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Complete Javanese Primbon Calculation According to Weton, Starting from Match - Fortune

Complete Javanese Primbon Calculation According to Weton, Starting from Match - Fortune Illustration of a calendar for calculating Weton (Credit: Unsplash) - Weton calculation and primbon predictions become important, especially for Javanese people. Complete Javanese Primbon according to Weton is believed to be used for determining auspicious days to carry out important matters.

Usually, people will find out about complete Javanese Primbon according to Weton when getting married, building a house, traveling, and so on. If the calculation results are considered unfavorable, it is advisable to avoid it or perform ruwatan to ward off misfortune.

Now, if you are curious about the complete Javanese Primbon according to Weton, starting from match to fortune, please read the following information.




1. Complete Javanese Primbon According to Weton

Learning Javanese primbon is an interesting thing for some people. Belief in primbon is usually driven by curiosity about predictions for the future.

As is known, primbon is a book that contains predictions (calculation of auspicious days, unlucky days, and so on). In addition, this book also gathers various Javanese knowledge, containing formulas of occult knowledge (symbols, spells, prayers, dream interpretation).

By studying the complete Javanese primbon, you will also understand the complex number system for calculating auspicious days for holding ceremonies, building houses, starting journeys, and managing all kinds of important activities, both for individuals and communities.

Before finding out about various predictions, you must first calculate the weton. Weton is a person's birth day with its market day (Legi, Paing, Pon, Wage, Kliwon). Well, this calculation of the birth day is then used as a reference for certain predictions. You can calculate weton by following these steps.

1. Birth day:

- Sunday: 5

- Monday: 4

- Tuesday: 3

- Wednesday: 7

- Thursday: 8

- Friday: 6

- Saturday: 9

2. Market Day

- Legi: 5

- Pahing: 9

- Pon: 7

- Wage: 4

- Kliwon: 8

This calculation can be done by adding up the values on the birth day and market day. For example, if someone is born on Wednesday Legi, the formula is 7+5=12. The value of 12 can be used to determine the weton character.

A person born on Wednesday Legi has the weton character Lakune Kembang. It means that someone born with a weton value of 12 has a personality that likes to yield to others and always spreads peace.




2. Complete Javanese Primbon About Soulmates

Complete Javanese Primbon about marriage can be said as a prediction that is still widely sought after to this day. This calculation is usually done when there is a couple who wants to get married. Not only about compatibility, this prediction also affects the selection of auspicious days for holding a wedding ceremony.

Because many people believe that weton calculation can minimize disasters or misfortune. Now, if the weton calculation of the couple is not good, but they still insist on getting married, there is a ritual in the form of ruwatan or the selection of a special day to ward off misfortune.

This calculation is still related to the first formula. Next, the weton neptu between the two prospective spouses is added. For example, the woman's side is Wednesday Legi (7+5=12) and the man's side is Sunday Pahing (5+9=14). The meaning of 12+14=26 is pesthi. In a household, this couple will be harmonious, peaceful, and peaceful until old age. Details about complete Javanese astrology about a compatible match according to the weton can be found in the following explanation.

1.PEGAT (1, 9, 10, 18, 19, 27, 28, 36)

The problems often encountered by PEGAT couples in the future range from economic problems, power struggles, and infidelity that can lead to divorce or separation.

2.RATU (2, 11, 20, 29)

It can be said that this couple is truly meant for each other. They are respected and admired by neighbors and the surrounding community. Their harmony in building a household is envied by many.

3.JODOH (3, 12, 21, 30)

This couple is truly compatible and destined for each other. This couple can accept each other's strengths and weaknesses. The JODOH couple's household can be harmonious until old age.

4.TOPO (4, 13, 22, 31)

In building a household, TOPO couples will often experience difficulties in the early stages because they are still getting to know each other, but they will be happy in the end. The problems they may face could be related to economics and others. When they have children and have been married for a long time, they will eventually live a successful and happy life.

5.TINARI (5, 14, 23, 32)

The TINARI couple will find happiness. They will have ease in seeking sustenance and will not live in poverty. In addition, his life also often gets lucky.

