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Understanding the Reading and Meaning of Taawudz, Also Know the Laws and Virtues

Understanding the Reading and Meaning of Taawudz, Also Know the Laws and Virtues Illustration (credit: unsplash) - The reading of taawudz is certainly familiar to most people, especially Muslims. This is because the reading of taawudz is usually recited when a Muslim wants to pray or recite the Quran. Therefore, every Muslim must know the meaning of taawudz. Because, taawudz is not just an ordinary prayer reading. There is a deep meaning in the reading of taawudz.

Although it has become a daily reading for Muslims, in fact, there are still many people who do not know the meaning of taawudz. However, taawudz must be recited with full understanding, firmness, and conviction. Therefore, it is important to know the meaning of taawudz, especially for Muslims.

So, to know more about the meaning of taawudz, just take a look at the following discussion that has been summarized by from various sources.



1. Reading and Meaning of Taawudz

The phrase taawudz is one of the important readings in the Islamic religion. Another name for the taawudz reading is isti'adzah. The taawudz or isti'adzah phrase has become a recommendation to be read at certain times, one of which is when intending to read Surah Al-Fatihah or other verses of the Quran.

In addition, the meaning of taawudz also has a profound meaning. Generally, the taawudz reading means seeking protection from Allah SWT against the temptations of Satan. Thus, indirectly, reading taawudz can be a step to maintain faith in Allah SWT. Therefore, it is only natural that every Muslim knows the correct pronunciation and meaning of taawudz reading.

The pronunciation and meaning of taawudz are as follows:

"A'udhu billahi minas-syaitanir-rajim"


"I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed Satan"



2. Law and Advice on Reading Taawudz

Although it is one of the important readings, some scholars state that the reading of taawudz is sunnah, not obligatory. Therefore, a Muslim will not be sinful if they do not read the meaning of taawudz, for example, before reading the Quran. However, because it is recommended, reading taawudz can be an additional reward.

However, the law regarding reading taawudz is still often a subject of controversy. This is because there are some scholars who also state that reading taawudz is obligatory because the imperative sentence in the verse above indicates the true meaning.

Ibnu Sirin argued that the obligation to read taawudz is valued at least once in a lifetime. So, if a Muslim has read taawudz at least once in their lifetime, then their obligation is considered fulfilled.

Another view regarding the law of reading taawudz is presented by a scholar named Imam Fakhruddin al-Razi. According to him, the Prophet never left reading taawudz. Therefore, according to him, reading taawudz is a part of the Muslim's obligation to follow the Prophet. Moreover, according to Imam Fakhruddin al-Razi, the command to read taawudz has been explained textually in the Quranic verse.

As for the Quranic evidence about reading taawudz, one of them is found in Surah An-Nahl, verse 98, which roughly translates as follows:

"So when you recite the Quran, seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan."



3. The Virtue of Reading Taawudz

Regardless of the pros and cons regarding its legality, reading taawudz is still believed to bring many virtues. This is because in the recitation of taawudz, there are several virtues and benefits for Muslims who recite it. Here are some virtues of reading taawudz.

1. Can Help Suppress Anger

One of the virtues of reading the Latin recitation and meaning of taawudz is that it can help suppress anger. This virtue is taken from a hadith that says:

From Sulaiman bin Shurd, he said, "I once sat next to the Prophet while two men were arguing. One of them had a red face and a tense neck."

The Prophet (SAW) said, "I truly know the words that if he utters them, whatever (emotion) he is experiencing will disappear. If he says, 'A'udhu billahi minash-shaitanir-rajim,' the emotion within him will surely disappear." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

2. Providing Tranquility in the Heart

Not only does reciting taawudz calm anger, but it also provides tranquility in the heart. This virtue is mentioned in the Quran, Surah Ar-Ra'd, verse 28, which means:

"(That is) those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah, hearts are assured."

3. Protecting Oneself from Evil

The third virtue of reciting taawudz is that it can protect a person from evil. Yes, taawudz not only protects a Muslim's faith from the temptation of Satan, but it can also protect a person from human evil. This is mentioned in Surah Al-A'raf, verse 200, which means:

"And if an evil suggestion comes to you from Satan, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is Hearing and Knowing." Indeed, He is Hearing and Knowing."

Those are some explanations of the meaning of taawudz that Muslims need to know, along with its rulings and virtues. May it be beneficial and increase our faith as Muslims. Ameen.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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