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9 Causes of Epilepsy and Triggering Risk Factors for Seizures

9 Causes of Epilepsy and Triggering Risk Factors for Seizures The cause of epilepsy (credit: - Epilepsy is also known as seizures that cause someone to experience sudden seizures. This condition occurs due to disorders in the central nervous system that affect unusual behavioral changes. The causes of epilepsy can occur due to various triggering risk factors marked by seizures and even loss of consciousness.

Epilepsy can affect anyone but is more likely to occur in those who are at risk of experiencing epilepsy. This condition can be recognized based on the causes of epilepsy and triggering risk factors for seizures. According to, a person can generally be said to have epilepsy if they experience more than one seizure or experience recurring seizures.

This condition is generally related to problems in the central nervous system, which functions as the body's control center. It is not surprising that disorders in the central nervous system can cause abnormal or unusual behavior in someone with epilepsy.

There are various reasons why someone may experience epilepsy with several risk factors. The causes of epilepsy are also known to include several factors such as high fever, head injury, alcohol side effects, or imbalanced blood sugar conditions. However, there are also risk factors for epilepsy that can trigger seizures.

You can find out the causes of epilepsy and its risk factors through the following reviews. The following are the causes of epilepsy that have been summarized by from various sources.

1. Genetic Factors

The first cause of epilepsy can occur due to genetic factors. As is known, there are various types of health disorders influenced by genetic factors, including epilepsy. Quoting from, genetics are known to have an influence on epilepsy. Some types of epilepsy are triggered by a family history of previous similar conditions, namely disorders in the brain as the central nervous system, which can lead to seizures.

However, further examination is needed regarding the epilepsy experienced, whether it is influenced by genetic factors or other causes. Therefore, epilepsy can be properly addressed based on its cause.

2. Head Injury

The next cause of epilepsy can occur due to a history of head injury. Head injuries can be caused by several factors such as accidents, whether from blunt objects or impact, which ultimately trigger trauma to the head. This head injury can affect the brain, which is at risk of experiencing seizures leading to epilepsy. However, this condition requires medical examination to determine the exact cause of seizures and the condition of the head injury experienced.

3. Brain Problems

the central nervous system. This organ has several parts with their respective functions, including serving as a controller of movement. If there are problems in the brain, it is not impossible for this condition to trigger certain health disorders directly related to the brain.

For example, problems in the brain that are at risk of causing epilepsy include brain tumors. This condition can cause stroke, which ultimately triggers seizures or epilepsy. Stroke itself is more prone to adults over 35 years old, as reported by

4. Injury During Pregnancy

The next cause of epilepsy can also be triggered by injury during pregnancy. More precisely, this injury is experienced during the period before the baby's birth begins. According to, before birth, the baby will be more sensitive to brain damage. This condition can be experienced by the mother of the baby due to several factors including infection in the mother, malnutrition, or oxygen deficiency. As a result, brain damage that can trigger epilepsy can occur, which is also known as cerebral palsy.

5. Age Factors

Another cause of epilepsy that can also be experienced is related to age factors. At certain ages, epilepsy is at risk of occurring. In this case, epilepsy often occurs in children and older adults. For example, in people above the age of 65, some health problems can arise including stroke or Alzheimer's disease. Both types of diseases are known to affect brain function, which eventually triggers seizures. However, epilepsy can be experienced by anyone regardless of age.

6. Developmental Disorders

According to, the causes of epilepsy are also influenced by developmental disorders. These developmental disorders include autism and neurofibromatosis. Autism itself is a disorder that affects brain development and can affect individuals in terms of behavior changes and interactions. This condition can also be a triggering factor for seizures that lead to epilepsy.

7. Brain Infections

Another risk factor for epilepsy can be triggered by brain infections. One of the diseases caused by brain infections is meningitis. This causes inflammation of the brain or spinal cord, leading to seizures.

According to, initially, brain infections may be treated with medication, but this can trigger seizures at a later time. Consultation and further examination are needed to help address brain infections accurately.

8. High Fever

The risk factors for epilepsy increase when experiencing a fever with a very high temperature. According to, seizures in children can sometimes be associated with high fever. However, seizures caused by high fever generally do not develop into epilepsy. This only occurs if seizures occur for a long duration, there is a nervous system disorder, and there is a family history of epilepsy. If that is the case, medical examination is necessary to help address the health problems experienced.

9. Experiencing Dementia

Dementia is a health disorder that occurs due to a decline in memory and thinking abilities. It is often experienced at an advanced age that is vulnerable to dementia. The cause of dementia itself is influenced by nerve cell damage in the brain, which eventually leads to several health problems such as Alzheimer's disease. In this case, dementia is also associated with the risk factors for epilepsy.

Those are the 9 causes of epilepsy and the risk factors that trigger seizures. Consultation and examination can be considered to help address epilepsy and reduce further risk levels.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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