Kapanlagi.com - The habit of eating has become a mandatory thing that cannot be abandoned. However, there are still people who often skip meals and even some who don't eat enough. Usually, besides economic problems, lack of food is also experienced by those who are busy with their activities and only have limited time to eat, or for those who are on a diet program. Therefore, many of them skip meals and only fill their stomachs with whatever is available. However, if this habit continues, it will certainly have a negative impact on the body's health.
Because when the body lacks food, it will also experience nutritional deficiencies. Well, this health problem can become serious when the body does not get enough nutrient intake. In fact, nutrients are very important for the body to function properly. When someone does not eat enough and continues to do so repeatedly, a number of health problems can threaten that person. What are the impacts? Instead of being curious, let's directly read the complete review below.
1. Hair Loss

(credit: freepik)
Hair loss that continues to increase every day can be a sign that you are not eating enough. Hair requires a lot of nutrients to maintain its growth and health. So, if you don't maintain a good diet, this can cause continuous hair loss and certainly reduce self-confidence.
2. Difficulty Getting Pregnant
The desire to have a child is certainly a dream for every couple. However, you also need to know and maintain your health by paying attention to the food intake in your body. Because if you don't eat enough, it can be one of the triggers for difficulty getting pregnant. This is because there are changes that occur in hormone production in the brain when the body is not eating enough.
Lack of calories or when body fat is too low, this causes changes in the released hormones. This unstable hormone condition can make it difficult for a woman to get pregnant.
3. Delayed Menstrual Cycle

(credit: freepik)
In addition to difficulty getting pregnant, women should pay attention to the amount of food they need to consume to avoid malnutrition. Because, this can also trigger a delayed menstrual cycle. Of course, this problem can disrupt women's fertility health.
4. Feeling Cold All the Time
Another health problem that you may experience if you don't eat enough is feeling cold all the time. Because, the body needs to burn a certain number of calories to create heat and keep the body healthy and comfortable. However, when you feel uncomfortable, you will have difficulty controlling your body temperature.
If you experience feeling cold even though your body is fine, it could be a sign that you are not eating enough. Because consuming fewer calories makes you easily feel cold.
5. Headache

(credit: freepik)
Headache can be one of the body's health conditions that greatly disrupt daily activities. Well, if you don't eat enough, you often experience headaches. Because, when food intake is insufficient, blood sugar levels can drop and the energy available for the body to function decreases. In addition, headaches can also occur because the brain does not get enough energy to perform its functions.
6. Constipation
Lack of food intake in the body is one of the triggers for slowing down bowel movements because only a small amount of food can be processed by the digestive tract. Well, this condition can make you constipated. You can feel constipated if you don't have a bowel movement less than three times a week and your stool becomes hard. Therefore, start consuming foods that are high in fiber and increase your food intake.
7. Fatigue

(credit: freepik)
When the body receives a low intake of calories and is far from being sufficient, you will feel tired all the time. In addition, you also feel lack of energy, so you are not enthusiastic in doing any activities. Because eating is very important to maintain energy for the activities you do, even when you are sleeping, the body needs energy from the food you eat.
Those are a series of health problems when the body lacks food. That is why it is necessary to change to a healthy lifestyle and continue to exercise regularly so that the body is protected from various diseases. Hopefully, it is useful.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.