Kapanlagi.com - During the fasting month, breaking the fast with foods that are high in fiber is very good for health, because they can be easily digested by the stomach and can provide a quick feeling of fullness. One good fiber food to consume when breaking the fast is bananas. We know that this textured fruit is often used as a food for breaking the fast, one of which is banana dishes.
Bananas themselves are safe to consume when breaking the fast, because bananas have a pH level of 5.6 which makes them good for neutralizing stomach acid. So for someone who has stomach acid problems, consuming bananas when breaking the fast is very beneficial. In addition, bananas also contain fiber and sugars, such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose, which can make bananas an energy booster after fasting all day.
That is why bananas can be a good menu for breaking the fast for the body. Therefore, according to various sources, here are 7 simple banana dishes to accompany you when breaking the fast in the month of Ramadan.
1. Banana Kepok Setup

Setup Pisang Kepok (credit: instagram.com/hanhanny)
The first processed banana kepok is banana setup. This banana dish has a very light taste and is very suitable for consumption during breaking the fast. Not only that, if this banana kepok setup is put into the refrigerator, it will become a fresh food and drink. And here's how to make it:
Ingredients needed:
5 pieces of banana Kepok
1 small stick of cinnamon
5 cloves
500 ml water
Sugar as needed
A pinch of salt
How to make it:
Cut the bananas into 4 or 5 pieces.
Prepare water, and add sugar, salt, cloves, and cinnamon stick together and boil. Remember, salt is only to give a savory taste so it doesn't need to be too much.
Once the water is boiling, add the banana slices and boil for about 10 minutes.
When it's done, turn off the heat and lift. You can put the banana setup in the refrigerator so that the broth from the banana setup feels fresh when consumed.
2. Pisang Keju Kepok

Cheese Banana Kepok (credit: instagram.com/kopibiring)
The second processed pisang kepok recipe is pisang keju (banana with cheese). We already know that bananas are often made with cheese. When breaking the fast with pisang keju, it is incomparable, and this is how to make pisang keju that is practical and delicious.
Ingredients needed:
Ripe pisang kepok
Sweetened condensed milk
Grated cheese
Frying oil
How to make it:
The first step is to peel the banana as usual. Then heat the oil in a frying pan, and fry the banana until it turns brownish.
Once cooked, drain the banana until all the oil is gone. Then arrange the banana on a flat plate, and press the banana with a fork or spoon to flatten it.
Once done, pour sweetened condensed milk all over the banana. Then sprinkle grated cheese on top, the more the better. Lastly, you can pour more sweetened condensed milk if desired.
And it's done, pisang kepok keju is ready to be served.
3. Boiled Kepok Banana

Banana Godok Kepok (credit: instagram.com/nova_rilandari)
Want to make an easier banana dish? You can make boiled banana. This dish is very easy to make and doesn't take much time, and here's how to make it.
Ingredients needed:
7 ripe Kepok bananas
1/4 wheat flour
A little salt
Fine white sugar
Frying oil
How to make it:
First, crush the bananas until completely crushed. You can use your hands or a fruit crusher, but don't crush it too finely.
Second, add a little salt to give a savory taste to the bananas.
Then, add the flour and stir again until it becomes a paste. Once done, you can heat the frying oil in a pan.
Once hot, you can fry it using a spoon to make it round-shaped. Fry until golden brown, and remove from heat.
Arrange the boiled bananas on a plate, and sprinkle with fine sugar on top. Boiled banana is ready to be served.
4. Banana Donut Kepok

Banana Donuts (credit: pixabay)
In addition to using potatoes, it turns out that kepok bananas can also be used as the main ingredient for donuts. Curious? This is how to make kepok banana donuts for breaking the fast.
Ingredients needed:
600 grams of wheat flour
2 kepok bananas
4 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of yeast
sufficient warm water
1 tablespoon of margarine
How to make it:
First, peel the bananas and then crush them until they become porridge.
Second, mix the wheat flour, sugar, and yeast together. Once mixed, add water and stir again until it becomes a dough, don't forget to add the margarine too.
Let the dough sit for 30 minutes to rise. After that, shape the dough into a donut shape, if it feels sticky, add cooking oil while shaping the dough.
Heat the oil in a frying pan. Then fry the donuts until they turn brown. You can also sprinkle powdered sugar or cheese on top.
Done, kepok banana donuts are ready to be served.
5. Kolak Pisang Kepok

Kolak Pisang Kepok (credit: instagram.com/hanhanny)
The next banana kepok dish is made into kolak. Banana kolak is indeed a favorite dish during breaking the fast, but not everyone can make delicious banana kolak. Therefore, here is a simple way to make banana kolak.
Ingredients needed:
12 pieces of banana kepok
1/2 kg thick coconut milk
2 pandan leaves
Enough palm sugar
Enough granulated sugar
Enough water
How to make it:
First, slice the banana kepok into several pieces. Then set aside.
Then, heat enough water and put in the bananas, then boil. After it's slightly tender, add palm sugar, coconut milk, and pandan leaves.
Finally, wait until it boils and then add granulated sugar. And don't forget to taste it after it's delicious.
Done, banana kepok kolak is ready to be served.
6. Pisang Kepok Gula Jawa

Pisang Kepok Gula Jawa (credit: instagram.com/anna_online_kitchen)
The next processed pisang kepok is using gula Jawa. If you don't want to eat fried pisang during iftar, then pisang kepok gula Jawa is the choice. And the way to make pisang kepok gula Jawa is,
Ingredients needed:
2 bunches of ripe pisang kepok
1 block of gula Jawa
1 pandan leaf
1 small ginger (crushed)
1 cinnamon stick
3 glasses of water
1 teaspoon of salt
How to make it:
First, peel the pisang kepok as usual and leave it intact.
Then, heat the water, gula Jawa, pandan leaf, ginger, and cinnamon until the gula Jawa dissolves and also emits a fragrant aroma.
Then, put the pisang kepok in and boil until cooked and the water is reduced. When it's cooked, it can be lifted and served.
7. Banana Pudding

Banana Pudding (credit: instagram.com/cintakue)
And the last processed pisang kepok is made into pudding. This dish is very suitable to accompany iftar, and of course, it can help facilitate digestion. And the way to make pisang kepok pudding is as follows:
Ingredients needed:
8 ripe pisang kepok bananas
5 tablespoons of sugar (can be added if you want it sweeter)
1 packet of plain agar-agar
50 cc sweetened condensed milk
1 egg
600 ml water
How to make it:
First, mash the pisang kepok with 15 cc of sweetened condensed milk and 50 ml of water. Set it aside when it's done.
Then, mix 450 ml of water with the egg, and beat it with a low-speed mixer until well mixed.
Add the mashed pisang kepok little by little into the mixture of water and egg.
Add plain agar-agar and sugar. Then mix again with low-speed until well mixed.
Next, cook the mixture on medium heat and continue stirring until it boils. Then turn off the heat.
Let it cool for a while so that the pudding mixture becomes cold, then you can put the pudding into a mold.
Once done, you can put it in the refrigerator if the pudding is already cold. Finished, banana pudding is ready to be served.
Those are 7 simple processed pisang kepok dishes to accompany you during iftar. The above methods can be done at home and do not require much time to make. Hopefully, the above pisang kepok dish can be your reference in making practical pisang kepok dishes. Good luck.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.