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7 Practices to Open Up Rezeki Along with Their Effective Prayers, Practice Them at Any Time

7 Practices to Open Up Rezeki Along with Their Effective Prayers, Practice Them at Any Time Illustration (credit: - Every human being certainly has their own desires that are conveyed through prayers to Allah SWT. In those desires, they generally hope for abundant sustenance, whether material or non-material. However, to obtain it requires effort and struggle. That's why there are practices to open sustenance along with their effective prayers.

Every human being's sustenance has been guaranteed and arranged by Allah SWT since they were born into the world. However, the magnitude of sustenance, the time and place to obtain it, only Allah SWT knows. Therefore, as His believing servants, it is appropriate for us to always be mindful, rely on Him, and strive to Allah SWT.

In this case, sustenance can vary, ranging from material sustenance such as jobs, positions, wealth, or higher education. There is also non-material sustenance in the form of health, happiness, or inner peace. The opportunity to get sustenance is open to anyone.

However, to obtain it, there is sustenance that requires effort and prayer. Such as through the practice of opening sustenance that is quite easy to practice at any time. It only requires consistency in carrying it out.

As for the practice of opening sustenance along with its effective prayer, you can find it through the review below. Here is the practice of opening sustenance that has been summarized by from various sources.


1. Giving Alms

The first practice to open up rezeki is by giving alms. Alms is giving a portion of one's wealth to those in need, hoping for Allah's blessings. The true meaning of alms is not to diminish wealth, but to become a pathway to rezeki for the giver. This is in accordance with the words of Allah SWT mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 245, which means:

"Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He may multiply it for him many times over? And it is Allah who withholds and grants abundance, and to Him you will be returned."

Therefore, it is not wrong to set aside a portion of wealth or according to one's ability to be given to those who are deserving. Regardless of the amount of alms given, if accompanied by sincere intentions and hoping for Allah's blessings, it can become a pathway to rezeki.


2. Increase Istighfar

Another practice to open up sustenance is to always seek forgiveness from Allah SWT. Istighfar is mentioned in a surah of the Quran as a way to open up sustenance. Istighfar itself is meant to ask for forgiveness from Allah SWT for all past sins.

"Ask forgiveness from your Lord. Surely, He is the Most Forgiving. He will send abundant rain to you, increase your wealth and children, and establish gardens for you and create rivers for you." (QS. Nuh: 10-12)

Therefore, by increasing istighfar to Allah SWT, you can practice it at any time, especially after prayers, as a way to open up sustenance.


3. Performing Sunnah Prayers (Dhuha or Tahajud)

Not only obligatory worship, there are various forms of voluntary worship to Allah SWT that can be performed by every Muslim, one of which is the sunnah prayers. Although all sunnah prayers are good to perform, among the sunnah prayers that can be a practice to open up sustenance are the Dhuha and Tahajud prayers.

The Dhuha prayer can be performed with two to a maximum of twelve rak'ahs during the time of dhuha. Meanwhile, Tahajud can be performed during the last third of the night, which is believed to be the most effective time to pray. The following hadith mentions the practice of opening up sustenance by performing the Dhuha prayer,

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, "O son of Adam, fulfill your obligation to Me, which is to perform four rak'ahs of prayer in the morning, and I will suffice you for the rest of your day." (HR. Ahmad and Abu Ya'la)


4. Reading Sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad

Another practice to open up sustenance is by reading sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad. Increasing the reading of sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad is believed to be a way to open up sustenance and facilitate all matters. One of the sholawat that can be read as an opener of sustenance is sholawat Nariyah or sholawat Litawsi'il Arzaq.

Narrated by Anas ibn Malik, the Prophet Muhammad said,

"Indeed, the person closest to me on the Day of Judgment is the person who reads the most blessings for me. Whoever reads blessings on the night and day of Friday a hundred times, then Allah will grant him a hundred requests: 70 requests for the hereafter and 30 requests for the worldly life. Then the angels will come to my grave and inform me of the name and lineage of that person. And all of that is written on a white parchment."


5. Fear and Trust in Allah SWT

As mentioned in the previous discussion, fearing and trusting in Allah SWT can also be a practice to open up sustenance. This is stated in the words of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Thalaq, verses 2-3, which mean the following:

"Whoever fears Allah SWT, He will make a way out for him from difficulties and provide for him from sources he never expected. And whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Indeed, Allah has set a measure for everything." (Surah Al-Thalaq: 2-3)


6. Always Grateful

Another practice to open up sustenance is to always cultivate the habit of being grateful to Allah SWT. Gratitude makes a person more easily accept with sincerity what they have and what Allah SWT has given them. The words of Allah SWT in Surah Ibrahim, verse 7, below explain about gratitude as the way to open up sustenance:

"And remember when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.'" (Surah Ibrahim: 7)


7. Maintaining Silaturahmi

The next practice to open up sustenance is by always maintaining silaturahmi. In a hadith, it is explained that silaturahmi can expand one's sustenance and prolong the life of a servant who maintains silaturahmi. That is why silaturahmi is included as a noble deed that must always be maintained. This is in accordance with the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, which says,

"Whoever wants his sustenance to be expanded and his life to be prolonged, let him maintain silaturahmi." (Narrated by Bukhari)


8. Powerful Prayer for Opening Sustenance

After understanding the various practices to open up sustenance, there is a powerful prayer for opening sustenance that can be recited at any time. The following is the prayer for opening the 12 doors of sustenance as quoted from,

Prayer for opening the 12 doors of sustenance

"Allahummaf tahlii abwaabal khoiri, wa abwaaba sholaamati, wa abwaabas shihati, wa abwaaban nia'mati, wa abwaaba barokhati, wa abwaabal quwwati, wa abwaabal, mawaddathi, wa abwaabar rohmati, wa abwaabar rizqi, wa abwaabal 'ilmi, wa abwaabal maghfirothi, wa abwaabal jannati, yaa arhamarroohimiin."

Meaning: "O Allah, open for me the doors of goodness, the doors of peace, the doors of health, the doors of blessings, the doors of abundance, the doors of strength, the doors of true love, the doors of affection, the doors of sustenance, the doors of knowledge, the doors of forgiveness, and the doors of paradise. O Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate."


9. Prayer for Halal and Blessed Sustenance

As a Muslim, of course, we hope for the presence of halal and blessed sustenance. The prayer for halal and blessed sustenance that you can practice is as follows:

"Allahumma innii as aluka an tarzuqanii rizqan halaalan waasi'an thayyiban min ghairita'abin wala masyaqqatin walaa dhoirin wa laa nashabin innaka 'alaa kulli syai in qadiir."

Meaning: "O Allah, I ask You for a provision that is halal, abundant, good, without trouble, hardship, or difficulty, as You are capable of everything."


10. Prayer for Abundant Sustenance

Everyone wants to obtain abundant sustenance. Well, besides effort, you can also practice the prayer for abundant sustenance as discussed below. Here is the prayer for abundant sustenance that you can practice:

"Rabbighfirlii wahablii mulkan laa yanbaghii li-ahadin min ba'dii, innaka antalwahhaab."

Meaning: "O my Lord, forgive me and grant me a kingdom that no one else will have after me. Indeed, You are the Bestower."

Those are 7 practices for opening sustenance along with their effective prayers, which can be practiced at any time. The above discussions can be a reference for you as good practices for opening sustenance.



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