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8 Easy Ways to Speed Up Menstruation with a Healthy Lifestyle

8 Easy Ways to Speed Up Menstruation with a Healthy Lifestyle Photo of easy ways to speed up menstruation with a healthy lifestyle, source: - Often, menstrual periods or menstruation can occur without a regular schedule.

Common irregularities in the menstrual cycle usually occur in women who have reached old age or are experiencing menopause.

However, young women may also experience irregularities in the menstrual cycle due to various factors.

With an irregular menstrual cycle, menstruation can occur at unwanted moments, such as when attending important events or while fasting.

Therefore, many women feel the need to speed up the arrival of their menstrual cycle.

Here is an explanation of the menstrual cycle in women summarized from various sources, on Sunday, (25/02/2024).

1. Consuming Vitamin C and D

The substances contained in both types of vitamins can accelerate the menstrual process.

Vitamin C content can increase the level of estrogen responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle, while vitamin D plays a role in regulating ovulation.

Sources of vitamin C and D can be found in fruits, vegetables, tuna, salmon, mushrooms, eggs, yogurt, milk, and oranges, or can also be obtained through the use of supplements.

2. Performing Massages on Certain Parts of the Body

There are several ways to speed up the arrival of menstruation by massaging certain points on the body, such as the head and shoulders that feel tense.

These massages aim to make the body more relaxed and comfortable, so that the uterus can push out menstruation faster than usual.

In addition, massages can also be done on the back of the hand and feet, as these two points are reproductive nerve points.

3. Consuming Coconut Water

Apparently, coconut water contains antioxidants that are beneficial for the body's health.

The components found in coconut water can also improve the menstrual cycle process.

4. Consuming Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice plant that is often used as a traditional ingredient since ancient times.

Traditional concoctions made from turmeric can help regulate the menstrual cycle and speed up its arrival.

This spice plant is known to contain emmenagogue substances that can affect the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body.

Turmeric also has benefits as an antispasmodic or substance that can relax smooth muscles, thus helping to dilate the uterus and stimulate menstruation.

5. Foods High in Folic Acid

According to some health experts, consuming foods rich in folic acid can help maintain a balanced menstrual cycle.

Folic acid can be obtained through supplements or daily foods such as green beans, asparagus, eggs, beets, spinach, broccoli, and citrus fruits.

6. Doing Body Stretching or Relaxation

The importance of relaxation in regulating menstruation should not be underestimated as it effectively helps reduce stress.

Various relaxation activities such as yoga, meditation, spa, enjoying nature, or engaging in positive and enjoyable activities can be done.

7. Maintaining an Ideal Body Weight

In regulating the menstrual cycle, maintaining an ideal body weight is important.

The body needs sufficient fat to support the production of hormones that regulate menstruation.

When the body weight is below or above normal, the menstrual cycle can become irregular.

Therefore, it is important to maintain a stable and balanced body weight.

8. Doing Small Exercises

In addition to improving body fitness and creating a more positive mood, exercising can also help regulate the menstrual cycle.

Regular exercise can also help restore the hormonal balance needed by the body to maintain a regular menstrual cycle.

You can try doing light exercises like yoga every day, with a minimum duration of 10 to 15 minutes per session.

9. What to Drink to Make Menstruation Come Faster?

According to another source, it can be done by drinking ginger, pineapple, and vitamin c.

10. Is it Normal to Miss a Period for 1 Month?

Quoted from another source, a late period for 1 month can be caused by stress.

The body's stress response system is rooted in the part of the brain called the hypothalamus.

11. What Causes Delayed Menstruation?

Quoted from another source, there are several conditions that can cause irregular menstrual cycles, including stress, obesity, extreme weight loss, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), excessive exercise, and early menopause.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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