the main points have been conveyed. In delivering a speech, you also need to have courage and self-confidence so that the delivered speech is good and impresses others.

Therefore, according to various sources, here are some latest short speech examples that you can use to deliver a speech at various events. Let's check it out KLovers.



1. Short Speech about Drugs

The first example of a short speech is a speech about drugs. Yup! Drug events are often held by schools and institutions. And here are examples of short speeches in a drug event.


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Respected audience,

In this solemn occasion, let us always express our gratitude and thanks to the presence of Allah SWT for all the blessings and grace in the form of health so that we can be present in this forum to enlighten the dangers of narcotics.

Respected audience,

Consuming drugs is one of the acts that causes crime, satanic acts, and also heinous acts that must be avoided in order for us to be safe in this world and the hereafter, and so that the community environment is peaceful without any crimes.

Never try to use drugs, because if we try it, we will lose our whole life. Life feels restricted and dependent on something that actually ruins our lives.
Therefore, let us, the sons and daughters of the nation, from now on, stay away from narcotics and start striving to achieve high aspirations so that we will not suffer losses in the future.

Respected audience,

Perhaps this is the only speech I can deliver, if there are any mistakes or improper words, please forgive me.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.



2. Opening Speech about School Farewell

The next example of a speech is about a farewell speech at school. This speech is suitable for those of you who are students at that school. And here is the content of the speech:


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Respected audience,

First of all, we should be grateful to the presence of God Almighty. With God's permission, we can attend this school farewell event.

On behalf of all the students, I would like to express my gratitude to all parties who have taken the time to attend this special event. We would like to thank the presence of parents, teachers, school principals, school staff, and all friends.

Respected audience,

Time has passed so fast that today we are heading towards the farewell gate and will embark on a new journey in life. Everything we have gained during our time at this school is very meaningful and will always be remembered.
We express our gratitude to the teachers who have been patient and diligent in guiding us to acquire knowledge. We pray that what has been given will be our provision to become useful human beings.

Where there is a meeting, there will always be a parting. Hopefully, this parting is not the end of everything. We, who will become alumni of this school, will continue to maintain a relationship with our beloved school. As students, we may have made many mistakes and troubled the educators in this school. We apologize thousands of times to all the teachers.

This is my speech as a representative of the students in this beloved school farewell event. Hopefully, in the future, we can achieve our dreams with continuous enthusiasm!

Peace be upon you.



3. Short Speech about Education

Educational events are often held. Not only for farewell events, here is an example of a short speech for an educational event.


Peace be upon you.

Respected audience,

In this joyous occasion, let us express our gratitude to Allah SWT for all the blessings and guidance bestowed upon us, so that we can attend this national education day commemoration event.

Dear audience,

In the pursuit of knowledge, Allah SWT once tested His angels and found that no one in this world possesses knowledge except Allah SWT. The knowledge we have is entrusted to us. Even the angels do not possess knowledge except what has been taught to them. Therefore, we must not be arrogant with the knowledge we have. We should not be arrogant with anything we possess.

Respected audience,

One of the virtues of seeking knowledge is being facilitated and guided along the path to truth. How important it is for people to seek knowledge so that they are given extraordinary knowledge. The role of educators is also very important so that people who are with them bow down to acquire knowledge from them, even if it's only for one hour, it is more preferred by Allah SWT than the reward of worship for a thousand years.

That's all I can say, hopefully it will be beneficial and may Allah SWT grant us useful knowledge and blessings. Amen.

Peace be upon you.



4. Opening Speech about Love for the Homeland

Not only giving speeches for farewell, such as farewell speeches. There is also an example of a short speech about love for the homeland, this speech will create an extraordinary sense of love for the homeland. Here is an example of a short speech that you can deliver.


Peace be upon you.

First and foremost, let us express our gratitude to the presence of the Almighty God. We can gather here in good health because of Him. Beforehand, I would like to thank all of you for your presence. Secondly, I stand here to deliver a speech. My speech this time is themed on love for the homeland.

Do you know why we should love our own homeland? Yes, that is actually true, we must love our homeland. Because we, the Indonesian people, are rich in various cultures and ethnicities. We must be grateful for the wealth that Allah SWT has given to all of us. We can get to know different ethnic groups from us. Through the blessings from Allah, we can get to know each other.

