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8 Benefits of Boiled Kepok Bananas When Consumed Regularly, Solving Digestive Problems

8 Benefits of Boiled Kepok Bananas When Consumed Regularly, Solving Digestive Problems Illustration (credit: - Bananas are one of the foods that are often consumed by those who often follow a healthy lifestyle. Bananas themselves have many types, one of which is kepok bananas. This type of banana is very popular in Indonesia. In fact, kepok bananas have many benefits for body health.

Kepok bananas are known to have a solid and compact shape. The fruit flesh can be white or yellow. So this banana is often consumed by boiling it or making chips. Even the content of kepok bananas is very diverse, such as carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, amino acids, antacids, and iron.

But what are the benefits of kepok bananas? Reported from various sources, here are 8 benefits of kepok bananas, especially when boiled, for health that you must know. Let's check it out KLovers.


1. Overcoming Digestive Problems

The first benefit of kepok bananas is overcoming digestive problems. Yup! It is not unfamiliar that bananas of any kind can overcome digestive problems, including kepok bananas. This is because kepok bananas contain pectin.

This content is able to soften and absorb water well, making it effective in facilitating the digestive system and bowel movements. And the benefits of boiled kepok bananas are very useful for those of you who have digestive problems such as diarrhea and constipation.


2. Treating Gastric Ulcers

Not only overcoming digestive problems, it turns out that the benefits of kepok bananas can also treat gastric ulcers, KLovers. Gastric ulcers can occur in anyone, and it is actually a process where stomach acid rises for various reasons. With the increase of stomach acid, a person may feel nauseous, have a burning sensation in the stomach, vomit, and even have a headache.

But apart from taking medication, you can also consume boiled kepok bananas to overcome this, KLovers. This is because kepok bananas contain antacids. This natural antacid content is very good for treating gastric acid problems, including gastric ulcers.


3. Nourishing Bones

Another benefit of boiled kepok bananas is that they can nourish bones. Bones are indeed one of the most important parts of the body that need to be constantly nourished. This is to make the bones grow stronger and not easily brittle. However, besides milk, you can also use the benefits of kepok bananas to strengthen your bones.

This is because kepok bananas contain a prebiotic called fructooligosaccharide. It is this content that helps the bones absorb calcium better. So your bones will be strong and less prone to osteoporosis.


4. Controlling Blood Pressure

Hypertension, or commonly known as high blood pressure, is indeed one of the dangerous diseases for the body. This is because if you consume the wrong foods, it will cause the blood pressure to rise even more. If it reaches this point, it will be very dangerous for the body. This can lead to strokes and heart attacks.

And to overcome this, you can control blood pressure by using the benefits of kepok bananas. This is because boiled kepok bananas have a high potassium content, but low sodium content. So this combination makes kepok bananas very good for normalizing blood pressure and reducing the risk of hypertension in someone.


5. Losing Weight

Apparently, the benefits of pisang kepok (a type of banana) can also help in losing weight, KLovers. For those of you who are on a diet program, boiling pisang kepok as one of the menu options is a good thing. This is because boiled pisang kepok has sufficient nutrients.

In boiled pisang kepok, there is a content of vitamin B6 that can help the body's metabolism and digestion system. When the metabolism system in the body functions properly, the fats in the body will also be burned effectively.

Not only that, pisang kepok also has a low fat content. In fact, the carbohydrate content in pisang kepok can provide energy to the body and make you feel full for a longer time. Therefore, this banana is suitable for consumption for those of you who are on a diet program.


6. Preventing Anemia

For those of you who suffer from anemia, you can overcome anemia problems by using the benefits of boiled kepok bananas. Yup! Kepok bananas are actually very effective in overcoming anemia, especially for pregnant women. This is because pregnant women need a lot of blood for the formation of fetal organs.

Kepok bananas have a fairly high content. And it is this iron content that is needed to produce hemoglobin and prevent anemia. So this banana is very suitable for those who have anemia, especially for pregnant women.


7. Nourishing the Eyes

The next benefit of boiled kepok bananas is that they can nourish the eyes. Not only vegetables, but fruits like kepok bananas can also nourish your eyes very well. This is because kepok bananas have a fairly high carotenoid content. Carotenoids in kepok bananas are pro-vitamin A which will be converted into vitamin A by the liver.

This vitamin A can help maintain the health of your eyes. This is because vitamin A is highly needed by the cells and tissues around the eyes. So the health of the eyes remains maintained and can repair damaged cells, as well as prevent the development of abnormal cells.


8. Overcoming Stress

And the last benefit of boiled kepok banana is that it can overcome stress problems and change your mood. Anyone can experience stress, and for different reasons. But don't worry KLovers, when you feel stressed, you can consume boiled kepok banana. That's because the nutritional content such as pectin and potassium can overcome stress in the body.

Not only stress, it turns out that boiled kepok banana also has the ability to change your mood. In kepok banana, there is an amino acid content. And this compound helps trigger the production of serotonin. Serotonin content is a neurotransmitter that helps the mind to be calmer, so that the mood becomes more stable and calm.

Those are 8 benefits of boiled kepok banana for body health that you must know. Not only being a healthy food when consumed, it turns out that kepok banana can overcome various body problems well and effectively.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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