6.PADU (6, 15, 24, 33)

In a household, PADU couples will often experience arguments. But Bela, even though they often argue, they won't divorce. The argument can even be triggered by things that are quite trivial.

7.SUJANAN (7, 16, 25, 34)

In a household, SUJANAN couples will often experience arguments and infidelity problems. It can be initiated by either the man or the woman.

8.PESTHI (8, 17, 26, 35)

In a household, PESTHI couples will live harmoniously, peacefully, and peacefully until old age. No matter what problems arise, they won't ruin the harmony of the family.




3. Calculating the Wedding Day

Calculating the weton for soulmates is not only to check the compatibility of the couple. In practice, calculating the weton for soulmates can also determine the best day to hold a wedding ceremony.

This is because in traditional Javanese belief, there are special days that are considered auspicious and will bring goodness and luck. On the other hand, there are also less favorable days that are believed to potentially cause disasters or bad events.

Just like checking compatibility, calculating the wedding day is also done using the number of neptu (Javanese calendar) of the bride and groom. For a clearer explanation, you can pay attention to the following formula and examples.

- Formula: (Total neptu + Auspicious Day) divided by 5.

* Note that the result of the calculation must be a remainder of three.

For example, let's say the total neptu of you and your partner is 30. The calculation will be as follows:

(30 + 13) / 5 = 6 remainder 3

(30 + 17) / 5 = 9 remainder 3

Based on the above calculation, it is known that it is recommended to get married on the days with neptu 13 and 17, which are Jumat Pon, Sabtu Wage, Minggu Kliwon, Kamis Legi, Senin Pahing, and Kamis Pahing.




4. Matchmaking Calculation based on Name

As additional information, besides using weton calculation, in Javanese culture, matchmaking can also be done through calculation based on names. This matchmaking calculation is relatively simpler and easier, as you only need to look at one letter or syllable of your name and your partner's name. Then, add them up, and divide by 5.

Later on, each letter or syllable in the front will have its own neptu value. However, it is important to note that these letters or syllables are based on Javanese characters (Ha, Na, Ca, Ra, Ka, etc.). As for the value of each letter or syllable in the front, it is as follows.

Ha= 10, Na= 2, Ca= 3, Ra= 8, Ka= 8

Da= 4, Ta= 4, Sa= 12, Wa= 6, La= 6

Pa= 8, Dha= 6, Ja= 3, Ya= 10, Nya= 6

Ma= 4, Ga= 6, Bha= 2, Tha= 6, Nga= 6

To understand it better, please refer to the example below.

A couple named Hanif and Yasmin. Based on the list of letter or syllable values above, the name Hanif has a neptu of 10, while the name Yasmin also has a neptu of 10. When we add them up, 10 + 10 equals 20.

Next, divide the sum by 5, like 20 : 5 = 4. So, the result is 4, which in this case represents the name "Lara". This means, according to this calculation, a couple named Hanif and Yasmin will face various difficulties in their life if they are matched.


5. Complete Javanese Fortune Telling about Fortune

After performing the weton calculation according to the explanation of complete Javanese fortune telling, you can continue to find out about fortune. There are many methods that can be used, but this time the discussion will focus on the timing of finding fortune for each weton.

Perhaps, all this time you believe that every day and every time is a good time to find fortune. That is not wrong. However, if you believe in the guidance of time and direction of fortune, it is also okay to listen to the following explanation.

1. Sunday morning fortune tends to be large until midday, then decreases towards sunset.

2. Monday morning fortune tends to be small until midday, then increases when heading towards sunset.

3. Tuesday morning fortune leans to the east, midday shifts to the west, the best time is when the sun is at its highest.

4. Wednesday fortune is small in the east, largest at midday in the west, and the best time is at ashar.

5. Thursday morning fortune is good and increases towards the east, decreases at midday, and improves after ashar towards the west.

6. Friday morning fortune is small in the east, increases towards the west before ashar.

7. Saturday morning fortune is small in the east, increases towards the west before noon.

Well, KLovers, that is the explanation of complete Javanese fortune telling according to the weton that you need to understand.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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