An example of love for our homeland is that we must love domestic products. That's where we buy our daily necessities. Even if we buy from abroad, they are still foreign goods from Indonesia. So, if we want to buy daily necessities, let's buy them in our own country. Our country has very satisfying and best quality products.

Indonesia has abundant culture. There are various cultures in Indonesia. The culture in our country is passed down from generation to generation because it is used by their descendants. Examples of these cultures are traditional wedding dances, music, and many more cultures that exist in Indonesia. Someday, our own children will also use these cultures.

Before I conclude my speech, I want to ask you. Do you know what the conclusion of this speech is? If no one knows, I will tell you. The conclusion is that we must get to know each other, love our own cultural products, and finally we must love our culture and our country. That is the conclusion of my speech. Before I close this speech, does anyone have any questions? If not, I will say thank you.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

5. Short Speech about Cleanliness

The next example of a short speech is about cleanliness. This short speech is very suitable for various events such as cleanliness events and social activities.

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

In this good opportunity, let us give praise and thanks to Allah SWT who has given us blessings and guidance so that we can gather in good health today.

Respected audience,

The speech I will deliver today explains about maintaining cleanliness. Allah SWT loves people who are clean and like to clean everything in it. So, let's start maintaining cleanliness for the sake of safety and goodness for ourselves and others.

Ladies and gentlemen,

If we maintain cleanliness and it is imitated by our children and close people, then we will also benefit from it. Therefore, let us teach our children as early as possible about the importance of maintaining cleanliness so that they will become healthy, intelligent, and kind-hearted individuals.

By teaching cleanliness to children, it is hoped that they can become independent and accustomed to solving difficult things, as we know that there are still many people today who do not care about environmental cleanliness and let it become dirty.

Respected audience,

That is the short speech I can deliver. Hopefully, what I have conveyed is beneficial and can be implemented. In conclusion, I would like to say thank you for your attention.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.



6. Short Speech about the Birth of Prophet Muhammad

Not only school and social activities, but there are also examples of short speeches that you can deliver at religious events such as the birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Here is an example of a short speech.


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, let us express our gratitude to Allah SWT for His blessings and mercy. We are able to gather here today without any obstacles. Then, let us send our blessings and greetings to Prophet Muhammad SAW, who guided humanity to Islam and the path of truth.

Today is the month of Rabiul Awal, which is an important month for Muslims. In this month, there was the incident of the elephant and then the birth of the last messenger, Prophet Muhammad SAW. Thanks to him, we are able to walk on the right path by embracing Islam and leaving disbelief behind.

Thanks to him, we understand various good and righteous actions and are freed from the era of ignorance. Thanks to him, we are all guided to walk on the path of faith and piety to Allah SWT, full of light.

Especially in this month, let us all increase our love for Prophet Muhammad SAW, as stated in the Quran, Surah Al Ahzab, verse 6, "The Prophet is more worthy of the believers than themselves."

Therefore, as Muslims, we are required to prioritize our love for Allah SWT and His messenger in our hearts over worldly matters. Remember that life in this world is only temporary and the hereafter is more eternal.



7. Example of a Short Speech about Planting

And here is an example of a short final speech, and this short speech is very suitable for you in terms of planting. And this speech is very suitable for greening events and preventing deforestation.


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

To the honorable audience,

I am here to deliver a speech about the importance of planting. This is a very urgent matter considering the increasing level of pollution. This homeland needs the help of all Indonesian people to reduce air pollution, especially through planting.

Oxygen is produced by plants, therefore humans need plants to live and carry out their daily routines. If you have realized this, then you should strive to have at least five types of plants in your home.

Even if you have a very small house, it will never be an obstacle as long as there is intention and action. You can plant cactus and place it on your terrace. In addition, you can also grow various vegetables near your kitchen that are exposed to sunlight.

If you need a plant that can absorb air exposed to severe pollution more efficiently, then you need to plant the Areca Palm. This plant, introduced by Dr. Wolverton, can absorb various pollutants in the air.

Even this plant can absorb toluene and xylene much better than other plants. This type of plant can also be used as an indoor plant, as long as the place is frequently exposed to sunlight.

Meanwhile, for those of you who are married and already have children, it is important to pass on this planting habit to your children. Teach them about the importance of planting for the cleanliness of the surrounding air.

That's all from me and hopefully it's useful. If there are any mistakes in the words conveyed, I apologize.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Those are 7 examples of short speeches that you can use for several important events. You can use the short speech example above without having to give a long and difficult speech.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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