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Causes of Heart Failure, a Medical Condition that Claims Thousands of Lives Every Year

Causes of Heart Failure, a Medical Condition that Claims Thousands of Lives Every Year (c) Shutterstock - Sad news once again shocks the entertainment world in the homeland. Talented young soap opera actress Hanna Kirana breathed her last on Tuesday (2/11) last week.

This news surprised many because the 18-year-old actress's name was on the rise thanks to her role in the soap opera titled SUARA HATI ISTRI. Heart failure was the cause of her death, and she was also the cousin of Citra Kirana. 

This should be a warning because heart failure can affect anyone regardless of age. Heart failure itself is a condition where the heart is unable to effectively pump blood and oxygen to the body. As a result, many organ functions will be disrupted.

So, what are the causes of someone suffering from heart failure?


1. Coronary Heart Disease

One of the common causes of heart failure is coronary heart disease. This is caused by blockages (plaque) that obstruct the blood vessels.

These blockages impede the smooth flow of blood to the heart. The risks are serious, as the heart muscle can be damaged due to inadequate oxygen supply and fail to pump blood to the body's organs optimally.


2. Damage to Heart Valves

Heart valves are body parts that ensure smooth blood flow to and from the heart. If there is damage to the heart valves, it can cause other disturbances.

Furthermore, the obstruction of blood flow due to valve disorders can make the heart work extra hard and eventually weaken. This is what causes heart failure.


3. Abnormal Heart Rhythm

The abnormal rhythm of the heart, or medically known as arrhythmia, is one of the causes of heart failure. Rhythm that is too fast, too slow, or irregular.

Conditions like this will disrupt the overall function of the heart. One of the most common occurrences is the heart's inability to pump blood to the entire body.


4. Inflammation of the Heart Muscle

The heart muscle may experience inflammation caused by viral infections. This medical condition, known as myocarditis, can also be caused by parasitic and fungal infections, as well as autoimmune diseases.

Unfortunately, inflammation of the heart muscle can affect many things. One of them is making the heart less optimal in pumping blood.


5. High Thyroid Levels in the Blood

Many problems will occur when the thyroid levels in the body are high. This medical disorder, also known as hyperthyroidism, will cause the heart to beat faster. If it occurs for a long period of time, the faster heartbeat can weaken the heart and result in heart failure.

Heart failure often occurs suddenly and leaves the sufferer unprepared to deal with it. Therefore, regularly undergoing medical check-ups is the appropriate action to address various health disorders. Balance it with adopting a healthy lifestyle to keep the body fit and prevent various potential health disorders.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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