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How to Make Android Applications on a Mobile Phone or PC that Can Be Done and Anti-Failure

How to Make Android Applications on a Mobile Phone or PC that Can Be Done and Anti-Failure Illustration (credit: Pexels) - Applications are currently an important thing when we use electronic devices such as HP to PC or laptop. However, what if we want to have other applications outside the Google Play Store? There are ways to make android applications on HP or PC that you can do yourself.

Yes, how to make android applications on HP or PC is quite difficult, but you can do it on your HP or PC. Of course, how to make android applications on HP or PC will be very helpful. So, for those of you who want to have other applications on HP or PC, you can do it using these methods.

Well, how to make android applications on HP or PC? Here are some ways to make android applications on HP or PC that you can do yourself at home. Let's check it out KLovers.


1. Using Android Studio Stage 1

The first step in creating an Android application on your phone or PC is to use Android Studio. Yes, this method is quite complicated and requires a long process. However, you can do it yourself. Here are some ways to create Android applications on your phone or PC using Android Studio.

1. Download JDK (Java Development Kit). This is one of the software development environments that is useful for developing Java-based applications.

2. Install JDK by double-clicking the installer and clicking next.

3. Then you can download Android Studio and install Android Studio.

4. Open Android Studio, then a dialog box will appear to configure your initial Android Studio settings.

5. Click 'do not import settings' if this is the first time you have installed Android Studio - Click next.

6. Choose the Android Studio theme.

7. Check the Android Virtual Device if you want to install the Android Emulator on your PC.

8. Next, you will be asked to specify the RAM that will be used by the emulator.

9. Click 'finish', and Android Studio will download the required files.

10. Install Android SDK (Software Development Kit)

11. Check the Android OS you want to install the SDK on.

12. Done.


2. Using Android Studio Stage 2

After completing the steps to create an Android application on HP or PC above, you can continue with the next steps for Android Studio. Here are some further steps that KLovers can do.

1. Open Android Studio and select start a new Android Studio project.

2. Fill in the application name and select the location to save the Android Studio project.

3. Select the minimum Android OS required to run your application.

4. Select empty activity and name the activity that will be created, then click "Finish".

5. Just focus on the main activity and activity_main.xml.

6. Then open the activity_main.xml file and run the Android application.

7. Click the green play button.

8. Choose where you will run the Android application.

9. For those who have an Android smartphone, go to developer options in the Android settings menu. Then activate the USB Debugging option, plug your smartphone into your computer via USB cable.

10. If a warning appears on Android regarding USB Debugging permission, just click "ALLOW". Install the Android smartphone driver on your computer (Return to Android Studio), then your Android device will appear in the Connected Devices dialog.

11. Click your Android device and then click "OK", wait until the compiling process is complete and your Android application will run on your smartphone.

12. And it's done. Android Studio is very user-friendly. With dedication and a willingness to learn, you can master it well even if you are not proficient in coding.


3. Using AppsGeyser

And the last way to create android apps on your phone is by using AppsGeyser. Yes, this app can be used to create android apps on your phone in a relatively short time. Here are some steps to create android apps on your phone using AppsGeyser.

1. Open the AppsGeyser website and click the create now for free button.

2. Choose various app templates that you want, for example, creating a web app.

3. Enter the website page that you have and press Go to change the content.

4. Scroll down to choose the app theme color and click Next to continue the process.

5. Type the app name and click Next.

6. Enter the description of the app you are creating, then click "Next".

7. Choose the available app icon or you can create your own with Photoshop, then click "Next".

8. Then click create to create your own app. You just need to log in by clicking "sign in".

9. You can also publish the app you created to the Google Play Store or download it directly.

10. Done.

Those are some ways to create android apps on your phone or PC that you can do on your own. Although it may be difficult, this method is quite effective for those of you who want to create apps on android. Good luck KLovers.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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