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Decluttering Clothes is the Solution to Minimalist Living, Here's How to Do It!

Decluttering Clothes is the Solution to Minimalist Living, Here's How to Do It! Credit: - Minimalist living is not just about having fewer belongings, but about creating more space for things that are truly important in life. One way to do this is through decluttering or cleaning out unnecessary items, including clothes. Interestingly, minimalist living can help bring about positive and realistic changes in life!

Decluttering clothes is a process that you can do with a few easy steps. First, place all the clothes you have in a clean and spacious area, such as a bed or the floor. Then, sort the clothes into three piles: clothes that you like and wear frequently, clothes that you wear but don't like, and clothes that you don't wear and don't like.

By decluttering, you not only make your living space more organized, but also clear your mind. You will experience a calmer and more focused life, prioritizing things that truly matter. So, start decluttering your clothes and feel the benefits of minimalist living.




1. Meaning of Decluttering

Decluttering clothes is a process of tidying up, where you get rid of things that are no longer needed, so it can make you more organized. This process can be done in various areas, from home, office, to digital spaces like email and cloud storage. The main goal of decluttering is to reduce chaos, increase focus, and create a calmer and more productive environment.

There are so many benefits to decluttering! One of the main benefits is increasing focus. Visual clutter can disrupt concentration and make it difficult to focus on tasks at hand. By reducing clutter, you can focus more on tasks and become more productive. In addition, decluttering clothes can also improve mood and reduce anxiety. A tidy and organized environment can create a sense of calmness and easier control. This is very beneficial for maintaining mental health.

There are several tips you can follow to start decluttering. First, start with the areas that are most frequently used. This can be a good starting point and have an immediate impact on daily life. Second, create a system that can help the decluttering process. For example, make a list of items that need to be kept, discarded, or donated. Third, declutter regularly. Decluttering is not a one-time process, but needs to be done regularly to maintain an organized and tidy environment.




2. The History of Decluttering

The history of decluttering cannot be separated from an organizational consultant from Japan who successfully transformed the way many people tidy up their homes and lives. He introduced a decluttering system that emphasizes the importance of getting rid of things that don't bring happiness. Interestingly, this method has influenced millions of people worldwide and helped shape the modern view of decluttering.

Decluttering became even more popular when many people spent a lot of time at home and began to realize the importance of having a clean and organized environment. An example of this is the decluttering done by the community in New York City. During the pandemic, the amount of trash collected compared to the same period in the previous year. This shows that many people used their time at home for decluttering.

However, it is important to note that decluttering is not a new concept! Since ancient times, humans have understood the importance of organization and cleanliness. Although the methods and approaches have changed over time, the basic principle of decluttering remains the same, which is to create a clean and organized environment.



3. Benefits of Decluttering

Decluttering clothes is a method of organizing clothing that has various significant benefits. One of the main benefits is increasing focus. Visual chaos can disrupt concentration and make it difficult for you to focus on tasks at hand. By reducing clutter, you can focus more on tasks and become more productive. The decluttering process helps you reduce distractions and allows you to pay attention to tasks or activities you are currently doing.

In addition, decluttering can also help improve mood and reduce anxiety. A tidy and organized environment can create feelings of calmness and control. This can be very beneficial in supporting your mental health. If you can control yourself well and are not surrounded by chaos, you can feel more calm and less prone to anxiety.

It's no wonder that decluttering can ultimately be seen as a form of self-care and a way to achieve happiness. Through decluttering, you can create a better life and environment. By reducing the number of unnecessary items around you, you can create a more pleasant and calming environment. Once you experience a better life, feelings of satisfaction and self-confidence become easier to achieve!



4. Decluttering Technique

There are various decluttering techniques that can be done, and which one is best to try usually depends on the lifestyle you live. There is one technique that is most popular and you can try practicing it. In this technique, you are asked to hold each item and ask yourself if the item can bring joy. If the answer is yes, you can keep it, if not, you can get rid of it.

Another interesting technique to try is the method from Sweden. This technique involves the process of tidying up and discarding items that you don't want to leave for others to clean, but the positive side is that you don't have to bother your loved ones to clean up your belongings.

Whichever technique you choose, the important thing is that you can start and continue until you finish according to your abilities. Decluttering can be a process that can make life more free and empowered, with a little effort, you can create a neater and more organized environment.



5. Decluttering vs. Minimalism

Decluttering and minimalism are often used interchangeably, but in fact, they are different! Decluttering is the act of getting rid of unused items from an area to create a more organized environment and focus on living. This process can be done by anyone, anytime, and does not require long-term commitment.

On the other hand, minimalism is a lifestyle that emphasizes the effort to have as few belongings as possible and focus on things that are truly important in life. It's not just about having fewer things, but consciously making choices about what you have and how you spend your time and energy. In other words, everyone who practices minimalism can live without clutter, but not everyone who declutters can become a minimalist.

Although they are different, decluttering and minimalism can complement each other. Decluttering can be the first step towards a minimalist lifestyle. By tidying up and reducing the number of belongings you have, you can start focusing on things that are truly important and make more accurate choices about what is actually needed in life.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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