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A Little Bit of Wind, Here's the Hilarious Reaction of a Foreigner Trying Tolak Angin for the First Time

A Little Bit of Wind, Here's the Hilarious Reaction of a Foreigner Trying Tolak Angin for the First Time Funny reaction of a foreigner trying Tolak Angin. ©mgalizai/ - So far, 'wind' has been a term that is only familiar among the Indonesian people. Usually, this condition causes symptoms such as fever, headache, chills, and other conditions that indicate a decrease in immunity. There is even a belief that only Indonesians can experience 'wind'!

But it turns out that foreigners can also experience this condition commonly known as an Indonesian illness. A content creator with the account @mgalizai, who is known for sharing videos about makeup tutorials and long-distance relationship tips with her foreign boyfriend, shared a unique fact that made everyone laugh. It turns out that her boyfriend can also experience 'wind', and his reaction the first time trying Tolak Angin is really hilarious!

1. Starting from Not Believing That 'Getting a Cold' Exists

In the video, the creator shares that initially, Mas Bule, who is her boyfriend, never believed in the term 'getting a cold'. So, her boyfriend is German and like other Europeans, he had never heard of the term getting a cold.

However, when they were on vacation in Lombok, Mas Bule started to feel unwell after driving and playing at the beach. The creator told her boyfriend, "You have a cold!" and forced him to drink Tolak Angin.

The owner of the account @mgalizai captured the moment when her foreign boyfriend drank Tolak Angin for the first time. At first, his reaction was just normal, but over time it became hilarious because of the warm sensation from the ginger and mint contained in Tolak Angin!

2. Healing Thanks to Tolak Angin!

Even though initially Mas Bule didn't believe in getting a cold, it turns out that after drinking Tolak Angin, his condition gradually improved! From initially underestimating, now Mas Bule even acknowledges 'getting a cold' and the effectiveness of Tolak Angin in addressing the issue.

Moreover, the content creator also shared that when his girlfriend's mother was sick, Mas Bule educated her about getting a cold while also introducing Tolak Angin. Not only that, when his girlfriend returned to Germany, he also brought Tolak Angin as a souvenir for her mother.

3. Inviting Reactions from Netizens

The story from the TikTok account @mgalizai immediately garnered comments from other netizens. Some were surprised that a foreigner could become addicted to Tolak Angin, but others shared similar stories.

"It reminds me of my foreign friend who said his body felt strange, no fever but dizzy. Then I told him it was getting a cold, and he was stunned 'is there really a sickness called getting a cold?'. Recommended Tolak Angin and he became addicted." wrote the account owner @icaaaw.

"Finally brought Tolak Angin as a souvenir to Germany," wrote the account owner @baca aja.

"Bro, it seems like you could be a BA for Tolak Angin," wrote @raikantopeni.

It turns out that if you're a bit careless, foreigners can also get a cold! This video also serves as proof of the effectiveness of Tolak Angin in addressing the symptoms of getting a cold. Do you have any experiences with Tolak Angin?

In this rainy season, don't forget to always have Tolak Angin on hand to tackle getting a cold while also maintaining your immune system. Buy the product directly at the nearest pharmacy or mini market, or you can also purchase online or at your favorite e-commerce!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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