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7 Ways to Easily and Practically Overcome No Service SIM Cards, Can Be Done at Home

7 Ways to Easily and Practically Overcome No Service SIM Cards, Can Be Done at Home Illustration (credit: unsplash) - How to overcome no service SIM cards is important to know. This is because it is usually experienced by several people. When there is no service on the SIM card, the phone cannot be used for several things. You will not be able to make phone calls or send SMS. In addition, a SIM card with no service cannot be used to access the internet.

There are several factors that can cause no service on the SIM card, such as operator interference or phone damage. But you don't need to worry too much, because there are several ways to overcome no service SIM cards that can be tried. Curious, what are the ways?

Summarized from various sources, here is a review of how to easily and practically overcome no service SIM cards.

1. Activate Airplane Mode for a While

The first way to overcome the problem of no service on the SIM card is by activating airplane mode. Yes, many people have been using airplane mode to stabilize the network or signal. It turns out that this method can also be used to check the condition of the SIM card, whether there is a service or not.

No need to wait too long, you can activate airplane mode for about 5 minutes. This method is considered effective in overcoming the loss of SIM service due to network or signal instability.

2. Try Restarting Your Phone

If activating airplane mode does not fix the SIM card service system, you can try the second method. You can restart your phone. By restarting, the system on your phone will start from the beginning. This way, various system disruptions can be ignored, including a SIM card with no service.

Each type of phone has a different way of restarting. However, generally, you can restart by simply pressing and holding the power button for a few seconds. Then, select the Restart option.

3. Remove and Insert the SIM Card

To ensure that there is a disruption in the SIM card service system, you can try removing and inserting the SIM card in your phone. Remove the SIM card and then reinsert it after a few moments. Pay attention, after being removed and reinserted, whether the SIM card can now receive service or vice versa.

To determine whether the problem lies with the phone or the SIM card, you can try inserting another SIM card into the phone. If that SIM card also does not receive service, it is possible that the actual problem lies with your phone. Additionally, you can also try inserting a SIM card with no service into another phone to confirm that the problem lies with the SIM card.

4. Clean SIM Card

If it turns out that there is a problem with the SIM card, then there are several things you can do next. First, try cleaning the SIM card. Yes, dirt that sticks to the SIM card can very likely obstruct the connectivity between the SIM card and the slot on the phone. As a result, the SIM card is not read and does not receive the service as it should be.

In addition, it doesn't hurt to clean the memory on the SIM card. Because, without realizing it, accumulated SMS also disrupts the performance of the SIM card.

5. Contact Provider's Customer Service

However, if the previous method still does not work, you can try the sixth method to solve the problem of no service on the SIM card. You can contact the customer service or CS of the provider's card used. You can convey your complaints to CS.

The provider's side will make repairs if possible. But if not, you can ask for a replacement SIM card without having to change your phone number.

6. Perform Factory Reset

But it's a different story if the problem is actually on your phone. If this is the case, you can try to solve the no service sim card issue by performing a factory reset. Yes, a factory reset has been proven to fix phone systems by restoring them to their original settings.

By doing so, it is very possible to overcome various problems that exist on your phone. However, it should be noted that this method may risk deleting some of the data on your phone. So before doing it, make sure to back up your important and valuable data.

7. Take it to a Service Center

In addition to performing a factory reset, you can also solve the no service sim card issue caused by phone problems by taking it to a service center. The skilled service personnel will find the errors or problems on your phone and fix them. As a precaution, before taking your phone to a service center, you also need to back up your data.

Those are some of the easy and practical ways to solve the no network sim card issue. Hopefully, it is useful and good luck trying it out!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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