Kapanlagi.com - Lately, Japanese language has become more popular among Indonesian society, especially among young people who are fans of comics and anime. Many of them are interested in learning Japanese and popularizing some of the words they find while watching anime or reading comics in their daily lives. For example, the word sasageyo has also become popular lately. So, what is the meaning of sasageyo?
The popularity of the word sasageyo is mostly on the internet. It is proven that even though this word has become popular, it is not yet widely used in daily life, just like other popular Japanese words such as konnichiwa, arigatou, and so on. However, besides the meaning of sasageyo, the reason why this word can become popular on the internet is also interesting to observe.
To find out the answer to the meaning of sasageyo and the reason why this word can become popular, let's take a look at the following explanation which has been summarized from various sources.
1. The Meaning of Sasageyo

(credit: imdb)
In Japanese, the word sasageyo is suspected to be a verb. As reported by lister.co.id, sasageyo comes from the word "sasagu" which is affixed with "yo". Therefore, the meaning of sasageyo is likely to also come from its basic form "sasagu". Meanwhile, in Japanese, sasagu actually has three meanings.
First, sasagu can mean 'lift' or 'hold'. Second, sasagu can also mean 'give' or 'dedicate'. Finally, sasagu can also mean 'sacrifice' or 'devote'.
As is known, the affix "yo" in Japanese is commonly used to turn a verb into a command. So, the meaning of sasageyo can be interpreted as a command to 'give something' or 'sacrifice something'.
2. Reasons for Being Popular

(credit: imdb)
The word Sasageyo first became popular from the anime ATTACK ON TITAN (AOT), especially in season 2. The word Sasageyo appears in the opening soundtrack of the popular anime. The excerpt from the song titled Shinzou wo Sasageyo went viral, especially in the lyrics that mention the word "Sasageyo".
From there, many people became curious about the meaning of Sasageyo. Moreover, in the song, the word Sasageyo appears with an interesting melody and can arouse enthusiasm. It is as if the word is a positive word that stimulates the spirit.
In addition to the soundtrack lyrics, the word Sasageyo was also spoken by one of the characters in the animeATTACK ON TITAN season 2. The character's name is Erwin Smith, who is a commander. Erwin Smith said "Shinzou wo sasageyo!" to encourage his troops.
After reading the explanation of the meaning of Sasageyo above, it can be confirmed that "Shinzou wo sasageyo" in the song lyrics and character dialogue is an expression of spirit.
3. Lyrics of Shinzou wo Sasangeyo
As previously explained, the word Sasageyo was first encountered through the opening soundtrack lyrics of ATTACK ON TITAN season 2. Therefore, there may still be some of you who are curious about the meaning of Sasageyo in the song lyrics as a whole.
For that reason, let's take a look at the lyrics and meaning of the AOT soundtrack song titled Shinzou wo Sasangeyo below.
Believing there's no hell worse than this
Still we live, trying to survive each day
Without even knowing if we can escape this despair
The sound of knocking on the door continues to echo harshly
These people who betrayed the past
Will they destroy the future we'll create?
What must we abandon to defeat the enemy?
What can we gain by that?
Sasageyo! Sasageyo! Shinzou wo Sasageyo!
All of the sacrifices are for now
Sasageyo! Sasageyo! Shinzou wo Sasageyo!
So that we can advance towards the future
These people who deceived the past
Are enemies that should be crushed
What kind of expressions did they have?
What were they thinking as they gazed at us?
What must we learn to fight even against the devils?
We won't waste anything, not technology nor warfare
Sasageyo! Sasageyo! shinzou wo sasageyo!
All our efforts are for this moment!
Offer up your hearts! Let's go!
We must grasp the victory we must sing with our own hands!
The monsters that we do not know how to defeat will mimic human faces
And destroy every last one of us
Who was it that first spoke of this? I can't remember
But I have an unforgettable rage and I will destroy them
Ah... What kind of path have we chosen?
We must dedicate our lives to earn the right to live
The promised land is at the end of paradise
The humanity of that day remembered
The fear of being ruled by them
The humiliation of being trapped in a cage
The bowstring is pulled taut, the arrow is released
And that miracle becomes the path to freedom
Offer up your hearts! Let's go!
All our suffering is for this moment!
Offer up your hearts! Let's go!
Paint the path we must take with your own hands
shinzou wo sasageyo!
All our hardships are for this moment!
Offer up your hearts! Let's go!
Turn your burning arrows into fire!
Offer up your hearts! Let's go!
Proudly draw the path we must take with your own body
4. Meaning of the AOT Season 2 Soundtrack Lyrics

(credit: imdb)
Here is the full translation of 'sasageyo' in the lyrics of the AOT Season 2 soundtrack:
I want to believe that there is nothing more hellish than this
But the worst day for humanity always comes suddenly
The terrible disaster that was not invited is like a nightmare
Those who betray the past are enemies that must be destroyed
Since then, with what face and eyes are they watching our movements?
What do we have to sacrifice to destroy the demons?
There is nothing to regret when risking our lives and souls
Offer up! Offer up! Offer up your heart!
All sacrifices are for this moment
Offer up! Offer up! Offer up your heart!
Let's open up the future with our own hands
Those who lie about the past are enemies that must be hated
Since then, with what voice and words are they deceiving us?
What do we have to learn to kill the demons?
We will not waste our abilities, strategies, and everything we have
Offer up! Offer up! Offer up your heart!
All our hard work is for this moment
Offer up! Present! Present this heart!
Let's seize true victory with these hands
The monsters that came from who knows where show faces similar to humans
We will surely eradicate them without leaving a single one in this world
Who was the first to declare it? We can't even remember
There is an unforgettable anger, "we will destroy them for sure"
Ah, what kind of scene is connected to this regretful path?
However, the lives offered will bloom; a valuable and noble victory
The promised land is at the end of heaven
On that day, humanity remembers
The fear of being controlled by them
The humiliation of being trapped in a birdcage
Shoot an arrow through the twilight that carries our wings
Its trajectory will become a path to freedom
Present! Present this heart!
All the suffering is for these present moments
Present! Present this heart!
Let's turn this fleeting life into an arrow
Present! Present! Present this heart!
Let's paint a proud path with this body
That is one of the explanations of the popular meaning of sasageyo through the anime soundtrack of AOT Season 2. Hopefully, it can answer your curiosity!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.