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How to Make Your Own Flashcards at Home, Improve Children's Reading Skills with Simple Steps

How to Make Your Own Flashcards at Home, Improve Children's Reading Skills with Simple Steps Illustration (credit: Pixabay) - Flashcards are a way to introduce objects or items to children while also improving their reading skills. Children cannot simply read without any assistance, but with flashcards, they can understand and improve their reading skills.

There are ways to make your own flashcards. Not only can you learn how to make flashcards, but you can also learn how to play card games and their benefits for children.

Another name for picture flashcards is Flashcard, where words and pictures on the cards are used to develop vocabulary in children. Although there are places that sell flashcards, you can make your own flashcards.

So, for KLovers who want to know how to easily and simply make flashcards for children. Here's how you can make your own flashcards at home. Let's check it out, KLovers.

1. How to Make Greeting Cards

Yes, for KLovers who want to know how to make greeting cards easily and practically. You can use this method to make greeting cards. And here are some ways to make greeting cards:

1. Tools and Materials

- Duplex cardboard

- Ruler

- Pencil

- Eraser

- Paper glue or adhesive

- Magazines, brochures, newspapers

2. How to Make

- Create a pattern on the duplex cardboard with a size of 24 x 8 cm, then cut.

- To make one card, you need to stick two cardboard patterns that have been cut using glue, so that the size of the card is thick.

- Cut out the image that you will stick on the front of the card, which you have taken from magazines, newspapers, brochures, and others.

- On the next side, write the name of the image.

- Trim each corner of the card to avoid being too sharp using scissors.

- Repeat these steps for the number of cards you want to make.

2. How to Play Word Cards

Well, after KLovers know how to make word cards, now KLovers also need to know how to play word cards correctly. Now, for KLovers who want to know how to play word cards, here's how to play these word cards:

1. The first way to play is by asking several words related to personal hygiene activities to the class in general.

2. Every word mentioned by the child, the teacher sticks the word card on the board, then asks the child to repeat the word together.

3. Variations in pronouncing words can be done, for example by asking the whole class, asking some children to read, or asking the child how to pronounce it.

4. This activity is done until all the words related to the prepared theme can be stuck on the board, KLovers.

5. Next, you can ask the students to practice reading the words stuck on the board silently, for about 10 minutes.

6. Those who do not know how to read it can ask their friends next to them KLovers.

7.You can assign some students to choose some words that are stuck, then look for their syllable cards.

8.These syllable cards are placed under the word cards, and the child reads them aloud.

9.The teacher divides the students in the class into several groups. Each group looks for another group as a playing partner.

10.One group takes two or three words from the ones stuck on the board, then the other group makes sentences based on the words selected by the other group.

11.You must make sure that each group gets a turn to choose word cards and make sentences based on the selected word cards.

3. Benefits of Word Cards

And finally, the benefits of word cards. Yes, it is known that children's reading ability is not acquired naturally. The word card learning model will make children more interested and actively participate in learning. According to Mr. JUEL in Mr. Sandjaja (2005), reading is a process of recognizing words as sentences and reading structures.

In addition to the benefits of reading, the application of playing word cards in children's reading learning can improve language skills in children. Thus, it encourages children to be active in every learning process. Learning to read and write by playing finger painting is an appropriate and enjoyable method for children.

Therefore, this learning delivery method can improve learning outcomes for children. Usually, teachers only use conventional learning models with lecture models. However, to develop children's intelligence, you can use this word card method.

Those are some ways to make word cards that you can easily and practically know, KLovers. Not only how to make word cards, but KLovers can also know how to play and the benefits of word cards.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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