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9 Signs of the Great Apocalypse in Islam, Important for Muslims

9 Signs of the Great Apocalypse in Islam, Important for Muslims Signs of the great apocalypse (credit: - In Islam, the signs of the apocalypse are clearly mentioned in the Quran, which is the holy book of Muslims. The great apocalypse is also known as the biggest apocalypse that is most feared by mankind. Because this apocalypse becomes a sign of the end of the world with various signs that can make everyone afraid and horrified.

The apocalypse is defined as the end of time and the life of the world and its contents are replaced by the next life. In various visual works, the apocalypse is even depicted as so terrifying when the world and its contents are destroyed, annihilated, and even nothing remains.

Meanwhile, in Islam, the apocalypse comes from the Arabic language, namely yaumul qiyamah which means the last day or the end of time. Where on the day of the apocalypse, the life of the world will end and be replaced by eternal life in the hereafter. At that time, all the deeds of mankind are even weighed and accounted for.

The apocalypse according to Islam is divided into two types, namely the great apocalypse and the small apocalypse. The small apocalypse is a minor apocalypse that occurs in human life, including natural disasters or related to someone's death. Meanwhile, kiamat kubra is interpreted as the greatest apocalypse that is feared by all living creatures.

Because at that time the world will be destroyed and all deeds will be accounted for. Various predictions related to this kiamat kubra are often heard even though they cannot be fully proven. There are several signs of kiamat kubra in Islam that have been clearly mentioned in the Quran and hadith. These signs of kiamat kubra are so important to be known by all Muslims and must be understood from now on.

As for the signs of kiamat kubra in Islam, they have been summarized by from various sources.

1. Sun Rising from the West

The first sign of the great apocalypse in Islam is the rising of the sun from the west. As is known, under normal conditions, the sun rises from the east and sets in the west. However, when the great apocalypse occurs, the earth will show its signs, one of which is the sun rising from the west.

In a number of verses from the Quran and authentic hadiths that mention the signs of the great apocalypse related to the rising of the sun from the west. In the Quran, these signs are mentioned in Surah Al-An'am verse 58. From this verse, a number of authentic hadiths mention that what is meant is the occurrence of the sun rising from the west. Quoting from, based on the hadiths regarding the signs of the great apocalypse, one of them is that Asy-Syaikhani narrated from Abu Hurairah, R.a, that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said:

"The Apocalypse will not happen until the sun rises from the west. If it has risen and people witness it, then everyone will believe. At that time, the faith of someone who has not believed before or has not strived for goodness during their faith will not be beneficial anymore."



2. The Emergence of Dajjal

The signs of the great apocalypse can be marked by the emergence of Dajjal. Dajjal in Islam is depicted as a one-eyed figure with the right eye blind. Dajjal is said to spread the most wicked slander on earth. Among the signs of the great apocalypse with the emergence of Dajjal are as follows, from authentic hadith. "There is no creature from the time of Adam's creation until the occurrence of the apocalypse whose trial is greater than that of Dajjal." (HR. Muslim no. 2946)    

3. The Emergence of Smoke

The signs of the great apocalypse in Islam next is the emergence of smoke. The smoke is also known as dukhan, which will come out and cause diseases like flu among the believers and kill the disbelievers. The smoke will cover the earth for 40 days. "So wait for the day when the sky brings forth a visible smoke." (QS. Ad-Dukhan: 10).  

4. The Descent of Prophet Isa

The next sign of the great apocalypse is the descent of Prophet Isa to the earth to kill the Dajjal. Prophet Isa will kill the Dajjal and restore peace on earth. In the Quran, it is mentioned that Prophet Isa was not killed by the Jews, but Allah raised him to the heavens. And when the Day of Judgment arrives, Prophet Isa will be descended to destroy the Dajjal.

"And by Him in whose hand is my soul, it is near that Isa ibn Maryam will descend among you as a just judge. He will break the cross, kill the swine, abolish the jizyah (tribute/tax), and wealth will flow abundantly until no one accepts it." (HR. Al-Bukhari).


5. There Will Be a Great Star

Another sign of the great apocalypse is the presence of a great star that signifies the power of Allah SWT. In Surah An-Naml, verse 82, it is mentioned about the signs of the great apocalypse, which is marked by the presence of a great star from the earth.

"And when the word befalls them, We will bring forth for them a creature from the earth speaking to them that mankind had not been certain in Our signs." (Quran, Surah An-Naml, verse 82).


6. The Emergence of Ya'juj and Ma'juj

The signs of the Great Judgment Day will also be marked by the emergence of Ya'juj and Ma'juj. Ya'juj and Ma'juj are described as destroyers and devastators of human life on earth. Additionally, Ya'juj and Ma'juj are depicted as powerful beings who cannot be killed by anyone except by Prophet Isa.

"Until when [the dam of] Ya'juj and Ma'juj has been opened and they, from every elevation, descend. And [when] the true promise has approached; then suddenly the eyes of those who disbelieved will be staring [in horror, while they say], 'O woe to us; we had been unmindful of this. Rather, we were wrongdoers.'" (Quran, Al-Anbiya' 21:96-97).

7. The Blowing of the Trumpet

Signs of the great apocalypse can also be marked by the blowing of the trumpet. This trumpet will be blown by the Angel Israfil when the day of judgment arrives. When the trumpet is blown, all living creatures will die and be resurrected to be held accountable for all their deeds and actions.

"And the trumpet shall be blown, so all that are in the heavens and all that are in the earth shall swoon, except those whom Allah wills. Then it shall be blown again, and lo! They shall stand, awaiting (their judgment)." (Quran, Az-Zumar: 68).

8. The Emergence of a Great Fire

Signs of the great apocalypse include the emergence of a very large fire. This fire will come out from Yemen, specifically from the Abyss of 'Adn. In a narration, it is stated that this fire will lead and gather people in one place.

"The Day of Judgment will not come until a fire emerges from the land of Hijaz, which will illuminate the necks of camels in the region of Bushra." (Reported by Bukhari 7118 & Muslim 2902).

9. The Emergence of Imam Mahdi

The signs of the great apocalypse are also marked by the emergence of Imam Mahdi. This is mentioned in a narration as follows:

"The apocalypse will not come until a man from my Ahlul Bayt will rule over mankind, his name is the same as mine, his father's name is the same as my father's name, he will fill the earth with justice." (HR. Ibn Hibban, no. 6824. Sheikh Al-Albani said: "Hasan Shohih")

So those are the 9 signs of the great apocalypse in Islam that every Muslim should understand. The apocalypse is a secret of Allah SWT that no creature knows.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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