Kapanlagi.com - The use of prepaid electricity meters provides convenience for its users. With a prepaid electricity meter, homeowners can control their electricity needs at any time. Therefore, users do not need to worry about power outages due to running out of electricity credit. In addition, when there is a problem or error, users can also reset the prepaid electricity meter to try to fix it.
Yes, in some conditions, prepaid electricity meters can be reset to their initial settings. Like a mobile phone, laptop, or other device, resetting can be a solution when the electricity meter experiences an error. Resetting a prepaid electricity meter is actually very easy, but many users do not know the steps to do it.
Summarized from various sources, here is an explanation of the easy and practical way to reset prepaid electricity meters in emergencies.
1. Benefits of Resetting Prepaid Electricity Meters
Not many people know that resetting prepaid electricity meters is an important thing to do. As mentioned earlier, resetting the meter can be a way to overcome errors. So if at any time the electricity in the house cannot be used and on the meter it says "Error" or "Check", then the prepaid electricity meter may need to be reset immediately.
When the electricity meter is in error, not only the electricity supply to the house will be disrupted. Users will also not be able to enter a new electricity top-up code. So, before resetting the prepaid electricity meter, the electricity supply in the house will be temporarily turned off. That is why it is important to know how to reset prepaid electricity meters.
2. Causes of Electricity Meter Errors

(credit: unsplash)
Before knowing how to reset prepaid electricity meters, of course, you also need to know what causes the meter in the house to be reset. Yes, it turns out that there are several things that are believed to be the cause of electricity meter errors so they must be reset. As additional knowledge, when it needs to be reset, usually the meter will display the words "Error" or "Check".
Some of the causes of prepaid electricity meters that need to be reset are as follows.
- First, the installation network in the house is in poor condition, and can even endanger safety. So, the condition of the meter in error can be a sign that the electricity supply in the house needs to be checked by PLN officers.
- Another cause is the use of installation cables in the house that may not meet standards.
- PLN servers that are experiencing errors.
- Prepaid electricity meters that are too sensitive to the network. Usually, this happens when usage exceeds the KwH limit.
- Loose or improperly fitting grounding cables according to standards.
3. How to Reset Prepaid Electricity Meter

(credit: unsplash)
As previously explained, resetting the electricity pulse meter is actually very easy. Users only need to enter a special code on the pulse electricity meter. However, before doing so, there are several things that must also be considered. For more details, here's how to reset the pulse electricity meter.
1. Turn off and unplug all electronic devices
Before starting to reset the pulse electricity meter, you must first turn off and unplug all electronic devices in the house. Because if there are still electronic devices that are on or plugged into the socket, it means that the electric current will still flow. So, the electricity meter will still count the electricity expenditure and the electronic devices can still be on.
In addition, you must make sure that all electronic devices are really turned off and unplugged. Because if not, resetting the meter can risk damaging electronic devices that are still on or plugged into the socket.
2. Enter the Reset Code
After ensuring that there are no electronic devices that are on and all have been unplugged from the socket, the next step is to enter the reset code into the meter. Follow the steps below.
- Previously, please turn off the meter for about 15 minutes.
- After 15 minutes, turn the meter back on.
- Enter the code 00 to start resetting the pulse electricity meter.
- If you are not sure to do it yourself, you can contact the PLN officer at number 123. The PLN officer will come and reset the pulse electricity meter at your home.
4. Secret Codes for Prepaid Electricity Meter

(credit: unsplash)
In addition to the code 00 for resetting the prepaid electricity meter, there are still several other secret codes. These codes can be used in emergency situations according to their functions. Here are some secret codes for prepaid electricity meters.
3 Enter = total electricity kWh used
7 Enter = kWh limit
9 Enter = data used
41 Enter = electricity voltage
44 Enter = current ampere being used
47 Enter = data being used
54 Enter = last token code
59 Enter = last kWh refill amount
69 Enter = counter for how many times the electricity went out
75 Enter = check PLN Prepaid meter ID
78 Enter = check delay alarm in minutes
79 Enter = check minimum alarm limit
123xx Enter = change delay alarm, for example 12345 for 45 minutes
456xx Enter = change minimum alarm limit, for example 45610 for remaining 10 kWh
Those are some reviews on how to reset prepaid electricity meters easily. Hopefully useful and good luck trying!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.