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Fiction Stories are Stories Based on the Author's Imagination, Recognize the Characteristics and Elements

Fiction Stories are Stories Based on the Author's Imagination, Recognize the Characteristics and Elements Illustration (credit: freepik) - Fiction stories are one of the reading materials that many people enjoy. Fiction stories are stories that are not really true or come from the author's imagination. In addition to presenting interesting and entertaining stories, fiction stories often contain many lessons. That's why we will never get bored reading fiction stories.

Fiction stories are stories created based on the author's imagination. However, it is possible that there are also real historical facts and social situations in fiction stories. In fiction stories, these historical facts and social situations are often used as the background of the story. Because with these two elements, fiction stories will feel real and convincing.

Fiction stories are interesting works to study. Well, to understand more, let's take a look at some reviews about fiction stories below that have been summarized from various sources.




1. Characteristics of Fiction Stories

As mentioned earlier, fiction stories are one of the popular types of reading materials with many fans. Despite their popularity, many still have difficulty identifying whether a story is classified as fiction or not.

A fiction story is a story that is not based on real events and originates from the author's imagination. In addition to the aforementioned explanation, a story can be classified as fiction if it meets the following characteristics:

1. It is a fictional or imaginative story.

2. It does not adhere to standard writing conventions.

3. It entertains and contains moral values or life lessons.

4. It often uses figurative language or connotations.

5. Despite being based on imagination, fiction stories can still contain truths such as historical facts or social situations.

6. It often presents different perspectives.




2. Elements of Fiction Stories

In addition to the explanations and characteristics mentioned above, a story is classified as fiction if it fulfills several elements. The following are the elements of fiction stories. These elements are often referred to as intrinsic elements. The elements are as follows.

1. Theme is the main idea or concept that serves as the foundation of the story. Usually, the theme in fiction stories is related to the conflicts present in daily life.

2. Message is the moral message or life lesson conveyed by the author through the story they create.

3. Characters are the actors or performers in the fiction story. Characters are divided into several types, namely the main character (protagonist), the opposing character (antagonist), and the mediator character.

4. Plot is the sequence of scenes present in the fiction story. The plot consists of a forward plot, a backward plot, and a combination of both.

5. Point of view is the basis of how a story is written. The point of view can be in the first-person perspective of the main character or the third-person perspective of an omniscient narrator.

6. Setting is the background of an event in the story. Setting is divided into three types: place, time, and atmosphere.




3. Fiction Story Structure

Like most types of texts, fiction stories have structure. The presence of structure in a fiction story will make it easier for anyone who wants to create or write it. Here are some structures in fiction stories.

1. Orientation is the introduction or beginning part. This part contains explanations about the theme, background of the theme, and characters in the story.

2. Complication is the part of the story that contains the problems faced by the characters.

3. Evaluation is the part of the fiction story that contains the process of problem-solving faced by the characters.

4. Resolution is the part of the story that shows the problem-solving faced by the characters.

5. Coda is the message or moral lesson derived from the fiction story.




4. Types of Fiction Stories

Along with its development, fiction stories are theoretically divided into three types. These three types of fiction stories have their own characteristics. The three types of fiction stories are as follows.

1. Historical Fiction
Historical fiction is a type of fiction story that contains historical facts. These historical facts can be seen in elements of the story such as setting, characters, and plot.

2. Science Fiction
As the name suggests, science fiction stories involve scientific or knowledge elements. An example of this is the novel titled Supernova by Dewi Lestari.

3. Biographical Fiction
Biographical fiction is fiction that is based on the biography of a character. For example, Catatan Seorang Demonstran which tells the story of Soe Hok Gie.




5. Works of Fiction

Fiction stories are a favorite reading material for many people, ranging from children to adults. In our daily lives, we are familiar with several examples of works that are fiction stories. Some of these works include the following.

1. Short Stories
An example of a fiction story is a short story. Short stories are shorter and more concise stories. Generally, short stories can be enjoyed in one sitting.

2. Novel
Novels are one of the most popular examples of fiction stories. Novels usually tell the life of a main character who faces long-lasting problems. Therefore, novels have long stories and come in the form of books with many pages.

3. Romance
Romance is a fiction story that tells the life of a person or several characters from birth to death. Romances usually carry a message or moral lesson. Romances are often found in the form of classic stories.

That is an explanation of fiction stories being the result of the author's imagination. Hopefully, this is useful and can increase knowledge.





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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