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Don't Miss It! The Right Time to Pay Zakat Fitrah

Don't Miss It! The Right Time to Pay Zakat Fitrah Prayer Intent for Zakat Fitrah (credit: - Zakat fitrah is an obligation that must not be missed by every Muslim at the end of the month of Ramadan. Every year, Muslims around the world prepare zakat fitrah as a form of compliance with religious teachings. However, do you know that there are specific time rules for fulfilling this zakat?

Scholars have classified the time for paying zakat fitrah into several categories, starting from obligatory, sunnah, permissible, makruh, to haram. Understanding these various times is very important so that Muslims can fulfill this obligation in the best way and in accordance with Islamic law.

In this article, we will thoroughly discuss the details of each category of zakat fitrah payment times, complete with the underlying evidence and views from prominent scholars. Let's take a look at the interesting review summarized by from various sources on Friday (28/2/2025).

1. Guidelines for Paying Zakat

Zakat fitrah, an obligation outlined in the Quran Surah Al-Baqarah (43), invites us not only to perform prayers but also to fulfill zakat as part of our worship.

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) emphasized the importance of zakat fitrah in a hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, where he obligated every Muslim, whether male, female, adult, or child, to give one sha' of dates or wheat before performing the Eid al-Fitr prayer.

This is not just an obligation, but also a moment of purification from sins and a manifestation of concern for others, especially those who are less fortunate.

Zakat fitrah reflects deep spiritual values and a sense of social solidarity, making it one of the pillars of Islam that must be carried out with full awareness and sincerity.

2. The Time for Paying Zakat Fitrah According to Islamic Law

The timing of paying zakat fitrah has various levels that are interesting to know, ranging from what is permissible to what is forbidden.

In the permissible category, you can pay zakat fitrah from the beginning to the end of the month of Ramadan, even before Ramadan arrives.

Then, there is the obligatory time that falls at the end of Ramadan and the beginning of Syawwal, where everyone who experiences even a little time in this holy month is required to fulfill it.

Furthermore, the sunnah time is highly recommended for paying zakat fitrah before the Idul Fitri prayer, which is from the night of takbir until the morning before the Id prayer takes place.

However, there is also a makruh time, which is after the Id prayer until the maghrib of the holiday, that should be avoided. Most importantly, the haram time is after the 1st of Syawwal, where the payment of zakat fitrah is invalid and not recognized.

All these provisions are based on the hadith of Prophet Muhammad that emphasizes the importance of zakat fitrah as a purification for those who fast and as a form of concern for others.

3. The Virtues and Purpose of Zakat Fitrah

Zakat fitrah has extraordinary virtues, one of which is to purify oneself from minor sins.

Therefore, it is very important to pay zakat fitrah on time through official zakat management institutions to ensure that its distribution is targeted correctly.

In addition to being an obligation, paying zakat fitrah also demonstrates social concern and strengthens the bonds of brotherhood among Muslims.

By understanding the correct timing and procedures, we can fulfill this obligation perfectly and with blessings.

Remember, the mandatory time to pay zakat fitrah is from sunset at the end of Ramadan until before the Idul Fitri prayer, but the most recommended time is on the morning of Idul Fitri before the prayer.

If we miss that deadline, our zakat fitrah will be invalid and must be replaced with fidyah.

Payments can be made directly to the mustahik or through zakat management institutions, which are more organized and ensure proper distribution. Don't forget to make a sincere intention when fulfilling zakat fitrah!

4. Conclusion

It's time to seize blessings at the end of Ramadan!

Paying zakat fitrah before the Idul Fitri prayer is not just about fulfilling a religious obligation, but it is also a noble step that brings virtue and benefits to others.

Let us take advantage of this special moment to enhance the quality of our worship and social awareness, by paying zakat fitrah on time and sharing happiness on this holy day.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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