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Equally Good at Cooking, This is the Profile of Taz Skylar, the Actor Playing Sanji in the New ONE PIECE Live Action who Just Took a Vacation to Indonesia

Equally Good at Cooking, This is the Profile of Taz Skylar, the Actor Playing Sanji in the New ONE PIECE Live Action who Just Took a Vacation to Indonesia Profile of Taz Skylar, Actor Playing Sanji in the ONE PIECE Live Action (credit: Anime One Piece, - Taz Skylar is one of the actors in the ONE PIECE live action who has attracted attention. Yes, he is trusted to portray the role of Sanji, who is a main character in the anime ONE PIECE and one of the important crew members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

For those of you who are fascinated by Taz Skylar when playing the character of Sanji in the ONE PIECE live action. Well, KLovers must know Taz Skylar's profile and some interesting facts about him. In fact, he also shares some similarities with the character Sanji in the anime ONE PIECE.

Now, for those who are curious, here is the profile of Taz Skylar who plays Sanji in the ONE PIECE live action. Let's check it out, KLovers.

1. Birth Year 1995

It turns out that Taz Skylar is still quite young, KLovers. Yes, he was born in the 90s. Specifically on December 5, 1995 in Spain. However, currently Taz Skylar lives and works in London, England.

2. Middle Eastern Heritage

Although born in Spain and living in London, England, Taz Skylar has Middle Eastern heritage. Yes, Taz Skylar's father, Hassan Yassin, is of Lebanese descent. While Taz Skylar's mother has Spanish and UK heritage.

3. Career in England

Currently, Taz Skylar mostly lives and works in London, England. However, he also participates in several short film projects based in America.

4. Starting Career in 2015

Taz Skylar himself started his career since 2015. He began his career with small roles, such as in the short film titled VENOM, where Taz Skylar played the role of Victim. And in the short film titled BEAUTIFUL, where he played the role of Jasper.

5. Screenwriter and Director

In addition to acting in films and series, Taz Skylar also tried his career as a screenwriter and director. It is known that Taz Skylar made his directorial debut in the short film titled MULTI-FACIAL in 2018.

6. Being Trusted in the ONE PIECE Series

Starting from playing in many short films and supporting roles in several series. Until finally, Taz Skylar was trusted to play Sanji in the ONE PIECE live action, which aired in late August 2023. Of course, this is the beginning debut for Taz Skylar in a big project.

7. Good at Cooking, Just Like Sanji

In fact, Taz Skylar has a resemblance to the character Sanji, KLovers. Yup! Both of them are skilled in cooking. In fact, Taz Skylar often shares his cooking skills on his social media page.

8. Enjoys Various Challenging Sports

In addition, Taz Skylar also enjoys sports, KLovers. He even likes challenging sports such as surfing, skydiving, rock climbing, and karate martial arts. It is known that he already holds a black belt.

9. Interested in Learning Sumo

In fact, Taz Skylar's love for martial arts karate is so strong that when he went to Japan for the promotion of ONE PIECE live action, Taz Skylar took the time to visit one of the karate schools there. In addition to karate, Taz Skylar is also interested in sumo and even learned it while he was there.

10. Likes Traveling

And the last fact about Taz Skylar is that he actually likes traveling, KLovers. On his Instagram account, Taz Skylar often shares his travel activities to various countries, including a recent trip to Indonesia. Taz Skylar shared his exciting activities in Bali and Lombok. He even rode a motorcycle during his vacation in Bali.

So, that's a glimpse of Taz Skylar's profile, who plays Sanji in the ONE PIECE live action. In addition, Taz Skylar and Sanji also have something in common, which is their cooking skills.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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