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How to Naturally Care for Hair, to Look Black and Thick

How to Naturally Care for Hair, to Look Black and Thick Illustration (credit: Pixabay) - Having thick and black hair is the desire of every woman, but not all women have thick and black hair. This is what makes many women want to know how to care for their hair to make it look black and thick.

There are many shampoo products sold in the market that offer products to make hair black and thick. But in fact, shampoo is only useful for washing dirty hair.

We are fortunate to live with many natural plants spread all over the world. You can use these natural plants to make your hair black and thick.

It may take a long time, but it will all be worth it if you do it regularly. Curious about what plants can make your hair black and thick?

According to various sources, here is how to naturally care for thick and black hair.


1. Aloe Vera

The first way to care for hair is by using aloe vera. There is no doubt that there are many benefits contained in aloe vera, which can make a way to care for hair to appear thick and black.

These benefits include stimulating hair growth, preventing hair loss, treating damaged hair, treating oily hair, and many more benefits that can be provided by aloe vera in caring for hair.

This is because aloe vera contains vitamins C, E, and B12. Vitamin C functions to stimulate hair growth, then there is vitamin E which functions for hair health by ensuring smooth blood circulation in the scalp. This allows the scalp to absorb oxygen in the body well.

Interestingly, aloe vera contains vitamin B12 found in meat. And vitamin B12 plays a very important role in hair health and care, making aloe vera the first choice for natural hair care.

2. Chili Leaves

The second way to take care of your hair is by using chili leaves. Many people know that chili leaves can make hair grow thick, even babies who have completely bald heads can wear this chili leaf mask on their heads.

There are many types of vitamins in chili leaves, one of which is vitamin B and also vitamin C. Vitamin B is useful for strengthening hair roots and vitamin C is useful for stimulating hair growth, and this will make your hair grow.

Making a chili leaf mask is very easy, you can grind the chili leaves using olive oil until it becomes smooth like a mask, then you can apply it directly to your hair evenly and leave it on for 30 minutes. Once it is dry, you can rinse it off with clean water. It's quite easy, right?

3. Daun Urang Aring

It has been a long time since urang aring leaves have been chosen as one of the natural ways to care for hair, especially to darken hair. Currently, there are many urang-aring oils that you can use as a natural way to obtain healthy and black hair.

In addition to being one of the ways to care for hair, urang-aring can also be used as a natural ink material. This is because urang aring leaves produce black color.

It is also known that urang-aring is the main ingredient in tattoo ink. From this, it can be proven that urang-aring can naturally make our hair black and healthy.

4. Tea Leaves

For this last way of caring for hair, many people already know that tea leaves can care for hair well. Why is that?

Because tea leaves contain vitamins B, C, and E, which are all good for hair care. We already know the functions of vitamin B and vitamin C found in chili leaves and aloe vera, but what about vitamin E?

Just like aloe vera, vitamin E also plays an important role in the health of hair and scalp. Vitamin E helps in the main blood circulation in the scalp, which allows the scalp to absorb oxygen well.

Not only that, green tea is also good for those who want to keep their hair healthy and black without any gray hair. It is known that green tea has compounds to control oil and balance pH.

If the oil in our scalp decreases and the pH level is balanced, it can reduce the possibility of gray hair. That's why green tea leaves can reduce gray hair.

Those are the 4 natural ways to care for hair to obtain healthy and black hair. The above ingredients can be easily found without expensive costs.

You can also do it at home anytime to get maximum results. Hopefully, the above information can provide insight for you at home. Good luck.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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