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Example of Correct References, Along with Definitions and Types

Example of Correct References, Along with Definitions and Types Illustration (credit: Pixabay) - In Indonesian, there are many types of words that you can learn, one of which is reference words. You need to understand the definition, types, and examples of reference words in order to write them correctly. It's not difficult, KLovers, you just need to understand it so that you don't write reference words incorrectly.

Reference words themselves are words used to refer to something or to obtain further information. Some commonly used reference words are, ia (he/she), mereka (they), itu (that), beliau (him/her), dia (he/she), tersebut (that), di sini (here), and many more. These reference words are also used to describe a place, object, or person, and replace them using several reference words.

For those of you who want to know more about reference words, you can learn the definition, types, and examples of reference words below. Let's check it out, KLovers.

1. Definition of the Term Reference

The term reference is a word used to refer to something or to obtain further information. Some commonly used reference words are, he, they, it, he/she, it, that, here, and many more.

In addition, according to Praptomo Baryadi Isodarus, the definition of reference words is words used to refer to the previous or subsequent parts of a sentence. These reference words function as connectors between text parts or as cohesion.

Then according to Tim Maestro Eduka (2020) in a book entitled Top Focus on Junior High School Exams and Tests, reference words are words that refer to other words that have been used before.

2. Types of Reference Words

In addition to understanding the definition of reference words, there are also types of reference words themselves. Yes, reference words have their own types that you can learn.

Reference words themselves are divided into two types according to their reference direction, namely reference words that refer to something that has been mentioned or to the left (anaphoric). And reference words that refer to something that has not been mentioned or reference words to the right (cataphoric).

Anaphoric reference words include he/she, it, -nya, they, he/she, it, this, like that, that, this, there, and there. Cataphoric reference words include the following, following this, this, like this, like that, namely, and that.

In addition, according to the book Bahasa Indonesia by Eti Wati, S. Kep., and Ners. S. Pd, M. Pd (2021), reference words can be grouped into several types, including:

- Object Reference Words are reference words used to refer to an object or something considered as an object. Some examples are this, that, and that.

- Person reference words are also called words that are treated as people. This word is a pronoun for someone or something considered as a person. For example, he/she, they, he/she, and it.

- And finally, there is a reference word for place, which is a pronoun or reference to a place. Some commonly used place reference words are here, there, and there.

3. Example of Personal Reference Words

Each example of personal reference words has a different form. And here are examples of personal reference words that you can learn to better understand personal reference words:

1. Putri is an intelligent child, she always gets first place in class. (The word "she" refers to Putri).

2. Sukarno is the first President of the Republic of Indonesia. He also fought for the independence of his country bravely. (The word "he" refers to Sukarno).

3. Emil Dardak is the current Vice Governor of East Java. He previously served as the Regent of Trenggalek Regency. (The word "he" refers to Emil Dardak).

4. Bobi is the best basketball player in my school. He is very skilled in playing basketball because he practices diligently after school. (The word "he" refers to "Bobi" from the previous sentence).

5. My great-grandmother is a fighter. She often fought against the colonialists of Indonesia in the past. (The word "she" refers to my great-grandmother).

6. During the Math test earlier, Anik was caught cheating in class. Luckily, she was still given a chance to retake the test next week. (The word "she" refers to Anik).

4. Example of Object Reference Words

In addition to examples of personal reference words, you can also learn examples of object reference words. Here are several examples of object reference words that you can understand:

1. Last Wednesday, I read the book The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir, this book is one of the best books I have ever read. (The word "this" refers to the title of the book being read).

2. One way to prevent landslides is by not indiscriminately cutting down trees. Unfortunately, many people are still unaware of this. (The word "this" refers to the indiscriminate cutting down of trees).

3. Nurul Wahida's mobile phone brand is Asus. That phone was bought with her own sweat, selling books at school. (The word "That" refers to the mobile phone).

4. Consuming lots of fruits and vegetables is very good for health. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of this. (The word "this" refers to the benefits of fruits).

5. Mother washed the clothes and hung them out in the daytime. But when it rained, everything got wet because she forgot to take them down. (The word "everything" refers to the clothes).

5. Example of Place References

And the last one is an example of place references. You can learn from these examples to better understand place references. Here are some examples of place references:

1. Kezo lives at Jalan Sudirman No 04. There, Kezo lives with her husband and five children. (The phrase "there" refers to Kezo's place of residence).

2. Seoul is the capital of South Korea, there is the Gyeongbokgung Palace which is a historical place since the Joseon Dynasty. (The phrase "there" refers to Seoul).

3. Gelora Bung Karno Stadium is already very crowded, there will be a football match between Persija Jakarta and Persib Bandung this evening. (The phrase "here" refers to Gelora Bung Karno Stadium).

4. After graduating from college, Puput will work in Jakarta. There, Puput will live at her uncle and aunt's house. (The phrase "there" refers to Jakarta).

5. Yesterday I went to a very beautiful and peaceful lake. There, I just sat quietly and enjoyed. (The phrase "there" refers to the lake).

6. I have been living at my grandmother's house for a month, here I have been doing many activities that I have never done before. (The phrase "here" refers to my grandmother's house).

Those are some examples of place references along with their meanings and types. Hopefully, by looking at these examples of place references along with their meanings and types, it can help you in learning.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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