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Have You Tried? These are the 8 Most Delicious, Sweet, and Refreshing Fig Varieties

Have You Tried? These are the 8 Most Delicious, Sweet, and Refreshing Fig Varieties (credit: freepik) - Figs or commonly known as figs are fruits with a soft and sweet texture. Once picked, figs should be eaten immediately as their soft texture can easily spoil. In addition to being a good fruit to consume, figs have many special qualities that make many people fall in love when tasting this fruit.

Figs are commonly found growing in the Middle East. In Indonesia, figs are also being cultivated more and more. Most fig trees come from tropical climates because they prefer extreme heat and are suitable for planting in low temperatures. The characteristics of this fruit are thin green or purple skin with very soft flesh. Figs can also be found fresh, dried, or in the form of juice.

In the world itself, there are various types of figs that are spread out. However, there are several types of figs that are most delicious to consume. Curious about what types of figs they are? Let's directly read the complete review below.


1. The Blue Giant

The first type of fig is the blue giant. This fruit has a quite large weight, which is 70-80 grams. This bluish-red fruit has a very soft texture with a refreshing sweet taste. The Blue Giant itself is an adaptive tropical plant that is widely cultivated in Indonesia because it has advantages in terms of quality and quantity. In addition, this type of fig produces more fruits compared to other types of figs.


2. Purple Yordan

Purple Yordan is one of the popular and superior types of figs. This fruit, which weighs 50-70 grams, has a characteristic dark purple color with a sweet and refreshing taste. Another characteristic is its leaves that form three fingers.

That's what makes it easy to distinguish purple Yordan figs from others. Behind its delicious taste, it's no wonder that many farmers then cultivate this type of fig. Moreover, purple Yordan figs can also be cultivated in pots.


3. Adriatic

Next, the type of fig that is widely sought after is the Adriatic fig. This fig has a unique characteristic as it has a light green skin and pinkish red color on the inside. The Adriatic fig tree is native to the Mediterranean region. Due to its high sugar content, Adriatic figs are usually dried for consumption. Typically, this type of fig is used as a dessert.


4. Calimyrna

Calimyrna is one of the fig varieties that has a distinctive yellowish-green color on the outside and pinkish red on the inside. Calimyrna figs are larger compared to other fig varieties and have a unique and strong nutty flavor. Usually, Calimyrna figs are used as jams or toppings for cakes. Moreover, they are also refreshing when consumed directly.


5. Black Mission

Black Mission figs have a distinctive dark color on the outside. Meanwhile, the inside is pink. Similar to other figs, Black Mission figs have a very sweet taste and even release syrup-like liquid. The size of these Black Mission figs is considered small. However, this type of fig has crispy and very smooth flesh.


6. Negrone (Cemani)

You can easily recognize this type of fig because it is smaller than other figs. However, the taste of this fig is unquestionable. It has a very sweet taste that will make you addicted. In addition, Negrone figs have a dark purple color. Negrone figs are also very famous and widely consumed as fresh fruit, including in Indonesia.


7. Tin Sultane

Tin sultane is the most popular and highly favored type of fig. The physical characteristic of this fig is that it has a bluish color and an elegant shape on the outside. Meanwhile, on the inside, it has reddish-brown flesh. In terms of taste, tin sultane figs are very sweet and refreshing. Due to the high-quality fruit with a delicious taste, it is no wonder that many collectors in America and Europe always seek out tin sultane figs.


8. Brown Turkey

Brown turkey figs have purple skin and red flesh. The fruit is elongated and pear-shaped, with dark purple skin. The taste is light and less sweet compared to other types of figs. This type of fig is very popular and widely grown worldwide. Brown turkey figs are sold fresh and dried in large quantities.

Those are some of the most popular types of figs with delicious flavors. Which type of fig would you like to try?




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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