Kapanlagi.com - In reading the Quran, we must be familiar with the term khatam. Yes, the term khatam is given to those who complete reading the Quran. However, what does khatam actually mean? Khatam means finished, and this is a word in Arabic and is also used in Indonesia.
Aside from knowing that khatam means finished, KLovers can also learn the prayer to recite after finishing, along with its hadith. Then, what is the proper procedure for completing the Quran so that KLovers who really want to do khatam can do so without delay.
So, for that reason, based on various sources, here is an explanation of what khatam means, along with the prayer to recite when you finish reading the Quran and the procedures for completing the Quran.
1. Understanding Khatam

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
As previously explained, khatam means finished. This word is taken from Arabic and is usually used for someone who has completed their reading in the Quran. Reading the Quran does indeed receive extraordinary rewards, especially if it can be practiced.
There are two times that you can choose to do khatam, first you can do it individually or alone. And second, you can do khatam Quran in congregation. And this can be done in the morning or early evening. However, according to some scholars, it is better to do it in the morning.
There are many virtues for those who do khatam Quran. For example, KLovers who do khatam Quran will get a lot of mercy from Allah SWT. "When the Quran is finished, the mercy of Allah will come down." (HR. at-Thabrani and Ibn Abi Syaibah from Mujahid).
In addition, it is said that the angels will come down and recite istigfar for the person who is doing khatam Quran. This is in accordance with the explanation of the hadith narrated by Ad-Dailamy, "When a servant has completed the Quran, there will be 60,000 angels who recite istigfar for him when the Quran is finished." (HR. ad-Dailamy)
2. Khatam Prayer

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
For KLovers who have completed the khatam of the Quran, there are also prayers that can be recited if you want to read the Quran until Khatam or after completing the khatam of the Quran. And here are some prayers that you can recite:
1. "Allhummarhamni bilqur'an.Wajalhu li imaman wa nuran wa hudan wa rohmah.Allahumma dzakkirni minhu ma nasitu wa 'allimni minhu ma jahiltu warzuqni tilawatahu aana-allaili waj'alhu li hujatan ya rabbal 'alamin."
Meaning: O Allah, have mercy on us with the Quran. Make it our imam, light, guidance, and grace. O Allah, remind us of what we forget and teach us what we do not know. Grant us to be able to read it throughout the night and day. Make it our shield, O Lord of all the worlds.
2. "O Allah, we are Your servants, sons of Your male servants and daughters of Your female servants. We beseech You, by all the names that belong to You, which You have named Yourself with, or revealed in Your Book, or You have taught to any of Your creation, or You have kept hidden in the knowledge of the unseen with You, to make the Quran the spring of our hearts, the light of our chests, the banisher of our sorrows and the reliever of our distress. O Allah, make us among those who are guided by it, who are protected by it, who are saved from the fire by it, and who enter Paradise through its intercession."
Meaning: O Allah, our Lord, we are all Your servants, sons of Your male servants and daughters of Your female servants. O Allah, we beseech You, by all the names that belong to You, which You have named Yourself with, or revealed in Your Book, or You have taught to any of Your creation, or You have kept hidden in the knowledge of the unseen with You, to make the Quran the spring of our hearts, the light of our chests, the banisher of our sorrows and the reliever of our distress. O Allah, make us among those who are guided by it, who are protected by it, who are saved from the fire by it, and who enter Paradise through its intercession. O Allah, illuminate our hearts with the recitation of the Quran, adorn our morals with the beauty of the Quran, improve our deeds by the remembrance of the Quran, save us from the fire with the protection of the Quran, and admit us to Paradise by the intercession of the Quran.
3. "O Allah, illuminate our hearts with the recitation of the Quran, adorn our morals with the beauty of the Quran, improve our deeds by the remembrance of the Quran, save us from the fire with the protection of the Quran, and admit us to Paradise by the intercession of the Quran."
Meaning: O Allah, illuminate our hearts with the recitation of the Quran, adorn our morals with the beauty of the Quran, improve our deeds by the remembrance of the Quran, save us from the fire with the protection of the Quran, and admit us to Paradise by the intercession of the Quran.
3. Hadith About Khatam Prayer

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
However, is there a Hadith that explains about the prayer of completion as above? For KLovers to know, Prophet Muhammad SAW did not teach a special prayer for us to recite after completing the Quran. As reported by Rumaysho.com, even the companions of Prophet Muhammad SAW or prominent imams did not teach a special prayer at that time.
Sheikh Muhammad bin Sholeh Al 'Utsaimin rahimahullah when asked about the ruling on reciting the prayer of completion of the Quran during the night prayer in Ramadan, he answered,
"I do not know of any guidance from the Prophet shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam regarding the prayer of completion of the Quran during the night prayer in Ramadan. I also do not know from the companions about this. What exists is a narration from Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu 'anhu, where Anas, when completing the Quran, gathered his family, then prayed for their goodness. And remember, this was done after completing the Quran outside of prayer (not during prayer)." (Fatawa Arkanil Islam).
However, this prayer of completion happened to the companion Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu 'anhu. It was narrated by Tsabit Al Banani, Qotadah, Ibn 'Athiyah and others, "Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu 'anhu once gathered his family and children when he completed the Quran, then Anas prayed for their goodness." (HR. Ibnul Mubarok, Ibn Abi Syaibah, Ibn Nashr, Ibn 'Ubaid, Ibn Adh Dhurais, Ibn Abi Daud, Al Faryabi, Ad Darimi, Sa'id bin Manshur, Ath Thobroni, Al Anbari).
4. Khatam Procedure

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
After knowing that khatam means finished, along with its prayer and hadith. This time there is a procedure for khatam. Yes, for KLovers who want to perform the khatam of the Quran, they can do the following procedures:
1. Perform the Fajr Sunnah prayer. It can be done in other Sunnah prayers such as the Hajat Sunnah prayer or the Tahajud Sunnah prayer.
2. Read the last 22 surahs of the Quran in each rakat. If it feels too much, it can be divided into several rakats. For example, if only performing 2 rakats, it means 11 surahs in each rakat after reciting Surah Al-Fatihah.
3. After finishing the prayer, recite the khatam of the Quran prayer. This can be preceded by tawasul or wirid and then continued with prayer. Then, if there are objections to performing the khatam of the Quran using the Fajr Sunnah prayer, it can be done without prayer.
That is the explanation of khatam meaning finished that KLovers can learn and understand. In addition, KLovers can also learn other things such as prayers when you khatam the Quran and the procedure for khatam the Quran.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.